todo b4a
Aplikasi android Todo List yang bagus dibuat menggunakan B4A
Dibuat dengan B4X
Unduh dan Kembangkan dengan B4A GRATIS :
Untuk mengubah tema, tambahkan AppCompat Library dan tambahkan baris berikut di Manifest Editor
'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.
'You do not need to modify it in most cases.
'See this link for for more information:
< uses-sdk android : minSdkVersion = " 5 " android : targetSdkVersion = " 28 " />
< supports-screens android : largeScreens = " true "
android : normalScreens = " true "
android : smallScreens = " true "
android : anyDensity = " true " />)
SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "@drawable/icon")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:label, "$LABEL$")
'CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Themes.LightTheme)
'End of default text.
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@style/Todo")
CreateResource(values, colors.xml,
< resources >
< color name = " actionbar " >#FF8A2BE2 color >
< color name = " statusbar " >#FF8A2BE2 color >
< color name = " navigationBar " >#FF8A2BE2 color >
< color name = " textColorPrimary " >#FF000000 color >
< color name = " colorAccent " >#FFE91E63 color >
resources >
CreateResource(values, theme.xml,
< resources >
< style name = " Todo " parent = " Theme.AppCompat.Light " >
< item name = " colorPrimary " >@color/actionbar item >
< item name = " colorPrimaryDark " >@color/statusbar item >
< item name = " android:navigationBarColor " >@color/navigationBar item >
< item name = " android:textColorPrimary " >@color/textColorPrimary item >
< item name = " colorAccent " >@color/colorAccent item >
< item name = " windowNoTitle " >true item >
< item name = " windowActionBar " >false item >
< item name = " windowActionModeOverlay " >true item >
style >
resources >
Di Aktivitas Utama, tambahkan #Extends:
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#IgnoreWarnings: 32
#End Region
Daftar putar tutorial YouTube: