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Mendapatkan Perangkat Lunak
Pengembangan Permainan
Menyiapkan ruang kerja macOS
Menyiapkan ruang kerja Windows 10
Menggunakan Android dan Aplikasi Android di Linux
Pengeditan Audio/Video Profesional
Pembelajaran Mesin
Keamanan Sumber Terbuka
Privasi Diferensial
Pengembangan Cloud Asli
Pengembangan DevOps
Perkembangan Bergetar
Basis Data
Ekstensi GNOME
Topik Lanjutan
Pop!_OS adalah sistem operasi (berdasarkan Ubuntu) untuk STEM dan profesional kreatif yang menggunakan komputer mereka sebagai alat untuk menemukan dan berkreasi yang dikembangkan oleh System76.
Pop!_OS COSMIC (Komponen Antarmuka Utama Sistem Operasi Komputer) adalah lingkungan desktop khusus yang dikembangkan oleh System76. Hal ini membuat navigasi alur kerja desktop Anda melalui mouse, keyboard, dan/atau trackpad menjadi lebih sederhana dan efisien.
PipeWire adalah server dan ruang pengguna API untuk menangani saluran multimedia. Ini menyediakan mesin pemrosesan berbasis grafik berlatensi rendah di atas perangkat audio dan video yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kasus penggunaan yang saat ini ditangani oleh pulseaudio dan JACK. PipeWire dirancang dengan model keamanan kuat yang memudahkan interaksi dengan perangkat audio dan video dari aplikasi dalam container. Node dalam grafik dapat diimplementasikan sebagai proses terpisah, berkomunikasi dengan soket dan bertukar konten multimedia menggunakan fd passing.
Perbedaan antara Pop!_OS dan Ubuntu
Dukungan System76 (Ajukan pertanyaan/kirim tiket)
Laptop Sistem76
Desktop System76
Muncul!_OS GitHub
Pop!_OS reddit
Popsicle adalah utilitas Linux untuk mem-flash beberapa perangkat USB secara paralel, ditulis dalam Rust.
UI es loli
Etcher adalah perangkat lunak lintas platform sumber terbuka yang memudahkan untuk mem-flash image sistem operasi ke kartu microSD atau perangkat USB.
UI penggores
Iced adalah pustaka GUI lintas platform untuk Rust yang berfokus pada kesederhanaan dan keamanan tipe. Terinspirasi oleh Elm. Fiturnya adalah model pemrograman reaktif yang aman untuk tipe API yang sederhana, mudah digunakan, dan disertakan baterai. Dukungan lintas platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, dan Web) Tata letak responsif Widget bawaan (termasuk masukan teks, yang dapat digulir, dan lagi.)
Slint adalah Toolkit UI yang cepat dan mudah Manfaat Fluid Ciptakan antarmuka pengguna yang halus dan ramah sentuhan Cross-Platform Menargetkan perangkat tertanam dan aplikasi desktop API Intuitif Multi-Bahasa dalam bahasa pemrograman favorit Anda (C++, Rust, JavaScript) Desain Cepat Iterasi dengan cepat dengan Live -Pratinjau Misi.
Open the terminal and run:
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool //let ' s you customize your desktop layout.
Open the terminal and run:
sudo ufw enable //enables firewall
sudo ufw status //checks status of firewall
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Catatan 1: Semua perangkat lunak ini juga tersedia di distribusi Linux populer lainnya seperti Debian, Linux Mint, OS dasar, Fedora, Manjaro Linux, EndeavourOS dan Arch Linux.
Catatan 2: Untuk pengguna baru yang tidak nyaman menggunakan baris perintah atau membutuhkan perangkat lunak yang tidak tersedia di Pop!_Shop, checkout bagian Aplikasi Penting untuk memulai. Selain itu, jika Anda menggulir ke bawah lebih jauh, Anda akan melihat cara mudah lainnya untuk mendapatkan aplikasi perangkat lunak melalui Flathub, Snap Store, dan AppImages.
CrossOver Linux® adalah lapisan kompatibilitas Microsoft Windows (berdasarkan WINE (Wine Bukan Emulator)). Lapisan kompatibilitas CrossOver memungkinkan ribuan aplikasi berbasis Windows berjalan di Linux, macOS, atau Chrome OS.
Editor foto Adobe Lighroom Online adalah versi web online dari Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Akun Adobe diperlukan untuk masuk ke aplikasi.
Adobe Spark(Web) adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda membuat Grafik Sosial, Video Pendek, dan Halaman Web yang keren. Akun Adobe diperlukan untuk masuk ke aplikasi.
Photopea adalah editor gambar online canggih yang mendukung format PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD dan CDR. (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Aplikasi Sketsa, Adobe XD, CorelDRAW).
Master PDF Editor adalah aplikasi yang lugas dan mudah digunakan untuk bekerja dengan dokumen PDF yang dilengkapi dengan fungsionalitas multiguna yang kuat. Dengan Master PDF Editor Anda dapat dengan mudah melihat, membuat dan memodifikasi dokumen PDF.
VMware Workstation Player adalah utilitas ideal untuk menjalankan satu mesin virtual pada PC Windows atau Linux. Organisasi menggunakan Workstation Player untuk menghadirkan desktop perusahaan yang dikelola, sementara siswa dan pendidik menggunakannya untuk pembelajaran dan pelatihan.
VMware Workstation Pro adalah standar industri untuk menjalankan beberapa sistem operasi sebagai mesin virtual (VM) pada satu PC Linux atau Windows. Profesional TI, pengembang, dan bisnis yang membuat, menguji, atau mendemonstrasikan perangkat lunak untuk perangkat, platform, atau cloud apa pun mengandalkan Workstation Pro.
WinApps untuk Linux adalah program yang menjalankan aplikasi Windows seperti Microsoft Office & Adobe di Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) dan GNOME/KDE seolah-olah keduanya adalah bagian dari OS asli, termasuk integrasi Nautilus untuk mengklik kanan pada file dengan tipe mime tertentu untuk membukanya.
Editor video DaVinci Resolve adalah solusi pengeditan video lengkap yang menggabungkan pengeditan 8K profesional, koreksi warna, efek visual, dan pasca produksi audio, semuanya dalam satu alat perangkat lunak.
Editor Reaper Audio adalah aplikasi produksi audio digital lengkap untuk komputer, menawarkan audio multitrack lengkap dan perekaman MIDI, pengeditan, pemrosesan, pencampuran, dan perangkat penguasaan.
MATLAB Online memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan MATLAB dan Simulink melalui browser web seperti Google Chrome.
Timeshift untuk Linux adalah aplikasi yang menyediakan fungsionalitas mirip dengan fitur Pemulihan Sistem di Windows dan alat Time Machine di Mac OS. Timeshift melindungi sistem Anda dengan mengambil snapshot tambahan dari sistem file secara berkala. Snapshot ini dapat dipulihkan di kemudian hari untuk membatalkan semua perubahan pada sistem.
Stacer adalah pengoptimal sistem sumber terbuka dan monitor aplikasi yang membantu pengguna mengelola seluruh sistem mereka. Juga tersedia sebagai AppImage.
Nativefier adalah alat baris perintah untuk membuat aplikasi desktop dengan mudah untuk situs web apa pun dengan konfigurasi minimal. Aplikasi dibungkus oleh Electron (yang menggunakan Chromium) dalam OS yang dapat dieksekusi (.app, .exe, dll) untuk digunakan pada Windows, macOS dan Linux.
App Outlet adalah toko aplikasi Universal (Flatpaks, Snaps, dan AppImages) yang terinspirasi oleh layanan online Linux App Store.
FlatHub adalah layanan pembuatan dan distribusi untuk aplikasi Flatpak.
Forum FlatHub
Menginstal snap di Pop!_OS
Snap Store adalah layanan pembuatan dan distribusi untuk aplikasi Snap.
Forum Snapcraft
AppImageHub adalah layanan pembuatan dan distribusi untuk aplikasi AppImage.
AppImage Manager adalah manajer paket untuk AppImages.
Forum Gambar Aplikasi
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Pengontrol Nirkabel Xbox + Kabel USB-C®
Pengontrol Xbox
Pengontrol Nirkabel PlayStation 5 DualSense™
Catatan: pastikan menggunakan Bottles untuk menjalankan firmware ini.
Pengontrol PS 5 DualSense™
Pengontrol Nintendo Switch Pro
Pengontrol Nintendo Switch Pro
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OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) adalah perangkat lunak gratis dan sumber terbuka untuk perekaman video dan streaming langsung. Streaming ke Twitch, YouTube, dan banyak penyedia lainnya atau rekam video Anda sendiri dengan pengkodean H264 / AAC berkualitas tinggi. OBS Studio menambahkan dukungan asli PipeWire dan Wayland di versi 27 .
Menginstal OBS Studio di Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg obs-studio
OBS Studio
OBS PipeWire Audio Capture adalah plugin yang menambahkan 3 sumber untuk OBS Studio untuk menangkap output audio, input, dan aplikasi menggunakan PipeWire.
OBS Scale To Sound adalah plugin untuk OBS Studio yang menambahkan filter yang membuat skala sumber berdasarkan level audio dari sumber audio mana pun yang Anda pilih.
OBS Studio Fully-loaded adalah skrip untuk sistem berbasis Ubuntu/Debian yang menginstal OBS Studio bersama dengan fitur dan plugin tambahan yang dimuat sebelumnya. Proyek ini dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Martin Wimpress.
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Steam Flatpak tersedia di FlatHub.
Steam Remote Play Together adalah layanan steam yang memungkinkan Anda berbagi game multipemain lokal Steam dengan teman melalui internet, gratis. Menggunakan Remote Play Together, satu pemain memiliki dan menjalankan game, lalu hingga empat pemain dapat bergabung.
Proton adalah alat untuk digunakan dengan klien Steam yang memungkinkan permainan eksklusif untuk Windows dijalankan di sistem operasi Linux. Ia menggunakan Wine untuk memfasilitasi hal ini.
ProtonUp-Qt adalah alat untuk menginstal dan mengelola Proton-GE dan Luxtorpeda untuk Steam dan Wine-GE untuk Lutris dengan antarmuka pengguna grafis ini. Berdasarkan ProtonUp AUNaseef, dibuat dengan Python 3 dan Qt 6.
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ProtonDB adalah kumpulan lebih dari 100.000 laporan game dari gamer lain saat mereka menguji game dengan Proton di Linux dan memberikan skor agregat tentang seberapa baik kinerja game. Semakin banyak saran yang memberikan penyesuaian yang dapat Anda coba agar game dapat berfungsi sementara Proton melanjutkan pengembangan. Selain itu, Anda dapat menjelajahi katalog game Steam di situs ini untuk menelusuri dan menemukan berbagai macam judul yang sebelumnya tidak tersedia untuk digunakan di Linux.
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Lutris adalah klien game untuk Linux. Ini memberi Anda akses ke semua video game Anda kecuali generasi konsol saat ini. Selain itu, terintegrasi dengan baik dengan toko lain seperti GOG, Steam,, Origin, Uplay, dan banyak sumber lain yang memungkinkan Anda mengimpor perpustakaan game yang ada dan skrip pemasangan yang dikelola komunitas memberi Anda pengaturan yang sepenuhnya otomatis.
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Tambahkan Toko Epic Games
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Blizzard adalah platform game online, distribusi digital, dan manajemen hak digital berbasis internet yang dikembangkan oleh Activision dan Blizzard Entertainment. adalah peluncur untuk World of Warcraft, Diablo III, StarCraft II, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch dan Call of Duty.
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EA Play adalah layanan video game berbasis langganan dari Electronic Arts untuk platform Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, dan Microsoft Windows, yang menawarkan akses ke game pilihan yang diterbitkan oleh Electronic Arts beserta insentif tambahan.
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Origin adalah platform game online, distribusi digital, dan manajemen hak digital (DRM) yang dikembangkan oleh Electronic Arts yang memungkinkan pengguna membeli game di internet untuk PC dan platform seluler, dan mengunduhnya dengan klien Origin (sebelumnya EA Download Manager, EA Downloader dan Tautan EA).
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Ubisoft Connect adalah layanan distribusi digital, manajemen hak digital, multipemain, dan komunikasi yang dibuat oleh Ubisoft untuk memberikan pengalaman serupa dengan pencapaian/piala yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai perusahaan game lainnya.
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GOG GALAXY adalah klien opsional untuk menginstal, memainkan, dan memperbarui game Anda.
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GameHub adalah perpustakaan terpadu untuk semua game Anda. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan game Anda dari berbagai platform ke dalam satu program untuk memudahkan Anda mengelola game Anda.
GameHub mendukung:
game asli untuk Linux
beberapa lapisan kompatibilitas:
beberapa platform permainan:
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Heroic adalah Peluncur Game Sumber Terbuka untuk Linux, Windows, dan macOS (untuk Game Asli dan Windows yang menggunakan Crossover). Ini mendukung peluncuran game dari Epic Games Store menggunakan Legendary, sebuah alternatif CLI untuk Epic Games Launcher. Flatpak untuk Peluncur Game Heroik
Epic Games Store adalah etalase video game digital untuk Microsoft Windows dan macOS, dioperasikan oleh Epic Games.
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Geforce SEKARANG adalah Layanan Cloud Gaming NVIDIA.
Moonlight Game Streaming adalah program yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan streaming game PC melalui Internet tanpa memerlukan konfigurasi. Streaming dari hampir semua perangkat, baik Anda berada di ruangan lain atau bermil-mil jauhnya dari perangkat gaming Anda.
Chiaki adalah Klien Perangkat Lunak Sumber Terbuka dan Gratis untuk PlayStation 4 dan PlayStation 5 Remote Play untuk Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, macOS, Windows, Nintendo Switch, dan kemungkinan lebih banyak lagi platform. Chiaki Flatpak
Xbox Cloud Gaming adalah teknologi streaming game Xbox berbasis cloud dari Microsoft (saat ini dalam versi Beta) . Mainkan game seperti Forza Horizon 4, Halo 5: Guardians, Gears of War 4, Sea of Thieves, Cuphead, Red Dead Redemption 2, dan 100+ game lainnya di perangkat seluler atau browser web Chrome Anda . Xbox Cloud Gaming memang memerlukan langganan Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
Stadia adalah platform game Google yang memungkinkan Anda langsung memainkan video game favorit di layar yang Anda miliki. Game di TV dengan Chromecast dengan Google TV, laptop, desktop, tablet, atau ponsel yang kompatibel. Stadia Pro adalah langganan ($9,99 per bulan) yang membuka semakin banyak koleksi game gratis untuk dimainkan di Stadia.
Parsec adalah platform streaming video game, yang menawarkan beragam game dan genre untuk dipilih dan menyediakan gameplay berkualitas tinggi dan lancar. Sparsec dikembangkan untuk memberikan gameplay halus berkualitas tinggi, sekaligus bebas dari semua iklan dan pembelian dalam game.
Amazon Luna adalah Layanan Cloud Gaming Amazon. Amazon Luna Kompatibel/Didukung di berbagai Perangkat dan Browser.
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EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) adalah aplikasi frontend untuk menelusuri dan meluncurkan game dari koleksi game multi-platform Anda. Ini tersedia untuk Unix/Linux, macOS (M1 & Intel) dan Windows.
Pegasus adalah antarmuka grafis lintas platform yang dapat disesuaikan untuk meluncurkan emulator dan mengelola perpustakaan game Anda (terutama game retro) dan meluncurkannya dari satu tempat. Ini berfokus pada kemampuan penyesuaian, dukungan lintas platform (termasuk perangkat tertanam) dan kinerja tinggi.
RetroPie adalah frontend untuk emulator yang memungkinkan Anda mengubah Raspberry Pi, ODroid C1/C2, atau PC menjadi mesin game retro. Ini dibangun berdasarkan Raspbian, EmulationStation, RetroArch dan banyak proyek lainnya untuk memungkinkan Anda memainkan game Arkade, konsol rumah, dan PC klasik favorit Anda dengan pengaturan minimum.
RetroArch adalah frontend untuk emulator, mesin game, dan pemutar media. Ini memungkinkan Anda menjalankan game klasik di berbagai komputer dan konsol melalui antarmuka grafisnya yang apik. Pengaturannya juga disatukan sehingga konfigurasi dilakukan sekali dan untuk selamanya. Pak Datar RetroArch
Dolphin adalah emulator untuk dua konsol video game Nintendo terbaru: GameCube dan Wii. Hal ini memungkinkan gamer PC menikmati game untuk kedua konsol ini dalam full HD (1080p) dengan beberapa peningkatan: kompatibilitas dengan semua pengontrol PC, kecepatan turbo, multipemain jaringan, dan banyak lagi. Paket Datar Lumba-lumba
Citra adalah emulator sumber terbuka untuk Nintendo 3DS yang mampu memainkan banyak game favorit Anda. Citra Flatpak
yuzu adalah emulator sumber terbuka eksperimental untuk Nintendo Switch dari pencipta Citra.Yuzu Flatpak
m64p adalah Emulator Nintendo 64. Ia menggunakan mupen64plus-gui, frontend mupen64plus baru yang ditulis dalam Qt5. Ini mendukung semua hal yang Anda harapkan dari frontend (manajemen savestate, jeda, tangkapan layar). m64p Pak datar
DeSmuME adalah emulator Nintendo DS. Paket Datar DeSmuME
Snes9x adalah emulator Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) portabel dan gratis. Paket Datar Snes9x
bsnes adalah emulator Super Nintendo (SNES) yang berfokus pada performa, fitur, dan kemudahan penggunaan. bsnes flatpak
mGBA adalah emulator baru untuk menjalankan game Game Boy Advance. Ini bertujuan untuk menjadi lebih cepat dan akurat daripada banyak emulator Game Boy Advance yang ada, serta menambahkan fitur yang tidak dimiliki emulator lain. mGBA Flatpak
DOSBox adalah emulator DOS sumber terbuka yang fokus utamanya menjalankan Game DOS.
DOSBox Staging adalah emulator CPU x86 lengkap (tidak bergantung pada arsitektur host), yang mampu menjalankan program DOS yang memerlukan mode nyata atau terlindungi. Flatpak Pementasan DOSBox
Flycast adalah emulator Sega Dreamcast, Naomi dan Atomiswave multi-platform yang berasal dari reicast. Flatpak Flycast
DuckStation adalah simulator/emulator konsol Sony PlayStation 1, yang berfokus pada kemampuan bermain, kecepatan, dan pemeliharaan jangka panjang. Tersedia sebagai Flatpak di Flathub.
PCSX2 adalah 'emulator' PlayStation 2, sebuah program gratis yang mencoba mereplikasi konsol PlayStation 2 agar Anda dapat memainkan game PS2 di PC Anda. Paket Datar PCSX2
RPCS3 adalah emulator dan debugger Sony PlayStation 3 sumber terbuka eksperimental yang ditulis dalam C++ untuk Windows dan Linux. RPCS3 mulai dikembangkan pada Mei 2011 oleh pendirinya DH dan Hykem. Emulator saat ini mampu menjalankan lebih dari 1800 judul komersial yang didukung oleh Vulkan dan OpenGL. Paket Datar RPCS3
MAME adalah Emulator Mesin Arkade.
xemu adalah emulator Xbox asli.
Xenia adalah Emulator Xbox 360.
Periksa juga subreddit ini untuk rekomendasi Emulator Game hebat lainnya
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Bottles adalah alat perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan Anda menjalankan perangkat lunak Windows di Linux. Sistem instalasi ketergantungan bawaannya memberikan akses kompatibilitas perangkat lunak otomatis. Pengelola unduhan dapat mengunduh komponen resmi seperti: pelari (Wine, Proton), DXVK, dependensi, dll. Tersedia di FlatHub.
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GreenWithEnvy (GWE) adalah utilitas sistem GTK yang dirancang oleh Roberto Leinardi untuk memberikan informasi, mengontrol kipas, dan melakukan overclock kartu video NVIDIA Anda untuk kinerja yang lebih baik. Tersedia sebagai Flatpak di FlatHub.
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AMD FidelityFX Super Resolusi (FSR) adalah solusi open source berkualitas tinggi untuk menghasilkan frame resolusi tinggi dari input resolusi lebih rendah. FSR memungkinkan “kinerja praktis” untuk operasi render yang mahal, seperti ray tracing perangkat keras untuk arsitektur AMD RDNA™ dan AMD RDNA™ 2.
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolusi (FSR) 2.0 adalah solusi open source berkualitas tinggi untuk menghasilkan frame resolusi tinggi dari input resolusi lebih rendah. Ini menggunakan data temporal dan anti-aliasing yang dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan framerate dalam game yang didukung sekaligus memberikan kualitas gambar yang serupa atau lebih baik daripada resolusi asli.
AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan® adalah driver Vulkan sumber terbuka untuk adaptor grafis Radeon™ di Linux®. Itu dibangun di atas Platform Abstraksi Library (PAL) AMD, sebuah komponen bersama yang dirancang untuk merangkum detail pemrograman spesifik perangkat keras dan OS tertentu untuk banyak driver 3D dan komputasi AMD.
Vulkan® Memory Allocator (VMA) adalah perpustakaan yang menyediakan API yang sederhana dan mudah diintegrasikan untuk membantu Anda mengalokasikan memori untuk buffer Vulkan® dan penyimpanan gambar.
Radeon™ Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) adalah alat yang menyelidiki kinerja aplikasi raytracing Anda dan menyoroti potensi kemacetan.
Radeon™ GPU Profiler adalah alat pengoptimalan tingkat rendah yang memberikan informasi mendetail tentang GPU Radeon™.
Radeon™ GPU Analyzer adalah compiler offline dan alat analisis kinerja untuk DirectX®, Vulkan®, SPIR-V™, OpenGL®, dan OpenCL™. Ini dapat digunakan bersama dengan RGP, RMV, dan RDP.
Radeon™ Developer Panel (RDP) adalah bagian penting dari Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite. Ini menyediakan saluran komunikasi yang mengirimkan permintaan ke, dan menerima data dari, driver AMD Radeon™.
Radeon™ Memory Visualizer (RMV) adalah alat canggih yang memungkinkan pengguna menganalisis penggunaan memori video pada GPU AMD Radeon.
Visualisasi Memori Radeon™ (RMV)
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Persyaratan versi untuk perangkat keras DG2/Alchemist di Linux:
Catatan: Dengan Linux 6.0, dukungan kelas DG2 tidak diekspos secara default tetapi memerlukan pengaturan opsi modul i915.force_probe=[PCI-ID] untuk memaksa driver menginisialisasi kartu grafis. Masalah ini akan diselesaikan dengan Kernel Linux 6.2.
Pada sistem berbasis Debian:
sudo dmesg | grep -i i915
Pada sistem berbasis Arch Linux:
su dmesg | grep -i i915
Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) adalah teknologi rendering AI peningkatan gambar temporal yang meningkatkan kinerja grafis mirip dengan DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) NVIDIA. Arsitektur Arc GPU Intel (Musim Gugur 2022) akan memiliki GPU yang dilengkapi Xe-core khusus untuk menjalankan XeSS. GPU akan memiliki mesin Xe Matrix eXtenstions Matrix (XMX) untuk pemrosesan AI yang dipercepat perangkat keras. XeSS akan dapat berjalan di perangkat tanpa XMX, termasuk grafis terintegrasi, namun performa XeSS akan lebih rendah pada kartu grafis non-Intel karena didukung oleh instruksi DP4a.
Ikhtisar GPU Intel ARC. Kredit: Intel
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OpenRazer adalah kumpulan driver Linux untuk perangkat Razer - menyediakan driver kernel, layanan DBus, dan binding Python untuk berinteraksi dengan antarmuka DBus.
OpenRGB adalah Kit Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak berbasis jaringan, yang memungkinkan perangkat lunak pihak ketiga mengontrol semua RGB Anda. Hal ini memungkinkan integrasi game, visualisasi musik, pencahayaan sekitar, dan hal lain yang dapat Anda bayangkan. Mendukung ASUS, ASRock, Corsair, G.Skill, Gigabyte, HyperX, MSI, Razer, ThermalTake, dan banyak lagi.
GX52 adalah aplikasi GTK yang dirancang untuk memberikan kontrol pada LED dan MFD Logitech X52 dan X52 Pro HOTAS
Coolero adalah program untuk memantau dan mengontrol perangkat pendingin Anda. Ia menawarkan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah digunakan dengan berbagai fitur kontrol dan juga memberikan detail kinerja termal langsung.
Piper adalah aplikasi GTK frontend untuk mengonfigurasi perangkat game (terutama Gaming Mice).
StreamDeck-UI adalah UI yang kompatibel dengan Linux untuk Elgato Stream Deck.
Asusctl adalah daemon kontrol, alat CLI, dan kumpulan peti untuk berinteraksi dengan laptop ASUS ROG.
MangoHud adalah overlay Vulkan dan OpenGL untuk memantau FPS, suhu, beban CPU/GPU, dan banyak lagi.
GOverlay adalah proyek sumber terbuka yang bertujuan untuk membuat UI Grafis untuk mengelola overlay Vulkan/OpenGL. Ini masih dalam pengembangan awal.
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Geekbench 6 adalah tolok ukur lintas platform yang mengukur kinerja sistem Anda hanya dengan menekan satu tombol.
Rangkaian Tes Phoronix
UNIGINE Superposition adalah uji kinerja dan stabilitas ekstrem untuk perangkat keras PC: kartu video, catu daya, sistem pendingin.
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WINE(Wine Is Not an Emulator) adalah lapisan kompatibilitas yang mampu menjalankan aplikasi Windows di beberapa sistem operasi yang mendukung POSIX, seperti Linux, macOS, & BSD. Alih-alih menyimulasikan logika internal Windows seperti mesin virtual atau emulator, Wine menerjemahkan panggilan API Windows menjadi panggilan POSIX dengan cepat, menghilangkan penalti kinerja dan memori dari metode lain dan memungkinkan Anda mengintegrasikan aplikasi Windows dengan rapi ke dalam desktop Anda.
Winetricks adalah cara mudah untuk mengatasi masalah di Wine.
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Unity adalah platform pengembangan game lintas platform. Gunakan Unity untuk membuat game 3D dan 2D berkualitas tinggi, terapkan di perangkat seluler, desktop, VR/AR, konsol, atau Web, dan terhubung dengan pemain dan pelanggan setia dan antusias.
Pusat Persatuan
Unreal Engine 4 adalah mesin game yang dikembangkan oleh Epic Games dengan alat pembuatan 3D real-time paling terbuka dan canggih di dunia. Terus berkembang untuk memenuhi tidak hanya tujuan awalnya sebagai mesin permainan yang canggih, kini mesin ini memberikan kebebasan dan kendali kepada para pencipta di seluruh industri untuk menghadirkan konten mutakhir, pengalaman interaktif, dan dunia virtual yang imersif.
Pengembangan Game Linux di Unreal Engine 4
Godot Engine adalah mesin permainan lintas platform yang penuh fitur untuk membuat game 2D dan 3D dari antarmuka terpadu. Ini menyediakan seperangkat alat umum yang komprehensif, sehingga pengguna dapat fokus membuat game tanpa harus memikirkan kembali cara kerjanya. Game dapat diekspor dalam satu klik ke sejumlah platform, termasuk platform desktop utama (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) serta platform seluler (Android, iOS) dan berbasis web (HTML5).
Jika Anda ingin menyumbang ke Proyek Godot
Blender adalah rangkaian pembuatan 3D sumber terbuka dan gratis. Ini mendukung keseluruhan pipeline 3D—pemodelan, rigging, animasi, simulasi, rendering, pengomposisian dan pelacakan gerak, pengeditan video, dan pipeline animasi 2D.
Jika Anda ingin menyumbang ke Proyek Blender
Unigine adalah mesin permainan lintas platform yang dirancang untuk tim pengembangan (pemrogram C++/C#, seniman 3D) yang mengerjakan aplikasi 3D interaktif.
GameMaker Studio 2 adalah inkarnasi GameMaker terbaru dan terhebat. Ia memiliki semua yang Anda perlukan untuk mewujudkan ide Anda mulai dari konsep hingga permainan jadi. Tanpa hambatan untuk masuk dan fungsionalitas yang kuat, GameMaker Studio 2 adalah lingkungan pengembangan 2D terbaik.
Menyiapkan GameMaker Studio Untuk Ubuntu
Panda3D adalah mesin permainan, kerangka kerja untuk rendering 3D dan pengembangan game untuk program Python dan C++, yang dikembangkan oleh Disney dan CMU. Panda3D adalah sumber terbuka dan gratis untuk tujuan apa pun, termasuk usaha komersial.
Source 2 adalah mesin video game 3D yang dikembangkan oleh Valve sebagai penerus Source. Ini digunakan di Dota 2, Artifact, Dota Underlords, bagian dari The Lab, SteamVR Home, dan Half-Life: Alyx.
Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) adalah API yang digunakan di berbagai bahasa pemrograman dan platform untuk rendering grafis vektor 2D/3D yang dipercepat perangkat keras yang saat ini dikembangkan oleh Khronos Group.
Open Computing Language (OpenCL) adalah standar terbuka untuk pemrograman paralel platform heterogen yang terdiri dari CPU, GPU, dan akselerator perangkat keras lainnya yang ditemukan di superkomputer, server cloud, komputer pribadi, perangkat seluler, dan platform tertanam.
OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) adalah Bahasa Shading Tingkat Tinggi berdasarkan bahasa gaya C, sehingga mencakup sebagian besar fitur yang diharapkan pengguna dengan bahasa tersebut. Seperti struktur kontrol (for-loop, pernyataan if-else, dll) yang ada di GLSL, termasuk pernyataan switch.
Bahasa Bayangan Tingkat Tinggi (HLSL) adalah Bahasa Bayangan Tingkat Tinggi untuk DirectX. Dengan menggunakan HLSL, pengguna dapat membuat shader yang dapat diprogram seperti C untuk pipeline Direct3D. HLSL pertama kali dibuat dengan DirectX 9 untuk menyiapkan pipeline 3D yang dapat diprogram.
Vulkan adalah API grafis dan komputasi lintas platform modern yang memberikan akses lintas platform berefisiensi tinggi ke GPU modern yang digunakan di berbagai perangkat mulai dari PC dan konsol hingga ponsel dan platform tertanam. Vulkan saat ini sedang dalam pengembangan oleh konsorsium Khronos.
MoltenVK adalah implementasi Vulkan yang berjalan di iOS dan macOS menggunakan kerangka grafis Metal Apple.
MoltenGL adalah implementasi OpenGL ES 2.0 API yang berjalan pada kerangka grafis Metal Apple.
NVIDIA Omniverse adalah platform simulasi dan kolaborasi real-time yang kuat, multi-GPU, untuk jalur produksi 3D berdasarkan Deskripsi Pemandangan Universal Pixar dan NVIDIA RTX.
HGIG adalah grup sukarelawan yang terdiri dari perusahaan-perusahaan dari industri game dan layar TV yang bertemu untuk menetapkan dan menyediakan pedoman bagi publik untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game konsumen dalam HDR.
