Jika Anda ingin bergabung dengan komunitas saluran Slack kami, silakan kirim email ke [email protected] untuk menerima undangan. Anda juga dapat menghubungi kami langsung di [email protected] jika ada pertanyaan.
kflowd berisi program eBPF yang berjalan dalam konteks kernel dan aplikasi kontrolnya berjalan di ruang pengguna.
Program eBPF menelusuri fungsi kernel untuk memantau proses berdasarkan sistem file dan peristiwa jaringan. Peristiwa dikumpulkan ke dalam rekaman dan dikirimkan ke ringbuffer tempat peristiwa tersebut disurvei oleh aplikasi kontrol ruang pengguna. Semua Catatan diperkaya dengan informasi proses dan kemudian diubah menjadi pesan dalam format keluaran JSON.
Pesan akhir dicetak ke konsol stdout dan dapat dikirim melalui protokol UDP ke host tertentu untuk diserap dalam saluran data keamanan.
kflowd berjalan pada kernel Linux 5.10+ dan dibangun dengan toolchain pengembangan eBPF libbpf+CO-RE (Compile-Once-Run-Everywhere) menggunakan BTF (BPF Type Format) untuk memungkinkan portabilitas dengan menghindari ketergantungan pada perbedaan header kernel antar versi kernel pada penerapan.
kflowd mengeluarkan pesan JSON yang dihasilkan untuk setiap catatan sistem file gabungan dan TCP, peristiwa jaringan UDP, dan pesan aplikasi DNS, HTTP, dan SYSLOG opsional dalam format seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh berikut:
"InfoSequenceNumber": 1,
"InfoTimestamp": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:34:35.643031330 UTC",
"InfoMonitor": "filesystem",
"InfoHostName": "dev.kflow.co",
"InfoHostIP": "",
"InfoSystem": "Linux",
"InfoKernel": "6.1.0-10-amd64",
"InfoVersion": "kflowd-v0.9.1",
"InfoUptime": 21.262713426,
"ProcParent": "sshd",
"Proc": "sftp-server",
"ProcVersion": "1:9.2p1-2+deb12u1",
"ProcUser": "dirk",
"ProcGroup": "dirk",
"ProcPPID": 183546,
"ProcPID": 183547,
"ProcTID": 183547,
"ProcUID": 1002,
"ProcGID": 1002,
"ProcAge": 2.408293862,
"FilePath": "/home/dirk/",
"File": "malware",
"FileVersion": "0.9",
"FileMode": "regular",
"FileEventCount": 4,
"FileEvents": {
"OPEN": 1,
"MODIFY": 2,
"FileEventsDuration": 0.811829334,
"FileInode": 19567988,
"FileInodeLinkCount": 1,
"FileDevice": "902h:/dev/md2:/:ext4",
"FilePermissions": "0755/-rwxr-xr-x",
"FileUser": "dirk",
"FileGroup": "dirk",
"FileUID": 1002,
"FileGID": 1002,
"FileSize": 41,
"FileSizeChange": 41,
"FileAccessTime": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:12:01.435718956 UTC",
"FileStatusChangeTime": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:34:35.154106191 UTC",
"FileModificationTime": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:34:35.154106191 UTC",
"FileModificationTimeChange": 0.327993681,
"FileMD5": "96760f46bd29ba986279f22bed9839f5",
"FileSHA256": "72c58c2d02ae3a87f521594373433b7d05477c4994fc0ab4376827cadb29ba7e"
"InfoSequenceNumber": 2,
"InfoTimestamp": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:39:11.463732866 UTC",
"InfoMonitor": "socket",
"InfoHostName": "dev.kflow.co",
"InfoHostIP": "",
"InfoSystem": "Linux",
"InfoKernel": "6.1.0-10-amd64",
"InfoVersion": "kflowd-v0.9.1",
"InfoUptime": 23.972984597,
"ProcParent": "bash",
"Proc": "curl",
"ProcVersion": "7.45.2-3",
"ProcUser": "dirk",
"ProcGroup": "dirk",
"ProcPPID": 199853,
"ProcPID": 199856,
"ProcTID": 199857,
"ProcUID": 1002,
"ProcGID": 1002,
"ProcAge": 0.044454620,
"SockProtocol": "UDP",
"SockRole": "CLIENT",
"SockFamily": "AF_INET",
"SockLocalIP": "",
"SockLocalPort": 56664,
"SockRemoteIP": "",
"SockRemotePort": 53,
"SockTxInterface": "4:enp5s0:0c:c4:7a:88:84:c2",
"SockTxPackets": 2,
"SockTxDuration": 0.000048490,
"SockTxBytes": 52,
"SockTxInterface": "4:enp5s0:0c:c4:7a:88:84:c2",
"SockRxPackets": 2,
"SockRxPacketsQueued": 0,
"SockRxPacketsDrop": 0,
"SockRxPacketsFrag": 0,
"SockRxDuration": 22.475134750,
"SockRxBytes": 155,
"SockRxTTL": 125,
"SockAge": 0.043689149,
"App": "DNS",
"AppTxDns": [{
"_Timestamp": 0.000001177,
"TransactionId": 56864,
"OpCode": "QUERY",
"Flags": ["RD"],
"ResourceRecords": [
["A", "kflow.co"]
"_Timestamp": 0.000048627,
"TransactionId": 52515,
"OpCode": "QUERY",
"Flags": ["RD"],
"ResourceRecords": [
["AAAA", "kflow.co"]
"AppRxDns": [{
"_Timestamp": 0.037965555,
"TransactionId": 52515,
"ResponseCode": "NOERROR",
"Flags": ["QR", "RD", "RA"],
"AnswerCount": 0,
"ResourceRecords": []
"_Timestamp": 0.043688644,
"TransactionId": 56864,
"ResponseCode": "NOERROR",
"Flags": ["QR", "RD", "RA"],
"AnswerCount": 2,
"ResourceRecords": [
["A", "kflow.co", 600, "IN", ""],
["A", "kflow.co", 600, "IN", ""]
"InfoSequenceNumber": 3,
"InfoTimestamp": "Thu, Apr 04 2024 15:39:11.928989997 UTC",
"InfoMonitor": "socket",
"InfoHostName": "dev.kflow.co",
"InfoHostIP": "",
"InfoSystem": "Linux",
"InfoKernel": "6.1.0-10-amd64",
"InfoVersion": "kflowd-v0.9.1",
"InfoUptime": 24.873001288,
"ProcParent": "bash",
"Proc": "curl",
"ProcVersion": "7.45.2-3",
"ProcUser": "dirk",
"ProcGroup": "dirk",
"ProcPPID": 199853,
"ProcPID": 216998,
"ProcTID": 216998,
"ProcUID": 1002,
"ProcGID": 1002,
"ProcAge": 0.114196829,
"SockProtocol": "TCP",
"SockRole": "CLIENT",
"SockState": "TCP_CLOSE",
"SockFamily": "AF_INET",
"SockLocalIP": "",
"SockLocalPort": 43302,
"SockRemoteIP": "",
"SockRemotePort": 80,
"SockTxInterface": "4:enp5s0:0c:c4:7a:88:84:c2",
"SockTxDataPackets": 1,
"SockTxPackets": 6,
"SockTxPacketsRetrans": 0,
"SockTxPacketsDups": 0,
"SockTxFlags": {
"SYN": 1,
"ACK": 3,
"PSH-ACK": 1,
"FIN-ACK": 1
"SockTxDuration": 0.057274799,
"SockTxBytes": 72,
"SockTxBytesAcked": 74,
"SockTxBytesRetrans": 0,
"SockTxRTO": 51,
"SockTxInterface": "4:enp5s0:0c:c4:7a:88:84:c2",
"SockRxDataPackets": 1,
"SockRxPackets": 4,
"SockRxPacketsQueued": 0,
"SockRxPacketsDrop": 0,
"SockRxPacketsReorder": 0,
"SockRxPacketsFrag": 0,
"SockRxFlags": {
"SYN-ACK": 1,
"ACK": 1,
"PSH-ACK": 1,
"FIN-ACK": 1
"SockRxDuration": 0.057197399,
"SockRxBytes": 342,
"SockRxTTL": 185,
"SockRTT": 0.000450625,
"SockAge": 0.057344028,
"App": "HTTP",
"AppTxHttp": [{
"_Timestamp": 0.000876589,
"_Method": "GET",
"_Url": "/",
"_Version": "HTTP/1.1",
"Host": "kflow.co",
"User-Agent": "curl/7.88.1",
"Accept": "*/*"
"AppRxHttp": [{
"_Timestamp": 0.056237469,
"_Version": "HTTP/1.1",
"_Status": 301,
"_Reason": "Moved Permanently",
"Date": "Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:49:12 GMT",
"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Length": "59",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Location": "https://kflowd.github.io",
"Server": "ip-10-123-123-119.ec2.internal",
"X-Request-Id": "5c331cbe-fbe1-40ea-ba2b-989691e687a0",
"_Body": "<a href="https://kflowd.github.io">Moved Permanently</a>."
