glua net monitor
Sebuah utilitas sederhana yang menangkap pesan bersih keluar dan masuk untuk membantu Anda melakukan debug dan mengoptimalkan bandwidth. Mendukung perpustakaan net dan perpustakaan umsg yang tidak digunakan lagi (harap perbarui add-on Anda jika Anda masih menggunakannya).
Cukup letakkan folder gLua-net-monitor
di folder garrysmod/addons
Anda, itu akan bekerja dengan sendirinya.
Add-on yang menggantikan fungsi net/umsg/bf_read harus memanggil implementasi dasar agar ini berfungsi. Mengganti net.Incoming
mungkin menghentikan utilitas ini menangkap pesan masuk karena memerlukan header pesan agar berfungsi.
Secara default, file hooks.lua
berisi beberapa implementasi dasar untuk debugging. Jangan ragu untuk menyingkirkannya.
-- Called when a net message is started.
-- @ param msgName: name of the message that was started.
-- @ param funcInfo: info about the function that started the message.
hook . Add ( " OnNetMessageStarted " , " NetStarted " , function ( msgName , funcInfo ) end )
-- Called when a net message is captured, for both outgoing and incoming messages.
-- Keep your code fast in here! This is called for every net/umsg message.
-- @ param msg: The captured message, see NetMonitor.CapturedMessage
-- @ param funcInfo: For outgoing messages, the function who started the message.
hook . Add ( " OnNetMessageCaptured " , " NetCaptured " , function ( msg , funcInfo ) end )
-- Called when a net message is received but no receiving function is hooked.
-- This is likely an oversight of a developer, albeit a wasteful one.
-- @ param msg: The captured message, see NetMonitor.CapturedMessage
hook . Add ( " OnNetMessageIgnored " , " NetIgnored " , function ( msg ) end )
-- Called when a received net message does not read all the received data.
-- Not called for the usermessage lib messages.
-- Called after OnNetMessageCaptured & OnNetMessageIgnored
-- This means you or an addon on your server is wasting bandwidth!
-- @ param msg: The captured message, see NetMonitor.CapturedMessage
-- @note: The captured message data will contain a binary string dump of the remaining data.
hook . Add ( " OnNetMessageDumpedData " , " NetDumped " , function ( msg ) end )
-- Called when a net message is discarded due to starting another without finishing the current one.
-- @ param msg: The captured message which got discarded, likely missing some information.
-- @ param funcInfo: The info about the function which called the dicarded message's net.Start()
hook . Add ( " OnNetMessageDiscarded " , " NetDiscarded " , function ( msg , funcInfo ) end )
-- Called clientside when the server's registry is received.
hook . Add ( " OnNetRegistryUpdated " , " NetRegistryUpdate " , function () end )