Three.js adalah Perpustakaan JavaScript Cross-Browser dan Antarmuka Pemrograman Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membuat dan menampilkan grafik komputer 3D animasi di browser web menggunakan WebGL.
Superpowers adalah aplikasi HTML5 yang dapat diunduh untuk proyek kolaboratif real-time. Anda dapat menggunakannya solo seperti pembuat game offline reguler, atau mengatur kata sandi dan membiarkan teman bergabung di proyek Anda melalui browser web mereka.
SteamVR untuk Linux adalah alat utama untuk mengalami konten VR pada perangkat keras pilihan Anda. SteamVR mendukung indeks katup, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, headset Windows Mixed Reality, dan lainnya.
Rumah steamvr
OpenVR adalah API dan runtime yang memungkinkan akses ke perangkat keras VR (indeks Steam, HTC Vive, dan Oculus Rift) dari beberapa vendor tanpa mengharuskan aplikasi memiliki pengetahuan khusus tentang perangkat keras yang mereka targetkan.
OpenVR Benchmark on Steam adalah alat tolok ukur pertama untuk menguji kinerja VR Anda yang nyata, merender di dalam headset VR Anda.
OpenHMD adalah API open source dan driver yang mendukung berbagai perangkat HMD (tampilan kepala-terpasang) seperti Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Sony PSVR, dan lainnya.
OpenXR adalah standar gratis dan terbuka yang menyediakan akses berkinerja tinggi ke augmented reality (AR) dan virtual reality (VR) yang secara kolektif dikenal sebagai XR-platform dan perangkat.
Monado adalah runtime OpenXR ™ pertama untuk GNU/Linux. Monado bertujuan untuk memulai pengembangan ekosistem XR open source dan menyediakan blok bangunan mendasar untuk vendor perangkat untuk menargetkan platform GNU/Linux.
Libsurvive adalah satu set alat dan perpustakaan yang memungkinkan pelacakan 6 DOF pada mercusuar dan sistem berbasis Vive yang sepenuhnya open source dan dapat berjalan pada perangkat apa pun. Saat ini mendukung generasi perangkat SteamVR 1.0 dan SteamVR 2.0 dan harus mendukung objek yang dilacak yang tersedia secara komersial.
Simula adalah manajer jendela VR untuk Linux yang berjalan di atas Godot. Dibutuhkan kurang dari 1 menit untuk menginstal. Simula secara resmi kompatibel dengan headset SteamVR yang dilengkapi dengan driver Linux (misalnya HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, & Indeks Katup). Kami juga telah menambahkan dukungan eksperimental ke headset OpenXR yang memiliki pengemudi Monado (mis. Bintang Utara, OSVR HDK, dan PSVR). Beberapa orang mendapatkan Oculus Rift S untuk menjalankan Simula melalui OpenHMD (lihat di sini).
Unreal Online Learning adalah platform pembelajaran gratis yang menawarkan kursus video langsung dan jalur pembelajaran yang dipandu.
Program Pelatihan Resmi Mesin Unreal
Mesin yang tidak nyata untuk pendidikan
Pelatihan & Simulasi Mesin Unreal
Sertifikasi Persatuan
Memulai dengan Vulkan
Kursus Online Desain Game dari Udemy
Desain Game Kursus Online dari Skillshare
Pelajari Desain Game dengan Kursus dan Kelas Online dari EDX
Kursus Desain Game dari Coursera
Kursus Desain dan Pengembangan Game dari Coursera
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Open the terminal and run:
sudo apt install qemu uml-utilities virt-manager dmg2img git wget libguestfs-tools p7zip
Sosumi adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda mengunduh dan menginstal macOS di VM. Aplikasi didasarkan pada macOS-Simple-KVM.
OpenCore untuk MacOS
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Open the terminal and run:
sudo apt install qemu uml-utilities virt-manager gnome-boxes
Gnome Boxes adalah aplikasi yang memberi Anda akses ke mesin virtual, berjalan secara lokal atau jarak jauh. Ini juga memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung ke tampilan komputer jarak jauh.
OpenCore untuk Windows 10
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Android Studio adalah suite pengembangan untuk sistem operasi Android Google (OS). Ini dibangun di atas perangkat lunak Idea IntelliJ JetBrains dan dirancang khusus untuk pengembangan Android. Ini tersedia untuk diunduh di Windows, MacOS dan Linux.
Android Virtual Device (AVD) adalah konfigurasi di Android Studio yang mendefinisikan karakteristik ponsel Android, tablet, Wear OS, TV Android, atau perangkat OS otomotif yang ingin Anda simulasikan dalam emulator Android. Android Emulator mensimulasikan perangkat Android di komputer Anda sehingga Anda dapat menguji aplikasi Anda pada berbagai perangkat dan level API Android tanpa perlu memiliki setiap perangkat fisik.
Waydroid adalah pendekatan berbasis kontainer untuk mem-boot sistem Android penuh pada sistem Linux biasa. Lingkungan runtime Android dikirimkan dengan gambar sistem Android yang disesuaikan minimal berdasarkan garis keturunan. Gambar saat ini didasarkan pada Android 10.
Anbox adalah aplikasi yang menyediakan pendekatan berbasis kontainer untuk mem-boot sistem Android penuh pada sistem GNU/Linux biasa seperti Ubuntu, Debian Fedora, dan OpenSUSE.
Anbox Cloud adalah platform komputasi cloud seluler yang dikirim oleh Canonical. Jalankan Android di cloud, pada skala tinggi dan pada semua jenis perangkat keras.
Genymotion adalah emulator Android yang sangat cepat. Program itu sendiri didasarkan pada VirtualBox dan dikenal karena kecepatannya yang cepat dan berguna untuk menjalankan aplikasi Android pada desktop Windows, Mac dan Linux.
Perangkat virtual lokal dengan kinerja tinggi.
SCRCPY adalah aplikasi oleh Genymotion yang menyediakan tampilan dan kontrol perangkat Android yang terhubung pada USB (atau lebih dari TCP/IP). Itu tidak memerlukan akses root dan berfungsi pada GNU/Linux, Windows dan MacOS. Perangkat Android membutuhkan setidaknya API 21 (Android 5.0).
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H.264 (AVC) adalah standar kompresi video berdasarkan pengkodean integer-DCT yang berorientasi blok dan kompensasi gerak yang mendefinisikan beberapa profil (alat) dan level (bitrate dan resolusi maks) dengan dukungan hingga 8k.
H.265 (HEVC) adalah standar kompresi video yang merupakan penerus H.264 (AVC). Ini menawarkan kompresi data 25% hingga 50% yang lebih baik pada tingkat kualitas video yang sama, atau kualitas video yang ditingkatkan pada tingkat bit yang sama.
FFMPEG adalah kerangka kerja multimedia terkemuka yang dapat mendekode, mengkode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, dan memainkan hampir semua hal yang dibuat manusia dan mesin. Ini mendukung format kuno yang paling tidak jelas hingga yang canggih pada beberapa platform seperti Windows, MacOS, dan Linux.
Handbrake adalah alat untuk transcoding video dari hampir semua format dengan pilihan codec yang didukung secara luas. Ini didukung di jendela, macOS, dan Linux.
Streaming adaptif dinamis melalui HTTP (DASH) adalah protokol streaming adaptif yang memungkinkan aliran video untuk beralih di antara laju bit berdasarkan kinerja jaringan, untuk menjaga video diputar.
OpenMax ™ adalah API lintas platform yang menyediakan codec media streaming yang komprehensif dan portabilitas aplikasi dengan memungkinkan komponen multimedia yang dipercepat untuk dikembangkan, diintegrasikan, dan diprogram di berbagai sistem operasi dan platform silikon.
DaVinci Resolve adalah satu -satunya solusi di dunia yang menggabungkan pengeditan 8K profesional, koreksi warna, efek visual dan audio pasca produksi semua dalam satu alat perangkat lunak! Anda dapat langsung bergerak antara pengeditan, warna, efek, dan audio dengan satu klik. DaVinci Resolve Studio juga merupakan satu -satunya solusi yang dirancang untuk kolaborasi multi pengguna sehingga editor, asisten, pewarna, seniman VFX dan desainer suara semuanya dapat bekerja secara langsung pada proyek yang sama pada saat yang sama.
Blender hadir dengan editor urutan video bawaan memungkinkan Anda melakukan tindakan dasar seperti pemotongan video dan splicing, serta tugas yang lebih kompleks seperti masking video atau penilaian warna. Editor video meliputi: Live Preview, Luma Waveform, Chroma Vectorscope dan Histogram Displays. Pencampuran audio, sinkronisasi, menggosok dan visualisasi bentuk gelombang.
KdenLive adalah alat pengeditan video open source yang mendukung file multimedia tanpa batas. Ini didasarkan pada kerangka kerja MLT, KDE dan Qt. Orang -orang yang mencari alat pengeditan video yang sangat fleksibel yang dikemas dengan fitur. Rilis 20.08 terbaru keluar dengan fitur -fitur bagus seperti tata letak antarmuka, beberapa dukungan aliran audio, manajemen data yang di -cache, dan zoombar dalam monitor klip dan panel efek tetapi orang mungkin berpendapat bahwa sorotan dari rilis ini adalah peningkatan stabilitas dan antarmuka.
OpenShot adalah alat pengeditan video open-source yang dirancang untuk pengguna baru di lingkungan pengeditan. Ini memiliki fitur sederhana seperti fungsi drag-and-drop sederhana, ia menyediakan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah digunakan dan cepat belajar. Editor video yang kuat menawarkan banyak cara yang efisien untuk memotong dan memotong video Anda. Anda dapat dengan bebas menggunakan trek tanpa batas, mesin efek video, editor judul, animasi 3D, gerakan lambat, dan efek waktu. Ini mendukung codec video yang umum digunakan yang didukung oleh FFMPEG seperti WebM (VP9), AVCHD (LIBX264), HEVC (LIBX265) dan codec audio seperti MP3 (Libmp3Lame) dan AAC (LIBFAAC). Program ini dapat membuat video MPEG4, OGV, Blu-ray dan DVD, dan video HD full untuk mengunggah ke situs web video internet seperti YouTube.
LightWorks adalah aplikasi pengeditan video non-linear untuk mengedit dan menguasai video digital yang digunakan oleh industri film. Edisi profesionalnya telah digunakan untuk hit box office, seperti Pulau Rana, Fiksi Pulp, dan Mission Impossible. Intimidasi Antarmuka Pengguna. Seperti editor video profesional, seperti Adobe Premiere Pro, LightWorks agak rumit untuk digunakan untuk pengguna baru.
Shotcut adalah editor video multi-platform open source. Anda dapat melakukan berbagai tindakan seperti pengeditan video (termasuk kualitas video 4K), menambahkan efek, membuat film baru, mengimpor sebagian besar format file gambar, mengekspor ke hampir semua format file dan banyak lagi.
Olive adalah editor video non-linear gratis yang bertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif lengkap untuk perangkat lunak pengeditan video profesional kelas atas.
Natron adalah kompositor digital yang kuat yang dapat menangani semua kebutuhan 2D/2.5D Anda. Format file OIIO yang kuat dan arsitektur OpenFX adalah apa yang menjadikan Natron kompositor open source yang paling fleksibel untuk komunitas Efek Visual. Antarmuka dan fungsionalnya sama di semua platform seperti macOS, Linux dan Windows.
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) adalah perangkat lunak bebas dan open source untuk perekaman video dan streaming langsung. Streaming ke Twitch, YouTube dan banyak penyedia lain atau merekam video Anda sendiri dengan pengkodean H264 / AAC berkualitas tinggi.
Reaper adalah aplikasi produksi audio digital lengkap untuk komputer, menawarkan audio multitrack lengkap dan perekaman, pengeditan, pemrosesan, pencampuran dan penguasaan toolset. Reaser mendukung berbagai perangkat keras, format digital dan plugin, dan dapat diperluas, ditulis secara komprehensif dan dan ditulis dan ditulis dan secara komprehensif dan ditulis dan secara komprehensif, dan skrip, dan skrip secara komprehensif, dan skrip secara komprehensif dan secara komprehensif dan secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif secara komprehensif dimodifikasi.
Jack Audio Connection Kit alias Jack adalah daemon server suara profesional yang menyediakan koneksi waktu nyata dan latensi rendah untuk data audio dan MIDI antara aplikasi yang mengimplementasikan API-nya. Jack dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengirim data audio melalui jaringan ke mesin "master", yang kemudian mengeluarkan audio ke perangkat fisik. Ini dapat berguna untuk mencampur audio dari sejumlah komputer "budak" tanpa memerlukan kabel tambahan atau mixer perangkat keras, dan menjaga jalur audio digital selama mungkin.
Bitwig Studio adalah workstation audio digital yang memiliki alur kerja linier dan non-linear untuk desain suara, perekaman, kinerja langsung, dan banyak lagi. Bersama dengan 90+ instrumen, efek, dan alat kreatif lainnya. Ini didukung Windows, MacOS, dan Linux.
PipeWire adalah API server dan ruang pengguna untuk menangani pipa multimedia. Ini menyediakan mesin pemrosesan berbasis latensi rendah, di atas perangkat audio dan video yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kasus penggunaan yang saat ini ditangani oleh Pulseaudio dan Jack. Pipewire dirancang dengan model keamanan yang kuat yang membuat berinteraksi dengan perangkat audio dan video dari aplikasi yang dikemas. Node dalam grafik dapat diimplementasikan sebagai proses terpisah, berkomunikasi dengan soket dan bertukar konten multimedia menggunakan FD Passing.
Yabridge adalah cara modern dan transparan untuk menggunakan plugin Windows VST2 dan VST3 di Linux. Yabridge dengan mulus mendukung menggunakan plugin 32-bit dan 64-bit Windows VST2 dan VST3 dalam host Linux VST 64-bit seolah-olah mereka adalah plugin asli VST2 dan VST3, dengan dukungan opsional untuk grup plugin untuk memungkinkan komunikasi antar-plugin untuk VST2 plugin dan waktu startup yang cepat.
Sonobus adalah aplikasi yang mudah digunakan untuk streaming audio peer-to-peer berkualitas tinggi dan berkualitas tinggi antara perangkat melalui internet atau jaringan lokal.
Avid Pro Tools adalah perangkat lunak produksi audio standar industri untuk penulis lagu, musisi, produser, dan insinyur.
LMMS adalah program aplikasi workstation audio digital open source. Ketika LMMS dipasangkan dengan perangkat keras komputer yang sesuai, itu memungkinkan musik untuk diproduksi dengan mengatur sampel, mensintesis suara, diputar pada keyboard MIDI, dan menggabungkan fitur pelacak dan sequencer. Dikembangkan oleh Paul Giblock dan Tobias Junghans, program ini adalah singkatan dari "Linux Multimedia Studio" dan mendukung plugin praktis yang memungkinkannya bekerja pada sistem operasi yang berbeda.
Ardor adalah sumber terbuka, upaya kolaboratif dari tim di seluruh dunia termasuk musisi, programmer, dan insinyur rekaman profesional. Pengembangan transparan - siapa pun dapat menonton pekerjaan kami saat itu terjadi. Seperti sepotong perangkat keras vintage yang bagus, Anda dapat membuka kotak dan melihat ke dalam.
Audacity adalah editor dan perekam audio multi-track yang mudah digunakan untuk Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux dan sistem operasi lainnya. Dikembangkan oleh sekelompok sukarelawan sebagai open source dan ditawarkan secara gratis. Komunitas pendukung yang luar biasa.
Glimpse adalah editor grafis raster lintas platform berdasarkan program manipulasi gambar GNU yang tersedia untuk Linux, MacOS, dan Windows. Alat yang bagus untuk membuat thumbnail video YouTube.
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Kubernetes (K8S) adalah sistem sumber terbuka untuk mengotomatisasi penyebaran, penskalaan, dan pengelolaan aplikasi yang dikemas.
Membangun kluster yang sangat mudah tersinggung (HA) dengan Kubeadm. Sumber:, 2020
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) adalah lingkungan yang dikelola dan siap-produksi untuk menjalankan aplikasi yang dikemas.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) adalah kubernet tanpa server, dengan pengalaman integrasi kontinu dan pengiriman kontinu (CI/CD) yang terintegrasi, dan keamanan dan tata kelola tingkat perusahaan. Bersatu tim pengembangan dan operasi Anda pada satu platform untuk membangun, memberikan, dan skala aplikasi dengan cepat dengan percaya diri.
Amazon EKS adalah alat yang menjalankan instance pesawat kontrol Kubernetes di berbagai zona ketersediaan untuk memastikan ketersediaan tinggi.
AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) adalah alat baru yang memungkinkan Anda mengelola layanan AWS secara langsung dari Kubernetes. ACK membuatnya mudah untuk membangun aplikasi Kubernetes yang dapat diskalakan dan sangat tersedia yang menggunakan layanan AWS.
Mesin Kontainer untuk Kubernetes (Oke) adalah layanan orkestrasi kontainer yang dikelola Oracle yang dapat mengurangi waktu dan biaya untuk membangun aplikasi cloud asli modern. Tidak seperti kebanyakan vendor lainnya, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure menyediakan mesin kontainer untuk Kubernet sebagai layanan gratis yang berjalan pada komputasi berkinerja lebih tinggi dan lebih murah.
Anthos adalah platform manajemen aplikasi modern yang menyediakan pengalaman pengembangan dan operasi yang konsisten untuk lingkungan cloud dan di tempat.
Red Hat OpenShift adalah platform Kubernetes yang dikelola sepenuhnya yang menyediakan fondasi untuk penyebaran di tempat, hibrida, dan multicloud.
OKD adalah distribusi komunitas Kubernetes yang dioptimalkan untuk pengembangan aplikasi berkelanjutan dan penyebaran multi-penyewa. OKD menambahkan alat pengembang dan operasi-sentris di atas Kubernetes untuk memungkinkan pengembangan aplikasi yang cepat, penyebaran dan penskalaan yang mudah, dan pemeliharaan siklus hidup jangka panjang untuk tim kecil dan besar.
ODO adalah alat CLI yang cepat, berulang, dan langsung untuk pengembang yang menulis, membangun, dan menggunakan aplikasi pada Kubernetes dan OpenShift.
Operator Kata adalah operator untuk melakukan manajemen siklus hidup (instal/upgrade/uninstall) dari runtime Kata di OpenShift serta kluster Kubernetes.
Thanos adalah satu set komponen yang dapat disusun ke dalam sistem metrik yang sangat tersedia dengan kapasitas penyimpanan tanpa batas, yang dapat ditambahkan dengan mulus di atas penyebaran Prometheus yang ada.
OpenShift Hive adalah operator yang berjalan sebagai layanan di atas Kubernetes/OpenShift. Layanan Hive dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan dan melakukan konfigurasi awal kelompok OpenShift 4.
Rook adalah alat yang mengubah sistem penyimpanan terdistribusi menjadi layanan penyimpanan yang mengelola diri sendiri, skala diri, dan penyembuhan diri. Ini mengotomatiskan tugas -tugas administrator penyimpanan: penyebaran, bootstrap, konfigurasi, penyediaan, penskalaan, peningkatan, migrasi, pemulihan bencana, pemantauan, dan manajemen sumber daya.
VMware Tanzu adalah platform manajemen terpusat untuk mengoperasikan secara konsisten dan mengamankan infrastruktur Kubernetes Anda dan aplikasi modern di berbagai tim dan awan swasta/publik.
Kubespray adalah alat yang menggabungkan Kubernetes dan Ansible untuk dengan mudah memasang kluster Kubernetes yang dapat digunakan pada AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, Packet (Bare Metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Experimental), atau Baremetal.
KubeInit menyediakan buku pedoman dan peran yang tidak jelas untuk penyebaran dan konfigurasi beberapa distribusi Kubernetes.
Rancher adalah tumpukan perangkat lunak lengkap untuk tim yang mengadopsi kontainer. Ini membahas tantangan operasional dan keamanan dalam mengelola beberapa kluster Kubernetes, sambil memberikan tim DevOps dengan alat terintegrasi untuk menjalankan beban kerja yang dikemas.
K3S adalah distribusi Kubernetes bersertifikat yang sangat tersedia yang dirancang untuk beban kerja produksi di lokasi terpencil yang tidak dijaga, dibatasi sumber daya, atau peralatan IoT di dalam.
Helm adalah alat manajer paket Kubernetes yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menginstal dan mengelola aplikasi Kubernetes.
Knative adalah platform berbasis Kubernetes untuk membangun, menggunakan, dan mengelola beban kerja tanpa server modern. Knative menangani detail overhead operasional jaringan, autoscaling (bahkan ke nol), dan pelacakan revisi.
Kubeflow adalah alat yang didedikasikan untuk membuat penyebaran alur kerja Machine Learning (ML) pada Kubernetes sederhana, portabel, dan dapat diskalakan.
ETCD adalah toko nilai kunci terdistribusi yang menyediakan cara yang dapat diandalkan untuk menyimpan data yang perlu diakses oleh sistem terdistribusi atau gugus mesin. ETCD digunakan sebagai backend untuk penemuan layanan dan menyimpan status cluster dan konfigurasi untuk Kubernetes.
Openebs adalah alat berbasis Kubernetes untuk membuat aplikasi stateful menggunakan penyimpanan yang terpasang wadah.
Container Storage Interface (CSI) adalah API yang memungkinkan platform orkestrasi wadah seperti Kubernetes berkomunikasi dengan data yang tersimpan melalui plug-in.
Microk8s adalah alat yang memberikan pengalaman penuh Kubernetes. Dalam penyebaran yang sepenuhnya dimasukkan dengan pembaruan over-the-air yang terkompresi untuk operasi yang sangat dapat diandalkan. Ini didukung di Linux, Windows, dan MacOS.
Charmed Kubernetes adalah platform Kubernetes yang terintegrasi dengan baik, turn-key, dan sesuai, dioptimalkan untuk lingkungan multi-cloud Anda yang dikembangkan oleh kanonik.
Aplikasi Grafana Kubernetes adalah tol yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau kinerja kluster Kubernetes Anda. Ini termasuk 4 dasbor, cluster, node, pod/wadah dan penyebaran. Ini memungkinkan untuk penyebaran otomatis eksportir Prometheus yang diperlukan dan konfigurasi goresan default untuk digunakan dengan penyebaran prometheus dalam cluster Anda.
Kubeedge adalah sistem open source untuk memperluas kemampuan orkestrasi aplikasi wadah asli ke host di tepi. Ini dibangun di atas Kubernetes dan memberikan dukungan infrastruktur mendasar untuk jaringan, APP. Sinkronisasi Penyebaran dan Metadata antara Cloud dan Edge.
Lensa adalah ide paling kuat bagi orang -orang yang perlu berurusan dengan kluster Kubernetes setiap hari. Ini memiliki dukungan untuk sistem operasi MacOS, Windows dan Linux.
Jenis adalah alat untuk menjalankan kelompok Kubernetes lokal menggunakan "node" wadah Docker. Itu terutama dirancang untuk menguji kubernet itu sendiri, tetapi dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan lokal atau CI.
Flux CD adalah alat yang secara otomatis memastikan bahwa keadaan kluster Kubernetes Anda cocok dengan konfigurasi yang Anda pasang dalam git. Ini menggunakan operator di cluster untuk memicu penyebaran di dalam Kubernetes, yang berarti Anda tidak memerlukan alat pengiriman kontinu yang terpisah.
Mendapatkan sertifikasi Kubernetes
Memulai dengan Kubernetes di AWS
Kubernetes di Microsoft Azure
Intro ke Azure Kubernetes Service
Memulai dengan Google Cloud
Memulai dengan Kubernetes di Red Hat
Memulai dengan Kubernetes di IBM
Dasar -dasar Yaml di Kubernetes
Awan elastis pada kubernetes
Docker dan Kubernetes
Menggunakan model ke kluster layanan Azure Kubernetes
Sederhanakan Inferensi Pembelajaran Mesin di Kubernetes dengan Operator Amazon Sagemaker
Menjalankan Apache Spark di Kubernetes
Kubernetes di seluruh vmware vrealize otomatisasi
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
Semua cara VMware Tanzu bekerja dengan AWS
Pendidikan Tanzu VMware
Menggunakan Ansible di lingkungan Kubernete asli Cloud
Mengelola objek Kubernetes (K8S) dengan Ansible
Menyiapkan cluster Kubernetes menggunakan Vagrant dan Ansible
Menjalankan MongoDB dengan Kubernetes
Kubernetes FLUENTD
Memahami Agen Gitlab Kubernetes yang baru
Kontributor Kubernetes
Kubeacademy dari VMware
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TensorFlow adalah platform open source ujung ke ujung untuk pembelajaran mesin. Ini memiliki ekosistem alat, perpustakaan, dan sumber daya masyarakat yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang memungkinkan para peneliti mendorong ML yang canggih di ML dan pengembang dengan mudah membangun dan menggunakan aplikasi yang bertenaga ML.
Tensorman adalah utilitas untuk manajemen yang mudah dari wadah tensorflow yang dikembangkan oleh System76.Tensorman memungkinkan TensorFlow beroperasi dalam lingkungan yang terisolasi yang terkandung dari seluruh sistem. Lingkungan virtual ini dapat beroperasi terlepas dari sistem dasar, memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan versi TensorFlow apa pun pada versi distribusi Linux apa pun yang mendukung runtime Docker.
Keras adalah API jaringan saraf tingkat tinggi, yang ditulis dalam Python dan mampu berjalan di atas TensorFlow, CNTK, atau dikembangkan dengan fokus pada memungkinkan eksperimen cepat. Ini mampu berjalan di atas TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, R, Theano, atau PlaidML.
Pytorch adalah perpustakaan untuk pembelajaran yang mendalam pada data input yang tidak teratur seperti grafik, awan titik, dan manifold. Terutama dikembangkan oleh Lab Penelitian AI Facebook.
Amazon Sagemaker adalah layanan yang sepenuhnya dikelola yang menyediakan setiap pengembang dan ilmuwan data kemampuan untuk membangun, melatih, dan menggunakan model pembelajaran mesin (ML) dengan cepat. Sagemaker menghilangkan angkat berat dari setiap langkah proses pembelajaran mesin untuk membuatnya lebih mudah untuk mengembangkan model berkualitas tinggi.
Azure DataBricks adalah layanan analisis data besar berbasis Apache Spark yang cepat dan kolaboratif yang dirancang untuk ilmu data dan rekayasa data. Azure DataBricks, mengatur lingkungan Apache Spark Anda dalam hitungan menit, autoscale, dan berkolaborasi pada proyek bersama dalam ruang kerja interaktif. Azure Databricks mendukung Python, Scala, R, Java, dan SQL, serta kerangka kerja ilmu data dan perpustakaan termasuk TensorFlow, Pytorch, dan Scikit-Learn.
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) adalah toolkit open-source untuk pembelajaran mendalam terdistribusi tingkat komersial. Ini menggambarkan jaringan saraf sebagai serangkaian langkah komputasi melalui grafik terarah. CNTK memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah mewujudkan dan menggabungkan tipe model populer seperti DNN feed-forward, jaringan saraf konvolusional (CNN) dan jaringan saraf berulang (RNNS/LSTM). CNTK mengimplementasikan pembelajaran gradien stochastic (SGD, kesalahan backpropagation) dengan diferensiasi otomatis dan paralelisasi di beberapa GPU dan server.
Apache Airflow adalah platform manajemen alur kerja open-source yang dibuat oleh masyarakat kepada penulis, jadwal dan memantau alur kerja secara terprogram. Memasang. Prinsip. Scalable. Airflow memiliki arsitektur modular dan menggunakan antrian pesan untuk mengatur jumlah pekerja yang sewenang -wenang. Aliran udara siap untuk skala hingga tak terbatas.
Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) adalah ekosistem terbuka yang memberdayakan pengembang AI untuk memilih alat yang tepat ketika proyek mereka berkembang. ONNX menyediakan format sumber terbuka untuk model AI, baik pembelajaran mendalam dan ML tradisional. Ini mendefinisikan model grafik komputasi yang dapat diperluas, serta definisi operator bawaan dan tipe data standar.
Apache MXNET adalah kerangka pembelajaran yang mendalam yang dirancang untuk efisiensi dan fleksibilitas. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mencampur pemrograman simbolik dan imperatif untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi dan produktivitas. Pada intinya, MXNET berisi penjadwal ketergantungan yang dinamis yang secara otomatis memparalelkan operasi simbolik dan imperatif dengan cepat. Lapisan optimasi grafik di atas itu membuat eksekusi simbolik cepat dan efisien memori. MXNET portabel dan ringan, penskalaan secara efektif ke beberapa GPU dan beberapa mesin. Dukungan untuk Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, JavaScript dan banyak lagi.
Autogluon adalah toolkit untuk pembelajaran mendalam yang mengotomatiskan tugas pembelajaran mesin yang memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah mencapai kinerja prediktif yang kuat dalam aplikasi Anda. Dengan hanya beberapa baris kode, Anda dapat melatih dan menggunakan model pembelajaran mendalam akurasi tinggi pada data tabel, gambar, dan teks.
Anaconda adalah platform ilmu data yang sangat populer untuk pembelajaran mesin dan pembelajaran mendalam yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengembangkan model, melatihnya, dan menggunakannya.
PlaidML adalah kompiler tensor yang canggih dan portabel untuk memungkinkan pembelajaran mendalam pada laptop, perangkat tertanam, atau perangkat lain di mana perangkat keras komputasi yang tersedia tidak didukung dengan baik atau tumpukan perangkat lunak yang tersedia berisi pembatasan lisensi yang tidak dapat dihabiskan.
OpenCV adalah perpustakaan yang sangat dioptimalkan dengan fokus pada aplikasi visi komputer real-time. Antarmuka C ++, Python, dan Java mendukung Linux, MacOS, Windows, iOS, dan Android.
Scikit-Learn adalah modul Python untuk pembelajaran mesin yang dibangun di atas Scipy, Numpy, dan Matplotlib, membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menerapkan implementasi yang kuat dan sederhana dari banyak algoritma pembelajaran mesin populer.
Weka adalah perangkat lunak pembelajaran mesin open source yang dapat diakses melalui antarmuka pengguna grafis, aplikasi terminal standar, atau API Java. Ini banyak digunakan untuk aplikasi pengajaran, penelitian, dan industri, berisi sejumlah besar alat bawaan untuk tugas-tugas pembelajaran mesin standar, dan juga memberikan akses transparan ke kotak alat terkenal seperti Scikit-Learn, R, dan Deeplearning4J.
Caffe adalah kerangka pembelajaran yang mendalam yang dibuat dengan ekspresi, kecepatan, dan modularitas dalam pikiran. Ini dikembangkan oleh Berkeley AI Research (Bair)/The Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) dan kontributor komunitas.
Theano adalah perpustakaan Python yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mendefinisikan, mengoptimalkan, dan mengevaluasi ekspresi matematika yang melibatkan array multi-dimensi secara efisien termasuk integrasi ketat dengan Numpy.
Ngraph adalah pustaka C ++ open source, kompiler, dan runtime untuk pembelajaran yang mendalam. Ngraph Compiler bertujuan untuk mempercepat pengembangan beban kerja AI menggunakan kerangka kerja pembelajaran yang mendalam dan menyebarkan ke berbagai target perangkat keras. Ini memberikan kebebasan, kinerja, dan kemudahan pengembang AI.
Nvidia Cudnn adalah perpustakaan primitif yang dipercepat GPU untuk jaringan saraf yang dalam. Cudnn memberikan implementasi yang sangat disetel untuk rutinitas standar seperti konvolusi ke depan dan ke belakang, pooling, normalisasi, dan lapisan aktivasi. Cudnn mempercepat kerangka kerja pembelajaran yang dalam secara luas, termasuk Caffe2, Chainer, Keras, Matlab, Mxnet, Pytorch, dan Tensorflow.
Jupyter Notebook adalah aplikasi web open-source yang memungkinkan Anda membuat dan berbagi dokumen yang berisi kode langsung, persamaan, visualisasi, dan teks naratif. Jupyter digunakan secara luas dalam industri yang melakukan pembersihan dan transformasi data, simulasi numerik, pemodelan statistik, visualisasi data, ilmu data, dan pembelajaran mesin.
Apache Spark adalah mesin analitik terpadu untuk pemrosesan data skala besar. Ini menyediakan API tingkat tinggi di Scala, Java, Python, dan R, dan mesin yang dioptimalkan yang mendukung grafik komputasi umum untuk analisis data. Ini juga mendukung serangkaian alat tingkat tinggi yang kaya termasuk Spark SQL untuk SQL dan DataFrames, MLLIB untuk pembelajaran mesin, graphx untuk pemrosesan grafik, dan streaming terstruktur untuk pemrosesan aliran.
Konektor Apache Spark untuk SQL Server dan Azure SQL adalah konektor kinerja tinggi yang memungkinkan Anda menggunakan data transaksional dalam analitik data besar dan bertahan hasil untuk kueri atau pelaporan ad-hoc. Konektor ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan database SQL, di tempat atau di cloud, sebagai sumber data input atau wastafel data output untuk pekerjaan percikan.
Apache Predictioo adalah kerangka pembelajaran mesin open source untuk pengembang, ilmuwan data, dan pengguna akhir. Ini mendukung pengumpulan acara, penyebaran algoritma, evaluasi, menanyakan hasil prediktif melalui API REST. Ini didasarkan pada layanan open source yang dapat diskalakan seperti Hadoop, HBase (dan DBS lainnya), Elasticsearch, Spark dan mengimplementasikan apa yang disebut arsitektur Lambda.
Manajer Cluster untuk Apache Kafka (CMAK) adalah alat untuk mengelola kluster Apache Kafka.
BigDL adalah perpustakaan pembelajaran mendalam terdistribusi untuk Apache Spark. Dengan BIGDL, pengguna dapat menulis aplikasi pembelajaran mendalam mereka sebagai program Spark Standar, yang secara langsung dapat berjalan di atas Cluster Spark atau Hadoop yang ada.
Koalas adalah proyek membuat para ilmuwan data lebih produktif saat berinteraksi dengan data besar, dengan mengimplementasikan API DataFrame PANDAS di atas Apache Spark.
Apache Spark ™ MLFLOW adalah platform open source untuk mengelola siklus hidup ML, termasuk eksperimen, reproduktifitas, penyebaran, dan registri model pusat. MLFLOW saat ini menawarkan empat komponen:
Pelacakan MLFLOW : Rekam dan Percobaan Kueri: Kode, Data, Konfigurasi, dan Hasil.
Proyek MLFLOW : Kode Ilmu Data Paket dalam format untuk mereproduksi berjalan pada platform apa pun.
MLFLOW Model : Menyebarkan model pembelajaran mesin di lingkungan penyajian yang beragam.
Model Registry : Store, Annotate, Temukan, dan Kelola Model di Repositori Pusat.
Eclipse Deeplearning4j (DL4J) adalah serangkaian proyek yang dimaksudkan untuk mendukung semua kebutuhan aplikasi pembelajaran mendalam berbasis JVM (Scala, Kotlin, Clojure, dan Groovy). Ini berarti dimulai dengan data mentah, memuat dan melakukan preprocessing dari di mana pun dan format apa pun itu untuk membangun dan menyetel berbagai jaringan pembelajaran mendalam yang sederhana dan kompleks.
NUMBA adalah open source, numpy-sadar mengoptimalkan kompiler untuk python yang disponsori oleh Anaconda, Inc. menggunakan proyek kompiler LLVM untuk menghasilkan kode mesin dari sintaks Python. Numba can compile a large subset of numerically-focused Python, including many NumPy functions. Additionally, Numba has support for automatic parallelization of loops, generation of GPU-accelerated code, and creation of ufuncs and C callbacks.
Chainer is a Python-based deep learning framework aiming at flexibility. It provides automatic differentiation APIs based on the define-by-run approach (dynamic computational graphs) as well as object-oriented high-level APIs to build and train neural networks. It also supports CUDA/cuDNN using CuPy for high performance training and inference.
cuML is a suite of libraries that implement machine learning algorithms and mathematical primitives functions that share compatible APIs with other RAPIDS projects. cuML enables data scientists, researchers, and software engineers to run traditional tabular ML tasks on GPUs without going into the details of CUDA programming. In most cases, cuML's Python API matches the API from scikit-learn.
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ROS is robotics middleware. Although ROS is not an operating system, it provides services designed for a heterogeneous computer cluster such as hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management.
ROS2 is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what you need for your next robotics project. And it's all open source.
Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation. It has easy syntax, utilizing human-readable keywords. Its capabilities can be extended by libraries implemented with Python or Java.
The Robotics Library (RL) is a self-contained C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. It covers mathematics, kinematics and dynamics, hardware abstraction, motion planning, collision detection, and visualization.RL runs on many different systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It uses CMake as a build system and can be compiled with Clang, GCC, and Visual Studio.
MoveIt is the most widely used software for manipulation and has been used on over 100 robots. It provides an easy-to-use robotics platform for developing advanced applications, evaluating new designs and building integrated products for industrial, commercial, R&D, and other domains.
AutoGluon is toolkit for Deep learning that automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in your applications. With just a few lines of code, you can train and deploy high-accuracy deep learning models on tabular, image, and text data.
Gazebo accurately and efficiently simulates indoor and outdoor robots. You get a robust physics engine, high-quality graphics, and programmatic and graphical interfaces.
Robotics System Toolbox provides tools and algorithms for designing, simulating, and testing manipulators, mobile robots, and humanoid robots. For manipulators and humanoid robots, the toolbox includes algorithms for collision checking, trajectory generation, forward and inverse kinematics, and dynamics using a rigid body tree representation. For mobile robots, it includes algorithms for mapping, localization, path planning, path following, and motion control. The toolbox provides reference examples of common industrial robot applications. It also includes a library of commercially available industrial robot models that you can import, visualize, and simulate.
Intel Robot DevKit is the tool to generate Robotics Software Development Kit (RDK) designed for autonomous devices, including the ROS2 core and capacibilities packages like perception, planning, control driver etc. It provides flexible build/runtime configurations to meet different autonomous requirement on top of diversity hardware choices, for example use different hareware engine CPU/GPU/VPU to accelerate AI related features.
Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.
ArduPilot enables the creation and use of trusted, autonomous, unmanned vehicle systems for the peaceful benefit of all. ArduPilot provides a comprehensive suite of tools suitable for almost any vehicle and application.
AirSim is a simulator for drones, cars and more, built on Unreal Engine (we now also have an experimental Unity release). It is open-source, cross platform, and supports hardware-in-loop with popular flight controllers such as PX4 for physically and visually realistic simulations.
F´ (F Prime) is a component-driven framework that enables rapid development and deployment of spaceflight and other embedded software applications. Originally developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, F´ has been successfully deployed on several space applications.
The JPL Open Source Rover is an open source, build it yourself, scaled down version of the 6 wheel rover design that JPL uses to explore the surface of Mars. The Open Source Rover is designed almost entirely out of consumer off the shelf (COTS) parts. This project is intended to be a teaching and learning experience for those who want to get involved in mechanical engineering, software, electronics, or robotics.
Light Detection and Ranging(LiDAR) is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser at an object, and uses the time and wavelength of the reflected beam of light to estimate the distance and in some applications (Laser Imaging), to create a 3D representation of the object and its surface characteristics. This technology is commonly used in aircraft and self-driving vehicles.
AliceVision is a Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework which provides a 3D Reconstruction and Camera Tracking algorithms. AliceVision aims to provide strong software basis with state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms that can be tested, analyzed and reused. The project is a result of collaboration between academia and industry to provide cutting-edge algorithms with the robustness and the quality required for production usage.
CARLA is an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been developed from the ground up to support development, training, and validation of autonomous driving systems. In addition to open-source code and protocols, CARLA provides open digital assets (urban layouts, buildings, vehicles) that were created for this purpose and can be used freely. The simulation platform supports flexible specification of sensor suites and environmental conditions.
ROS bridge is a package to bridge ROS for CARLA Simulator.
ROS-Industrial is an open source project that extends the advanced capabilities of ROS software to manufacturing.
AWS RoboMaker is the most complete cloud solution for robotic developers to simulate, test and securely deploy robotic applications at scale. RoboMaker provides a fully-managed, scalable infrastructure for simulation that customers use for multi-robot simulation and CI/CD integration with regression testing in simulation.
Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio is a free .NET-based programming environment for building robotics applications.
Visual Studio Code Extension for ROS is an extension provides support for Robot Operating System (ROS) development.
Azure Kinect ROS Driver is a node which publishes sensor data from the Azure Kinect Developer Kit to the Robot Operating System (ROS). Developers working with ROS can use this node to connect an Azure Kinect Developer Kit to an existing ROS installation.
Azure IoT Hub for ROS is a ROS package works with the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub service to relay telemetry messages from the Robot to Azure IoT Hub or reflect properties from the Digital Twin to the robot using dynamic reconfigure.
ROS 2 with ONNX Runtime is a program that uses ROS 2 to run on different hardware platforms using their respective AI acceleration libraries for optimized execution of the ONNX model.
Azure Cognitive Services LUIS ROS Node is a ROS node that bridges between ROS and the Azure Language Understanding Service. it can be configured to process audio directly from a microphone, or can subscribe to a ROS audio topic, then processes speech and generates "intent" ROS messages which can be processed by another ROS node to generate ROS commands.
Robotics courses from Coursera
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Free Online AI & Robotics Courses
REC Foundation Robotics Industry Certification
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
RIA Robotic Integrator Certification Program
AWS RoboMaker – Develop, Test, Deploy, and Manage Intelligent Robotics Apps
Microsoft AI School
Language Understanding (LUIS) for Azure Cognitive Services
Azure VM templates to bootstrap ROS and ROS 2 environments
Google Robotics Research
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Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) is a cross-industry collaboration that brings together leaders to improve the security of open source software by building a broader community, targeted initiatives, and best practices. The OpenSSF brings together open source security initiatives under one foundation to accelerate work through cross-industry support. Along with the Core Infrastructure Initiative and the Open Source Security Coalition, and will include new working groups that address vulnerability disclosures, security tooling and more.
STIGs Benchmarks - Security Technical Implementation Guides
CIS Benchmarks - CIS Center for Internet Security
NIST - Current FIPS
ISO Standards Catalogue
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC) is an international standard (ISO / IEC 15408) for computer security. It allows an objective evaluation to validate that a particular product satisfies a defined set of security requirements.
ISO 22301 is the international standard that provides a best-practice framework for implementing an optimised BCMS (business continuity management system).
ISO27001 is the international standard that describes the requirements for an ISMS (information security management system). The framework is designed to help organizations manage their security practices in one place, consistently and cost-effectively.
ISO 27701 specifies the requirements for a PIMS (privacy information management system) based on the requirements of ISO 27001. It is extended by a set of privacy-specific requirements, control objectives and controls. Companies that have implemented ISO 27001 will be able to use ISO 27701 to extend their security efforts to cover privacy management.
EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a privacy and data protection law that supersedes existing national data protection laws across the EU, bringing uniformity by introducing just one main data protection law for companies/organizations to comply with.
CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is a data privacy law that took effect on January 1, 2020 in the State of California. It applies to businesses that collect California residents' personal information, and its privacy requirements are similar to those of the EU's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) is a global information security standard designed to prevent fraud through increased control of credit card data.
SOC 2 is an auditing procedure that ensures your service providers securely manage your data to protect the interests of your comapny/organization and the privacy of their clients.
NIST CSF is a voluntary framework primarily intended for critical infrastructure organizations to manage and mitigate cybersecurity risk based on existing best practice.
AppArmor is an effective and easy-to-use Linux application security system. AppArmor proactively protects the operating system and applications from external or internal threats, even zero-day attacks, by enforcing good behavior and preventing both known and unknown application flaws from being exploited. AppArmor supplements the traditional Unix discretionary access control (DAC) model by providing mandatory access control (MAC). It has been included in the mainline Linux kernel since version 2.6.36 and its development has been supported by Canonical since 2009.
SELinux is a security enhancement to Linux which allows users and administrators more control over access control. Access can be constrained on such variables as which users and applications can access which resources. These resources may take the form of files. Standard Linux access controls, such as file modes (-rwxr-xr-x) are modifiable by the user and the applications which the user runs. Conversely, SELinux access controls are determined by a policy loaded on the system which may not be changed by careless users or misbehaving applications.
Control Groups(Cgroups) is a Linux kernel feature that allows you to allocate resources such as CPU time, system memory, network bandwidth, or any combination of these resources for user-defined groups of tasks (processes) running on a system.
EarlyOOM is a daemon for Linux that enables users to more quickly recover and regain control over their system in low-memory situations with heavy swap usage.
Libgcrypt is a general purpose cryptographic library originally based on code from GnuPG.
Kali Linux is an open source project that is maintained and funded by Offensive Security, a provider of world-class information security training and penetration testing services.
Pi-hole is a DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content, without installing any client-side software, intended for use on a private network. It is designed for use on embedded devices with network capability, such as the Raspberry Pi, but it can be used on other machines running Linux and cloud implementations.
Aircrack-ng is a network software suite consisting of a detector, packet sniffer, WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK cracker and analysis tool for 802.11 wireless LANs. It works with any wireless network interface controller whose driver supports raw monitoring mode and can sniff 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g traffic.
Burp Suite is a leading range of cybersecurity tools.
KernelCI is a community-based open source distributed test automation system focused on upstream kernel development. The primary goal of KernelCI is to use an open testing philosophy to ensure the quality, stability and long-term maintenance of the Linux kernel.
Continuous Kernel Integration project helps find bugs in kernel patches before they are commited to an upstram kernel tree. We are team of kernel developers, kernel testers, and automation engineers.
eBPF is a revolutionary technology that can run sandboxed programs in the Linux kernel without changing kernel source code or loading kernel modules. By making the Linux kernel programmable, infrastructure software can leverage existing layers, making them more intelligent and feature-rich without continuing to add additional layers of complexity to the system.
Cilium uses eBPF to accelerate getting data in and out of L7 proxies such as Envoy, enabling efficient visibility into API protocols like HTTP, gRPC, and Kafka.
Hubble is a Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes using eBPF.
Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Istio's control plane provides an abstraction layer over the underlying cluster management platform, such as Kubernetes and Mesos.
Certgen is a convenience tool to generate and store certificates for Hubble Relay mTLS.
Scapy is a python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
syzkaller is an unsupervised, coverage-guided kernel fuzzer.
SchedViz is a tool for gathering and visualizing kernel scheduling traces on Linux machines.
oss-fuzz aims to make common open source software more secure and stable by combining modern fuzzing techniques with scalable, distributed execution.
OSSEC is a free, open-source host-based intrusion detection system. It performs log analysis, integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring, rootkit detection, time-based alerting, and active response.
Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Wfuzz was created to facilitate the task in web applications assessments and it is based on a simple concept: it replaces any reference to the FUZZ keyword by the value of a given payload.
Nmap is a security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus building a "map" of the network.
Patchwork is a web-based patch tracking system designed to facilitate the contribution and management of contributions to an open-source project.
pfSense is a free and open source firewall and router that also features unified threat management, load balancing, multi WAN, and more.
Snowpatch is a continuous integration tool for projects using a patch-based, mailing-list-centric git workflow. This workflow is used by a number of well-known open source projects such as the Linux kernel.
Snort is an open-source, free and lightweight network intrusion detection system (NIDS) software for Linux and Windows to detect emerging threats.
Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
OpenSCAP is US standard maintained by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It provides multiple tools to assist administrators and auditors with assessment, measurement, and enforcement of security baselines. OpenSCAP maintains great flexibility and interoperability by reducing the costs of performing security audits. Whether you want to evaluate DISA STIGs, NIST's USGCB, or Red Hat's Security Response Team's content, all are supported by OpenSCAP.
Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform, open source library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and harder to misuse.
OWASP is an online community, produces freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security.
Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language is a community effort to standardize how to assess and report upon the machine state of computer systems. OVAL includes a language to encode system details, and community repositories of content. Tools and services that use OVAL provide enterprises with accurate, consistent, and actionable information to improve their security.
ClamAV is an open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.
Microsoft Open Source Software Security
Cloudflare Open Source Security
The Seven Properties of Highly Secure Devices
How Layer 7 of the Internet Works
The 7 Kinds of Security
The Libgcrypt Reference Manual
The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) Foundation Top 10
Best Practices for Using Open Source Code from The Linux Foundation
AWS Certified Security - Specialty Certification
Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer
Cisco Security Certifications
The Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux
Linux Professional Institute LPIC-3 Enterprise Security Certification
Cybersecurity Training and Courses from IBM Skills
Cybersecurity Courses and Certifications by Offensive Security
RSA Certification Program
Check Point Certified Security Expert(CCSE) Certification
Check Point Certified Security Administrator(CCSA) Certification
Check Point Certified Security Master (CCSM) Certification
Certified Cloud Security Professional(CCSP) Certification
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification
CCNP Routing and Switching
Certified Information Security Manager(CISM)
Wireshark Certified Network Analyst (WCNA)
Juniper Networks Certification Program Enterprise (JNCP)
Security Training Certifications and Courses from Udemy
Security Training Certifications and Courses from Coursera
Security Certifications Training from Pluarlsight
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Differential Privacy is a system that simultaneously enables researchers and analysts to extract useful insights from datasets containing personal information and offers stronger privacy protections. This is achieved by introducing "statistical noise".
Statistical Noise is a process that small aletrations to masked datasets. The statistical noise hides identifiable characteristics of individuals, ensuring that the privacy of personal information is protected, but it's small enough to not materially impact the accuracy of the answers extracted by analysts and researchers.
Laplacian Noise is a mechanism that adds Laplacian-distributed noise to a function.
Above is a simple diagram of how Differential Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing and Data Mining protects a User's Data
PySyft is a Python library for secure and private Deep Learning. PySyft decouples private data from model training, using Federated Learning, Differential Privacy, and Encrypted Computation (like Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Homomorphic Encryption (HE) within the main Deep Learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow.
TensorFlow Privacy is a Python library that includes implementations of TensorFlow optimizers for training machine learning models with differential privacy. The library comes with tutorials and analysis tools for computing the privacy guarantees provided.
TensorFlow Federated (TFF) is an open-source framework for machine learning and other computations on decentralized data. TFF has been developed to facilitate open research and experimentation with Federated Learning (FL), an approach to machine learning where a shared global model is trained across many participating clients that keep their training data locally.
Privacy on Beam is an end-to-end differential privacy solution built on Apache Beam. It is intended to be usable by all developers, regardless of their differential privacy expertise.
PyDP is a Python wrapper for Google's Differential Privacy project.
PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for differentiable programming of quantum computers. By training a quantum computer the same way as a neural network.
BoTorch is a library for Bayesian Optimization built on PyTorch.
PyTorch Geometric (PyG) is a geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch.
Skorch is a scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch.
Diffprivlib is the IBM Differential Privacy Library for experimenting with, investigating and developing applications in, differential privacy.
Opacus is a library that enables training PyTorch models with differential privacy. It supports training with minimal code changes required on the client, has little impact on training performance and allows the client to online track the privacy budget expended at any given moment.
Smart Noise is a toolkit that uses state-of-the-art differential privacy (DP) techniques to inject noise into data, to prevent disclosure of sensitive information and manage exposure risk.
Differential Privacy Blog Series by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)
Apple's Differential Privacy Overview
Learning with Privacy at Scale with Apple Machine Learning
Microsoft Research Differential Privacy Overview
Responsible Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure
Responsible AI Resources with Microsoft AI
Preserve data privacy by using differential privacy and the SmartNoise package
Open Differential Privacy(OpenDP) Initiative by Microsoft and Harvard
Google's Differential Privacy Library
Computing Private Statistics with Privacy on Beam from Google Codelabs
Introducing TensorFlow Privacy: Learning with Differential Privacy for Training Data
TensorFlow Federated: Machine Learning on Decentralized Data
Federated Analytics: Collaborative Data Science without Data Collection
Differentially-Private Stochastic Gradient Descent(DP-SGD)
Learning Differential Privacy from Harvard University Privacy Tools Project
Harvard University Privacy Tools Project Courses & Educational Materials
The Weaknesses of Differential Privacy course on Coursera
The Differential Privacy of Bayesian Inference
Simultaneous private learning of multiple concepts
The Complexity of Computing the Optimal Composition of Differential Privacy
Order revealing encryption and the hardness of private learning
SAP HANA data anonymization using SAP Software Solutions
SAP HANA Security using their In-Memory Database
DEFCON Differential Privacy Training Launch
Secure and Private AI course on Udacity
Differential Privacy - Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 1 course on Coursera
Differential Privacy - Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 2 course on Coursera
Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist Professional Certificate course on Coursera
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CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
Build Cloud-Native applications in Microsoft Azure
Cloud-Native application development for Google Cloud
Cloud-Native development for Amazon Web Services
Cloud Native Applications with VMware Tanzu
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Training and Certification Program
Cloud Foundry Developer Training and Certification Program
Cloud-Native Architecture Course on Pluralsight
AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native on Coursera
Developing Cloud-Native Apps w/ Microservices Architectures course on Udemy
How load balancing works for cloud native applications with Azure Application Gateway on Linkedin Learning
Developing Cloud Native Applications course on edX
Cloud Native courses from IBM
Application Framework
Spring Boot is an open-source micro framework maintained by Pivotal, which was acquired by VMware in 2019. It provides Java developers with a platform to get started with an auto configurable production-grade Spring application.
Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It can run Hadoop, Jenkins, Spark, Aurora, and other frameworks on a dynamically shared pool of nodes.
Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing.
Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers, each of which may be prone to failures.
Runtime Platform
BOSH is a tool that prepares your infrastructure for what needs to be managed. BOSH espouses software engineering best practices, such as continuous delivery, by making it easy to create software releases that automatically update complex distributed systems with simple commands.Due to the flexibility and power of BOSH, Google and VMware made it the heart of the Kubo project, now called the Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, based on Kubernetes.
Infrastructure Automatation
Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. Maven can also be used to build and manage projects written in C#, Ruby, Scala, and other languages. The Maven project is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation.
Gradle is an open-source build-automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.
Chef is an effortless Infrastructure Suite offers visibility into security and compliance status across all infrastructure and makes it easy to detect and correct issues long before they reach production.
Puppet is an open source tool that makes continuous integration and delivery of your software on traditional or containerized infrastructure easy by pulling together all your existing tools and giving you flexibility to deploy your way.
Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows.
Salt is Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution, and configuration management. Supporting the "Infrastructure as Code" approach to data center system and network deployment and management, configuration automation, SecOps orchestration, vulnerability remediation, and hybrid cloud control.
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp.It enables users to define and provision a datacenter infrastructure using a high-level configuration language known as Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL), or optionally JSON.
Cloud Infrastructure
Amazon web service(AWS) is a platform that offers flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. The AWS platform is developed with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software as a service (SaaS) offerings.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.
Azure DevOps is a set of services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software; CLIs Build, deploy, diagnose, and manage multi-platform, scalable apps and services; Azure Pipelines Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud; Azure Lab Services Set up labs for classrooms, trials, development and testing, and other scenarios.
Azure Draft is a tool for developers to create cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.
Google Cloud Platform integrates industry-leading tools(data management, hybrid & multi-cloud, and AI & ML) with Cloud Storage for enhanced support with everything from security and data transfer, to data backup and archive. Expand all . Backup, archival, and disaster recovery. Along with File systems and gateways.
OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.
Cloud Foundry is an open source, multi cloud application platform as a service that makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications, providing a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. It is an open source project and is available through a variety of private cloud distributions and public cloud instances.
Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.
Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub.
Circle CI is a continuous integration and continuous delivery platform that helps software teams work smarter, faster.
Team City is a build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.
Shippable simplifies DevOps and makes it systematic with an Assembly Line platform that is heterogeneous, flexible, and provides complete visibility across your DevOps workflows.
Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
Prow is a Kubernetes based CI/CD system. Jobs can be triggered by various types of events and report their status to many different services. In addition to job execution, Prow provides GitHub automation in the form of policy enforcement, chat-ops via /foo style commands, and automatic PR merging. Prow has a microservice architecture implemented as a collection of container images that run as Kubernetes deployments.
AWS ECS is a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install and operate your own container orchestration software, manage and scale a cluster of virtual machines, or schedule containers on those virtual machines.
AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don't need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers.
CFEngine is an open-source configuration management system, written by Mark Burgess.Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems, including the unified management of servers, desktops, consumer and industrial devices, embedded networked devices, mobile smartphones, and tablet computers.
Octpus Deploy is the deployment automation server for your entire team, designed to make it easy to orchestrate releases and deploy applications, whether on-premises or in the cloud.
AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and your on-premises servers. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.
AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. It is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code.
Traefik is an open-source Edge Router that makes publishing your services a fun and easy experience. It receives requests on behalf of your system and finds out which components are responsible for handling them. What sets Traefik apart, besides its many features, is that it automatically discovers the right configuration for your services.
Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed, production-ready environment for deploying containerized applications.
OpenShift is focused on security at every level of the container stack and throughout the application lifecycle. It includes long-term, enterprise support from one of the leading Kubernetes contributors and open source software companies.
Rancher is a complete software stack for teams adopting containers. It addresses the operational and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters, while providing DevOps teams with integrated tools for running containerized workloads.
Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. All containers are run by a single operating-system kernel and are thus more lightweight than virtual machines.
Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes that turns distributed storage systems into self-managing, self-scaling, self-healing storage services. It automates the tasks of a storage administrator: deployment, bootstrapping, configuration, provisioning, scaling, upgrading, migration, disaster recovery, monitoring, and resource management.
Podman(the POD MANager) is a tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
Rkt is a pod-native container engine for Linux. It is composable, secure, and built on standards.
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GitHub provides hosting for software development version control using Git. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.
GitHub Codespaces is an integrated development environment(IDE) on GitHub. That allows developers to develop entirely in the cloud using Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
GitHub Actions will automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository with GitHub Actions. You can discover, create, and share actions to perform any job you'd like, including CI/CD, and combine actions in a completely customized workflow.GitHub Actions for Azure you can create workflows that you can set up in your repository to build, test, package, release and deploy to Azure.Learn more about all other integrations with Azure.
GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.
Jenkins is a free and open source automation server. Jenkins helps to automate the non-human part of the software development process, with continuous integration and facilitating technical aspects of continuous delivery.
Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian, for source code and development projects that use either Mercurial or Git revision control systems. Bitbucket offers both commercial plans and free accounts. It offers free accounts with an unlimited number of private repositories. Bitbucket integrates with other Atlassian software like Jira, HipChat, Confluence and Bamboo.
Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.
Codecov is the leading, dedicated code coverage solution. It provides highly integrated tools to group, merge, archive and compare coverage reports. Whether your team is comparing changes in a pull request or reviewing a single commit, Codecov will improve the code review workflow and quality.
Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub.
Circle CI is a continuous integration and continuous delivery platform that helps software teams work smarter, faster.
Zuul-CI is a program that drives continuous integration, delivery, and deployment systems with a focus on project gating and interrelated projects. Using the same Ansible playbooks to deploy your system and run your tests.
Artifactory is a Universal Artifact Repository Manager developed by JFrog. It supports all major packages, enterprise ready security, clustered, HA, Docker registry, multi-site replication and scalable.
Azure DevOps is a set of services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software; CLIs Build, deploy, diagnose, and manage multi-platform, scalable apps and services; Azure Pipelines Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud; Azure Lab Services Set up labs for classrooms, trials, development and testing, and other scenarios.
Team City is a build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.
Shippable simplifies DevOps and makes it systematic with an Assembly Line platform that is heterogeneous, flexible, and provides complete visibility across your DevOps workflows.
Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don't need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers.
Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms.
Cucumber is a tool based on Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework which is used to write acceptance tests for the web application. It allows automation of functional validation in easily readable and understandable format (like plain English) to Business Analysts, Developers, and Testers.
JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language.
Mocha is a JavaScript test framework for Node.js programs, featuring browser support, asynchronous testing, test coverage reports, and use of any assertion library.
Karma is a simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers.
Jasmine is an open source testing framework for JavaScript. It aims to run on any JavaScript-enabled platform, to not intrude on the application nor the IDE, and to have easy-to-read syntax.
Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. Maven can also be used to build and manage projects written in C#, Ruby, Scala, and other languages. The Maven project is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation.
Gradle is an open-source build-automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.
Chef is an effortless Infrastructure Suite offers visibility into security and compliance status across all infrastructure and makes it easy to detect and correct issues long before they reach production.
Puppet is an open source tool that makes continuous integration and delivery of your software on traditional or containerized infrastructure easy by pulling together all your existing tools and giving you flexibility to deploy your way.
Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows.
KubeInit provides Ansible playbooks and roles for the deployment and configuration of multiple Kubernetes distributions.
Salt is Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution, and configuration management. Supporting the "Infrastructure as Code" approach to data center system and network deployment and management, configuration automation, SecOps orchestration, vulnerability remediation, and hybrid cloud control.
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp.It enables users to define and provision a datacenter infrastructure using a high-level configuration language known as Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL), or optionally JSON.
Consul is a service networking solution to connect and secure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud.
Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly performant, creating machine images for multiple platforms in parallel. Packer does not replace configuration management like Chef or Puppet. In fact, when building images, Packer is able to use tools like Chef or Puppet to install software onto the image.
Nomad is a highly available, distributed, data-center aware cluster and application scheduler designed to support the modern datacenter with support for long-running services, batch jobs, and much more.
Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time and increases production parity.
Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and more. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log.
CFEngine is an open-source configuration management system, written by Mark Burgess.Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems, including the unified management of servers, desktops, consumer and industrial devices, embedded networked devices, mobile smartphones, and tablet computers.
Octpus Deploy is the deployment automation server for your entire team, designed to make it easy to orchestrate releases and deploy applications, whether on-premises or in the cloud.
AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and your on-premises servers. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.
Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. All containers are run by a single operating-system kernel and are thus more lightweight than virtual machines.
PowerShell/PowerShell Core is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (eg JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets.
Hyper-V creates virtual machines on Windows 10. Hyper-V can be enabled in many ways including using the Windows 10 control panel, PowerShell or using the Deployment Imaging Servicing and Management tool (DISM).
Cloud Hypervisor is an open source Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) that runs on top of KVM. The project focuses on exclusively running modern, cloud workloads, on top of a limited set of hardware architectures and platforms. Cloud workloads refers to those that are usually run by customers inside a cloud provider. Cloud Hypervisor is implemented in Rust and is based on the rust-vmm crates.
VMware vSphere Hypervisor is a bare-metal hypervisor that virtualizes servers; allowing you to consolidate your applications while saving time and money managing your IT infrastructure.
VMware vSphere is the industry-leading compute virtualization platform, and your first step to application modernization. It has been rearchitected with native Kubernetes to allow customers to modernize the 70 million+ workloads now running on vSphere.
VMware Tanzu is a centralized management platform for consistently operating and securing your Kubernetes infrastructure and modern applications across multiple teams and private/public clouds.
Rancher is a complete software stack for teams adopting containers. It addresses the operational and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters, while providing DevOps teams with integrated tools for running containerized workloads.
K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances.
Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes that turns distributed storage systems into self-managing, self-scaling, self-healing storage services. It automates the tasks of a storage administrator: deployment, bootstrapping, configuration, provisioning, scaling, upgrading, migration, disaster recovery, monitoring, and resource management.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed, production-ready environment for deploying containerized applications.
Anthos is a modern application management platform that provides a consistent development and operations experience for cloud and on-premises environments.
AWS ECS is a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install and operate your own container orchestration software, manage and scale a cluster of virtual machines, or schedule containers on those virtual machines.
Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It can run Hadoop, Jenkins, Spark, Aurora, and other frameworks on a dynamically shared pool of nodes.
Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing.
Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers, each of which may be prone to failures.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.
Azure Functions is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it.
Rkt is a pod-native container engine for Linux. It is composable, secure, and built on standards.
AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. It is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code.
Helm is the Kubernetes Package Manager.
Kubespray is a tool that combines Kubernetes and Ansible to easily install Kubernetes clusters that can be deployed on AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, Packet (bare metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Experimental), or Baremetal
Red Hat OpenShift is focused on security at every level of the container stack and throughout the application lifecycle. It includes long-term, enterprise support from one of the leading Kubernetes contributors and open source software companies.
OpenShift Hive is an operator which runs as a service on top of Kubernetes/OpenShift. The Hive service can be used to provision and perform initial configuration of OpenShift 4 clusters.
OKD is a community distribution of Kubernetes optimized for continuous application development and multi-tenant deployment. OKD adds developer and operations-centric tools on top of Kubernetes to enable rapid application development, easy deployment and scaling, and long-term lifecycle maintenance for small and large teams.
Odo is a fast, iterative, and straightforward CLI tool for developers who write, build, and deploy applications on Kubernetes and OpenShift.
Kata Operator is an operator to perform lifecycle management (install/upgrade/uninstall) of Kata Runtime on Openshift as well as Kubernetes cluster.
Knative is a Kubernetes-based platform to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads. Knative takes care of the operational overhead details of networking, autoscaling (even to zero), and revision tracking.
Etcd is a distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. Etcd is used as the backend for service discovery and stores cluster state and configuration for Kubernetes.
OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.
Cloud Foundry is an open source, multi cloud application platform as a service that makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications, providing a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. It is an open source project and is available through a variety of private cloud distributions and public cloud instances.
Splunk software is used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a Web-style interface.
Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting. It records real-time metrics in a time series database (allowing for high dimensionality) built using a HTTP pull model, with flexible queries and real-time alerting.
Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.
Thanos is a set of components that can be composed into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity, which can be added seamlessly on top of existing Prometheus deployments.
Container Storage Interface (CSI) is an API that lets container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes seamlessly communicate with stored data via a plug-in.
OpenEBS is a Kubernetes-based tool to create stateful applications using Container Attached Storage.
ElasticSearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is developed in Java.
Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. When used generically, the term encompasses a larger system of log collection, processing, storage and searching activities.
Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.
New Relic is a SaaS-based monitoring tool that fully supports the way DevOps teams work in the modern enterprise by streamlining your workflows with today's collaboration software and orchestration tools like Puppet, Chef, and Ansible.
Nagios is a free and open source computer-software application that monitors systems, networks and infrastructure. Nagios offers monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications and services. It alerts users when things go wrong and alerts them a second time when the problem has been resolved.
SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages.
Genie is a federated job orchestration engine developed by Netflix. Genie provides REST APIs to run a variety of big data jobs like Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Spark, Presto, Sqoop and more. It also provides APIs for managing the metadata of many distributed processing clusters and the commands and applications which run on them.
Inviso is a lightweight tool that provides the ability to search for Hadoop jobs, visualize the performance, and view cluster utilization.
Fenzo is a scheduler Java library for Apache Mesos frameworks that supports plugins for scheduling optimizations and facilitates cluster autoscaling.
Dynomite is a thin, distributed dynamo layer for different storage engines and protocols, which includes Redis and Memcached. Dynomite supports multi-datacenter replication and is designed for High Availability(HA).
Dyno is a tool that is used to scale a Java client application utilizing Dynomite.
Raigad is a process/tool that runs alongside Elasticsearch to automate backup/recovery, Deployments and Centralized Configuration management.
Priam is a process/tool that runs alongside Apache Cassandra to automate backup/recovery, Deployments and Centralized Configuration management.
Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool used to randomly terminates virtual machine instances and containers that run inside of your production environment. Chaos Monkey should work with any backend that Spinnaker supports (AWS, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes, and Cloud Foundry).
Falcor is a JavaScript library for efficient data fetching. Falcor lets you represent all your remote data sources as a single domain model via a virtual JSON graph, whether in memory on the client or over the network on the server.
Restify is a framework, utilizing connect style middleware for building REST APIs.
Traefik is an open source Edge Router that makes publishing your services a fun and easy experience. It receives requests on behalf of your system and finds out which components are responsible for handling them. What sets Traefik apart, besides its many features, is that it automatically discovers the right configuration for your services.
Jira is a proprietary issue tracking product developed by Atlassian that allows bug tracking and agile project management.
Pivotal Tracker is the agile project management tool of choice for developers around the world for real-time collaboration around a shared, prioritized backlog.
Trello is a web-based Kanban-style list-making application that gives you perspective over all your projects, at work and at home.
Microsoft Teams is the hub for team collaboration in Office 365 that integrates the people, content, and tools your team needs to be more engaged and effective.
Slack is a cloud-based proprietary instant messaging platform developed by Slack Technologies.
OpsGenie is a cloud-based service for dev & ops teams, providing reliable alerts, on-call schedule management and escalations. OpsGenie integrates with monitoring tools & services, ensures the right people are notified.
Pagerduty automates processes built on best practices, allowing you to focus on higher value parts of incident response. Granular and scalable permissions enable teams to administer and operate independently while controlling visibility.
Veracode is a leading provider of enterprise-class application security, seamlessly integrating agile security solutions for organizations around the globe. In addition to application security services and secure devops services, Veracode provides a full security assessment to ensure your website and applications are secure, and ensures full enterprise data protection.
DevOps Engineering on AWS from AWS Training
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional from A Cloud Guru
Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert Cert.
Introduction to Azure DevOps from A Cloud Guru
Architecting with Google Compute Engine
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine in Google Cloud
VMware Training and Certification Program
Cloudera Certification Program
Salesforce Certification Program
Salesforce Superbadges
Red Hat Training and Certification Program
Linux Foundation Training and Certification Program
Linux Professional Institute(LPI) Training and Certification
Learn DevOps with Online Courses and Lessons from edX
Top DevOps Courses Online from Udemy
Devops Courses from Coursera
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Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile(Andorid and iOS), web, and desktop(Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Google Fuchsia) from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
Flutter Gems is a curated package guide for Flutter which functionally categorizes some of the most useful and popular flutter packages available on Flutter Gems A Flutter package landscape guide comprising 1500+ neatly categorized useful and popular packages.
Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps using the Flutter framework.
Flutter documentation
Style Guide for Flutter
Creating your first Flutter app
Build and release an Android app using Flutter
Flutter Tools & techniques
Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide on Udemy
Creating an Interactive Story with Flutter on Coursera
Flutter for Beginners course on Pluralsight
Flutter Online Training Courses on LinkedIn Learning
The Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart by App Brewery
Adding Firebase to your Flutter app
Using Firebase and Firestore with Flutter
Fuchsia Project
Getting Started with Fuchsia
Fuchsia Reference
Contributing to Fuchsia
Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform that provides hosted backend services such as a realtime database, cloud storage, authentication, crash reporting, machine learning, remote configuration, and hosting for your static files.
FlutterFire is a set of Flutter plugins that enable Flutter apps to use Firebase services. You can follow an example that shows how to use these plugins in the Firebase for Flutter codelab.
FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts.
Go-flutter is a package that brings Flutter to the desktop. project implements the Flutter's Embedding API using a single code base that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. For rendering, GLFW fits the job because it provides the right abstractions over the OpenGL's Buffer/Mouse/Keyboard for each platform.
Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment.
Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions.
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AWS Certified Security - Specialty Certification
Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer
Cisco Security Certifications
The Red Hat Certified Specialist in Security: Linux
Linux Professional Institute LPIC-3 Enterprise Security Certification
Cybersecurity Training and Courses from IBM Skills
Cybersecurity Courses and Certifications by Offensive Security
Citrix Certified Associate – Networking(CCA-N)
Citrix Certified Professional – Virtualization(CCP-V)
CCNP Routing and Switching
Certified Information Security Manager(CISM)
Wireshark Certified Network Analyst (WCNA)
Juniper Networks Certification Program Enterprise (JNCP)
Networking courses and specializations from Coursera
Network & Security Courses from Udemy
Network & Security Courses from edX
• Connection: In networking, a connection refers to pieces of related information that are transferred through a network. This generally infers that a connection is built before the data transfer (by following the procedures laid out in a protocol) and then is deconstructed at the at the end of the data transfer.
• Packet: A packet is, generally speaking, the most basic unit that is transferred over a network. When communicating over a network, packets are the envelopes that carry your data (in pieces) from one end point to the other.
Packets have a header portion that contains information about the packet including the source and destination, timestamps, network hops. The main portion of a packet contains the actual data being transferred. It is sometimes called the body or the payload.
• Network Interface: A network interface can refer to any kind of software interface to networking hardware. For instance, if you have two network cards in your computer, you can control and configure each network interface associated with them individually.
A network interface may be associated with a physical device, or it may be a representation of a virtual interface. The "loop-back" device, which is a virtual interface to the local machine, is an example of this.
• LAN: LAN stands for "local area network". It refers to a network or a portion of a network that is not publicly accessible to the greater internet. A home or office network is an example of a LAN.
• WAN: WAN stands for "wide area network". It means a network that is much more extensive than a LAN. While WAN is the relevant term to use to describe large, dispersed networks in general, it is usually meant to mean the internet, as a whole.
If an interface is connected to the WAN, it is generally assumed that it is reachable through the internet.
• Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules and standards that basically define a language that devices can use to communicate. There are a great number of protocols in use extensively in networking, and they are often implemented in different layers.
Some low level protocols are TCP, UDP, IP, and ICMP. Some familiar examples of application layer protocols, built on these lower protocols, are HTTP (for accessing web content), SSH, TLS/SSL, and FTP.
• Port: A port is an address on a single machine that can be tied to a specific piece of software. It is not a physical interface or location, but it allows your server to be able to communicate using more than one application.
• Firewall: A firewall is a program that decides whether traffic coming into a server or going out should be allowed. A firewall usually works by creating rules for which type of traffic is acceptable on which ports. Generally, firewalls block ports that are not used by a specific application on a server.
• NAT: Network address translation is a way to translate requests that are incoming into a routing server to the relevant devices or servers that it knows about in the LAN. This is usually implemented in physical LANs as a way to route requests through one IP address to the necessary backend servers.
• VPN: Virtual private network is a means of connecting separate LANs through the internet, while maintaining privacy. This is used as a means of connecting remote systems as if they were on a local network, often for security reasons.
While networking is often discussed in terms of topology in a horizontal way, between hosts, its implementation is layered in a vertical fashion throughout a computer or network. This means is that there are multiple technologies and protocols that are built on top of each other in order for communication to function more easily. Each successive, higher layer abstracts the raw data a little bit more, and makes it simpler to use for applications and users. It also allows you to leverage lower layers in new ways without having to invest the time and energy to develop the protocols and applications that handle those types of traffic.
As data is sent out of one machine, it begins at the top of the stack and filters downwards. At the lowest level, actual transmission to another machine takes place. At this point, the data travels back up through the layers of the other computer. Each layer has the ability to add its own "wrapper" around the data that it receives from the adjacent layer, which will help the layers that come after decide what to do with the data when it is passed off.
One method of talking about the different layers of network communication is the OSI model. OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnect.This model defines seven separate layers. The layers in this model are:
• Application: The application layer is the layer that the users and user-applications most often interact with. Network communication is discussed in terms of availability of resources, partners to communicate with, and data synchronization.
• Presentation: The presentation layer is responsible for mapping resources and creating context. It is used to translate lower level networking data into data that applications expect to see.
• Session: The session layer is a connection handler. It creates, maintains, and destroys connections between nodes in a persistent way.
• Transport: The transport layer is responsible for handing the layers above it a reliable connection. In this context, reliable refers to the ability to verify that a piece of data was received intact at the other end of the connection. This layer can resend information that has been dropped or corrupted and can acknowledge the receipt of data to remote computers.
• Network: The network layer is used to route data between different nodes on the network. It uses addresses to be able to tell which computer to send information to. This layer can also break apart larger messages into smaller chunks to be reassembled on the opposite end.
• Data Link: This layer is implemented as a method of establishing and maintaining reliable links between different nodes or devices on a network using existing physical connections.
• Physical: The physical layer is responsible for handling the actual physical devices that are used to make a connection. This layer involves the bare software that manages physical connections as well as the hardware itself (like Ethernet).
The TCP/IP model, more commonly known as the Internet protocol suite, is another layering model that is simpler and has been widely adopted.It defines the four separate layers, some of which overlap with the OSI model:
• Application: In this model, the application layer is responsible for creating and transmitting user data between applications. The applications can be on remote systems, and should appear to operate as if locally to the end user.
The communication takes place between peers network.
• Transport: The transport layer is responsible for communication between processes. This level of networking utilizes ports to address different services. It can build up unreliable or reliable connections depending on the type of protocol used.
• Internet: The internet layer is used to transport data from node to node in a network. This layer is aware of the endpoints of the connections, but does not worry about the actual connection needed to get from one place to another. IP addresses are defined in this layer as a way of reaching remote systems in an addressable manner.
• Link: The link layer implements the actual topology of the local network that allows the internet layer to present an addressable interface. It establishes connections between neighboring nodes to send data.
Interfaces are networking communication points for your computer. Each interface is associated with a physical or virtual networking device. Typically, your server will have one configurable network interface for each Ethernet or wireless internet card you have. In addition, it will define a virtual network interface called the "loopback" or localhost interface. This is used as an interface to connect applications and processes on a single computer to other applications and processes. You can see this referenced as the "lo" interface in many tools.
Networking works by piggybacks on a number of different protocols on top of each other. In this way, one piece of data can be transmitted using multiple protocols encapsulated within one another.
Media access control is a communications protocol that is used to distinguish specific devices. Each device is supposed to get a unique MAC address during the manufacturing process that differentiates it from every other device on the internet. Addressing hardware by the MAC address allows you to reference a device by a unique value even when the software on top may change the name for that specific device during operation. Media access control is one of the only protocols from the link layer that you are likely to interact with on a regular basis.
The IP protocol is one of the fundamental protocols that allow the internet to work. IP addresses are unique on each network and they allow machines to address each other across a network. It is implemented on the internet layer in the IP/TCP model. Networks can be linked together, but traffic must be routed when crossing network boundaries. This protocol assumes an unreliable network and multiple paths to the same destination that it can dynamically change between. There are a number of different implementations of the protocol. The most common implementation today is IPv4, although IPv6 is growing in popularity as an alternative due to the scarcity of IPv4 addresses available and improvements in the protocols capabilities.
ICMP: internet control message protocol is used to send messages between devices to indicate the availability or error conditions. These packets are used in a variety of network diagnostic tools, such as ping and traceroute. Usually ICMP packets are transmitted when a packet of a different kind meets some kind of a problem. Basically, they are used as a feedback mechanism for network communications.
TCP: Transmission control protocol is implemented in the transport layer of the IP/TCP model and is used to establish reliable connections. TCP is one of the protocols that encapsulates data into packets. It then transfers these to the remote end of the connection using the methods available on the lower layers. On the other end, it can check for errors, request certain pieces to be resent, and reassemble the information into one logical piece to send to the application layer. The protocol builds up a connection prior to data transfer using a system called a three-way handshake. This is a way for the two ends of the communication to acknowledge the request and agree upon a method of ensuring data reliability. After the data has been sent, the connection is torn down using a similar four-way handshake. TCP is the protocol of choice for many of the most popular uses for the internet, including WWW, FTP, SSH, and email. It is safe to say that the internet we know today would not be here without TCP.
UDP: User datagram protocol is a popular companion protocol to TCP and is also implemented in the transport layer. The fundamental difference between UDP and TCP is that UDP offers unreliable data transfer. It does not verify that data has been received on the other end of the connection. This might sound like a bad thing, and for many purposes, it is. However, it is also extremely important for some functions. It's not required to wait for confirmation that the data was received and forced to resend data, UDP is much faster than TCP. It does not establish a connection with the remote host, it simply fires off the data to that host and doesn't care if it is accepted or not. Since UDP is a simple transaction, it is useful for simple communications like querying for network resources. It also doesn't maintain a state, which makes it great for transmitting data from one machine to many real-time clients. This makes it ideal for VOIP, games, and other applications that cannot afford delays.
HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol is a protocol defined in the application layer that forms the basis for communication on the web. HTTP defines a number of functions that tell the remote system what you are requesting. For instance, GET, POST, and DELETE all interact with the requested data in a different way.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is digitally signed using JSON Web Signature (JWS).
OAuth 2.0 is an open source authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter GitHub, and DigitalOcean. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account.
FTP: File transfer protocol is in the application layer and provides a way of transferring complete files from one host to another. It is inherently insecure, so it is not recommended for any externally facing network unless it is implemented as a public, download-only resource.
DNS: Domain name system is an application layer protocol used to provide a human-friendly naming mechanism for internet resources. It is what ties a domain name to an IP address and allows you to access sites by name in your browser.
SSH: Secure shell is an encrypted protocol implemented in the application layer that can be used to communicate with a remote server in a secure way. Many additional technologies are built around this protocol because of its end-to-end encryption and ubiquity. There are many other protocols that we haven't covered that are equally important. However, this should give you a good overview of some of the fundamental technologies that make the internet and networking possible.
KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It consists of a loadable kernel module, kvm.ko, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module, kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko.
QEMU is a fast processor emulator using a portable dynamic translator. QEMU emulates a full system, including a processor and various peripherals. It can be used to launch a different Operating System without rebooting the PC or to debug system code.
Hyper-V enables running virtualized computer systems on top of a physical host. These virtualized systems can be used and managed just as if they were physical computer systems, however they exist in virtualized and isolated environment. Special software called a hypervisor manages access between the virtual systems and the physical hardware resources. Virtualization enables quick deployment of computer systems, a way to quickly restore systems to a previously known good state, and the ability to migrate systems between physical hosts.
VirtManager is a graphical tool for managing virtual machines via libvirt. Most usage is with QEMU/KVM virtual machines, but Xen and libvirt LXC containers are well supported. Common operations for any libvirt driver should work.
oVirt is an open-source distributed virtualization solution, designed to manage your entire enterprise infrastructure. oVirt uses the trusted KVM hypervisor and is built upon several other community projects, including libvirt, Gluster, PatternFly, and Ansible.Founded by Red Hat as a community project on which Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization is based allowing for centralized management of virtual machines, compute, storage and networking resources, from an easy-to-use web-based front-end with platform independent access.
Xen is focused on advancing virtualization in a number of different commercial and open source applications, including server virtualization, Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS), desktop virtualization, security applications, embedded and hardware appliances, and automotive/aviation.
Ganeti is a virtual machine cluster management tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM and other open source software. Once installed, the tool assumes management of the virtual instances (Xen DomU).
Packer is an open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly performant, creating machine images for multiple platforms in parallel. Packer does not replace configuration management like Chef or Puppet. In fact, when building images, Packer is able to use tools like Chef or Puppet to install software onto the image.
Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. It provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.
VMware Workstation is a hosted hypervisor that runs on x64 versions of Windows and Linux operating systems; it enables users to set up virtual machines on a single physical machine, and use them simultaneously along with the actual machine.
VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers.
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SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in relational databases.
SQL Tutorial by W3Schools
Learn SQL Skills Online from Coursera
SQL Courses Online from Udemy
SQL Online Training Courses from LinkedIn Learning
Learn SQL For Free from Codecademy
GitLab's SQL Style Guide
OracleDB SQL Style Guide Basics
Tableau CRM: BI Software and Tools
Databases on AWS
Best Practices and Recommendations for SQL Server Clustering in AWS EC2.
Connecting from Google Kubernetes Engine to a Cloud SQL instance.
Educational Microsoft Azure SQL resources
MySQL Certifications
SQL vs. NoSQL Databases: What's the Difference?
What is NoSQL?
Azure Data Studio is an open source data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW from Windows, macOS and Linux.
Azure SQL Database is the intelligent, scalable, relational database service built for the cloud. It's evergreen and always up to date, with AI-powered and automated features that optimize performance and durability for you. Serverless compute and Hyperscale storage options automatically scale resources on demand, so you can focus on building new applications without worrying about storage size or resource management.
Azure SQL Managed Instance is a fully managed SQL Server Database engine instance that's hosted in Azure and placed in your network. This deployment model makes it easy to lift and shift your on-premises applications to the cloud with very few application and database changes. Managed instance has split compute and storage components.
Azure Synapse Analytics is a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics. It gives you the freedom to query data on your terms, using either serverless or provisioned resources at scale. It brings together the best of the SQL technologies used in enterprise data warehousing, Spark technologies used in big data analytics, and Pipelines for data integration and ETL/ELT.
MSSQL for Visual Studio Code is an extension for developing Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse everywhere with a rich set of functionalities.
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a development tool for building SQL Server relational databases, Azure SQL Databases, Analysis Services (AS) data models, Integration Services (IS) packages, and Reporting Services (RS) reports. With SSDT, a developer can design and deploy any SQL Server content type with the same ease as they would develop an application in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
Bulk Copy Program is a command-line tool that comes with Microsoft SQL Server. BCP, allows you to import and export large amounts of data in and out of SQL Server databases quickly snd efficeiently.
SQL Server Migration Assistant is a tool from Microsoft that simplifies database migration process from Oracle to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Managed Instance and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
SQL Server Integration Services is a development platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions. Use Integration Services to solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing and mining data, and managing SQL Server objects and data.
SQL Server Business Intelligence(BI) is a collection of tools in Microsoft's SQL Server for transforming raw data into information businesses can use to make decisions.
Tableau is a Data Visualization software used in relational databases, cloud databases, and spreadsheets. Tableau was acquired by Salesforce in August 2019.
DataGrip is a professional DataBase IDE developed by Jet Brains that provides context-sensitive code completion, helping you to write SQL code faster. Completion is aware of the tables structure, foreign keys, and even database objects created in code you're editing.
RStudio is an integrated development environment for R and Python, with a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, and tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.
MySQL is a fully managed database service to deploy cloud-native applications using the world's most popular open source database.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. It is a fully managed, multiregion, multimaster, durable database with built-in security, backup and restore, and in-memory caching for internet-scale applications.
FoundationDB is an open source distributed database designed to handle large volumes of structured data across clusters of commodity servers. It organizes data as an ordered key-value store and employs ACID transactions for all operations. It is especially well-suited for read/write workloads but also has excellent performance for write-intensive workloads. FoundationDB was acquired by Apple in 2015.
CouchbaseDB is an open source distributed multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database. It creates a key-value store with managed cache for sub-millisecond data operations, with purpose-built indexers for efficient queries and a powerful query engine for executing SQL queries.
IBM DB2 is a collection of hybrid data management products offering a complete suite of AI-empowered capabilities designed to help you manage both structured and unstructured data on premises as well as in private and public cloud environments. Db2 is built on an intelligent common SQL engine designed for scalability and flexibility.
MongoDB is a document database meaning it stores data in JSON-like documents.
OracleDB is a powerful fully managed database helps developers manage business-critical data with the highest availability, reliability, and security.
MariaDB is an enterprise open source database solution for modern, mission-critical applications.
SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine.SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day.
SQLite Database Browser is an open source SQL tool that allows users to create, design and edits SQLite database files. It lets users show a log of all the SQL commands that have been issued by them and by the application itself.
dbWatch is a complete database monitoring/management solution for SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MySQL and Azure. Designed for proactive management and automation of routine maintenance in large scale on-premise, hybrid/cloud database environments.
Cosmos DB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of Cosmos DB database. It identifies over a dozen suspicious behaviors from your application's interaction with Cosmos DB.
Adminer is an SQL management client tool for managing databases, tables, relations, indexes, users. Adminer has support for all the popular database management systems such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
DBeaver is an open source database tool for developers and database administrators. It offers supports for JDBC compliant databases such as MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server, Firebird, SQLite, Sybase, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, and Presto.
DbVisualizer is a SQL management tool that allows users to manage a wide range of databases such as Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, MySQL, H3, and SQLite.
AppDynamics Database is a management product for Microsoft SQL Server. With AppDynamics you can monitor and trend key performance metrics such as resource consumption, database objects, schema statistics and more, allowing you to proactively tune and fix issues in a High-Volume Production Environment.
Toad is a SQL Server DBMS toolset developed by Quest. It increases productivity by using extensive automation, intuitive workflows, and built-in expertise. This SQL management tool resolve issues, manage change and promote the highest levels of code quality for both relational and non-relational databases.
Lepide SQL Server is an open source storage manager utility to analyse the performance of SQL Servers. It provides a complete overview of all configuration and permission changes being made to your SQL Server environment through an easy-to-use, graphical user interface.
Sequel Pro is a fast MacOS database management tool for working with MySQL. This SQL management tool helpful for interacting with your database by easily to adding new databases, new tables, and new rows.
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Note: GNOME Extenions allow you customize your Desktop layout anyway you want.
Easily turn GNOME Extensions On/Off using the GNOME Shell integration add-on in the Firefox web browser.
Caffeine is a GNOME Shell extension that disables the screensaver and auto suspend
Arc Menu is a GNOME Shell extension that adds an Application Menu for GNOME.
Material Shell is a GNOME Shell extension that adds a modern desktop interface for Linux - packaged as an extension for GNOME Shell. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity. It's meant to be 100% predictable and bring the benefits of tools coveted by professionals to everyone.
Clipboard Indicator is a GNOME Shell extension that adds a clipboard indicator to the top panel, and caches clipboard history.
Blur My Shell is a GNOME Shell extension that adds a blur look to different parts of the GNOME Shell, including the top panel, dash and overview.
GSConnect is a GNOME Shell extension that adds a complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome and Firefox integration. It does not rely on the KDE Connect desktop application and will not work with it installed.
Compiz alike windows effect is a GNOME Shell extension that adds wobbly windows effect inspired by the Compiz one
CPU Power Manager is a GNOME Shell extension that enables you to manage Intel_pstate CPU Frequency scaling driver.
CPU Power Governor is a GNOME Shell extension that enables the ability to swap between kernel governors for the CPU useful for laptops.
CPUFreq is a GNOME Shell extension for System Monitor and Power Manager.
Dash to Panel is a GNOME Shell extension that shows an icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications.
Dash to Dock is a GNOME Shell extension that shows a dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops. Side and bottom placement options are available.
Removable Drive Menu is a GNOME Shell extension that shows a status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices.
Snap Manager is a GNOME Shell extension that shows a popup menu in the top bar to easily manage snap tasks (list, changes, refresh, remove, install...). Update notification at session startup.
Sound Input & Output Device Chooser is a GNOME Shell extension that shows a list of sound output and input devices (similar to gnome sound settings) in the status menu below the volume slider. Various active ports like HDMI , Speakers etc. of the same device are also displayed for selection. V20+ needs python as dependency. If you want to continue with the old method without Python, use options to switch off New Port identification. But it works with only English
User Themes is a GNOME Shell extension that lets you load shell themes from user directory.
WinTile: Windows 10 window tiling for GNOME is a hotkey driven window tiling system for GNOME that imitates the standard Win-Arrow keys of Windows 10, allowing you to maximize, maximize to sides, or 1/4 sized to corner across a single or multiple monitors using just Super+Arrow.
Gnome Extensions Sync is a GNOME Shell extension that syncs gnome shell keybindings, tweaks settings and extensions with their configuration across all gnome installations.
Tray Icons: Reloaded is a GNOME Shell extension which bring back Tray Icons to top panel, with additional features.
GitLab extension is a GNOME Shell extension that lets you utilizes the official GitLab API to provide a comfortable overview about your projects, commits & pipelines.
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Below are some of my favorite Ubuntu tutorials from DigitalOcean that also work with Pop!_OS.
How To Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication for SSH on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Configure Nginx as a Web Server and Reverse Proxy for Apache on One Ubuntu 20.04 Server
How To Install and Configure Postfix on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install and Use SQLite on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Deploy a React Application with Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04
How to Optimize WordPress on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Acquire a Let's Encrypt Certificate Using DNS Validation with certbot-dns-digitalocean on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Build a Slackbot in Python on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Back Up, Restore, and Migrate a MongoDB Database on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Set Up an Ubuntu 20.04 Server on a DigitalOcean Droplet
How To Set Up Physical Streaming Replication with PostgreSQL 12 on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install and Use Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Remotely Access GUI Applications Using Docker and Caddy on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Set Up Mattermost on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Set Up a Remote Desktop with X2Go on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install and Configure Drone on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache in Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install the Django Web Framework on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Use Traefik v2 as a Reverse Proxy for Docker Containers on Ubuntu 20.04
How To Sandbox Processes With Systemd On Ubuntu 20.04
How To Host a Website Using Cloudflare and Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04
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