"InfoSequenceNumber": 4,
"InfoTimestamp": "Mon, Sep 16 2024 14:30:19.409100980 UTC",
"InfoMonitor": "socket",
"InfoHostName": "dev.kflow.co",
"InfoHostIP": "",
"InfoSystem": "Linux",
"InfoKernel": "6.1.0-10-amd64",
"InfoVersion": "kflowd-v0.9.11",
"ProcParent": "cron",
"Proc": "cron",
"ProcVersion": "3.0pl1-137",
"ProcUser": "root",
"ProcGroup": "root",
"ProcPPID": 990,
"ProcPID": 2122368,
"ProcTID": 2122368,
"ProcUID": 0,
"ProcGID": 0,
"ProcAge": 18.100170007,
"SockRole": "CLIENT",
"SockAddress": "/run/systemd/journal/dev-log",
"SockFamily": "AF_UNIX",
"SockTxBytes": 192,
"SockAge": 18.095146325,
"App": "SYSLOG",
"AppTxSyslog": [{
"Facility": "Security/Authorization",
"Severity": "Notice (5)",
"Priority": 85,
"Version": 0,
"Timestamp": "Sep 16 14:30:01",
"Appname": "CRON",
"ProcId": "2122368",
"Message": "pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)"
"Facility": "Security/Authorization",
"Severity": "Informational (6)",
"Priority": 86,
"Version": 0,
"Timestamp": "Sep 16 14:30:01",
"Appname": "CRON",
"ProcId": "2122368",
"Message": "pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root"
Kernel 5.10+ dikompilasi dengan:
Kernel 5.10+ dikompilasi dengan kompiler eBPF Just-In-Time (JIT):
Pengaturan kontrol sistem JIT diaktifkan:
Tautan berikut memberikan ikhtisar distribusi Linux dengan eBPF CO-RE & BTF diaktifkan secara default:
Distribusi Linux dengan eBPF CO-RE & BTF
Untuk keluaran UDP kinerja tinggi, disarankan pengaturan jaringan kernel berikut:
kflowd [-m file,socket] [-t IDLE,ACTIVE] [-e EVENTS] [-o json|json-min|table] [-v] [-c]
[-p dns|http|syslog=PROTO/PORT,...] [-u IP:PORT] [-q] [-d] [-V] [-T TOKEN] [-P PATH]
[-D PROCESS], [-l] [--legend], [-h] [--help], [--version]
-m file,socket Monitor only specified kernel subsystem (filesystem or sockets)
(default: all, option omitted!)
-t IDLE,ACTIVE Timeout in seconds for idle or active network sockets until export
(default: idle '15' seconds, active '1800' seconds)
-e EVENTS Max number of filesystem events per aggregated record until export
(default: disabled, '1': no aggregation)
-o json Json output with formatting (default)
json-min Json output with minimal formatting
table Tabular output with limited keys and no UDP output
-v Version of executable files identified by installed package
(supported only for rpm- and deb-based package management)
-c Checksum hashes of MD5 and SHA256 calculated for executables
-p dns=PROTO/PORT,... Port(s) examined for decoding of DNS application protocol
(default: 'dns=udp/53,tcp/53', disabled: 'dns=off')
-p http=PROTO/PORT,... Port(s) examined for decoding of HTTP application protocol
(default: 'http=tcp/80', disabled: 'http=off')
-p syslog=PROTO/PORT,... Port(s) examined for decoding of SYSLOG application protocol
(default: 'syslog=udp/514,tcp/514,unix', disabled: 'syslog=off')
-u IP:PORT,... UDP server(s) IPv4 or IPv6 address to send json output to.
Output also printed to stdout console unless quiet option -q or
daemon mode -d specified
-q Quiet mode to suppress output to stdout console
-d Daemonize program to run in background
-V Verbose output
Print eBPF load and co-re messages on start of eBPF program
to stderr console
-T TOKEN Token specified on host to be included in json output
-P PATH Path to search for kflowd plugin modules (default: '../lib/')
-l, --legend Show legend
-h, --help Show help
--version Show version
Print ebpf kernel log messages of process or expiration queue to
kernel trace pipe (any process: '*', with quotes!, queue: 'q')
Use command:
'sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe'
sudo ./kflowd # terminal mode
sudo ./kflowd -m file,socket -v -c -u, -d # daemon mode
sudo ./kflowd -m socket -v -c -u -V -D '*' # debug mode
sudo ./kflowd --legend # show legend
sudo ./kflowd --version # show version
uname -a
cat /boot/config-* | grep CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF
Berbasis Debian (Ubuntu, Mint)
sudo apt install libz-dev
sudo apt install libelf-dev
sudo apt install libcap-dev
sudo apt install libbfd-dev
sudo apt install libc6-dev-i386
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install pkg-config
sudo apt install clang-16*
sudo apt install llvm-16*
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-16 /usr/bin/clang
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-strip-16 /usr/bin/llvm-strip
echo 'deb [trusted=yes] https://repo.goreleaser.com/apt/
/' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goreleaser.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nfpm
Berbasis Redhat (Amazon Linux, Fedora)
sudo yum install zlib-devel
sudo yum install elfutils-libelf-devel
sudo yum install libcap-devel
sudo yum install binutils-devel
sudo yum install glibc-devel.i386 or .i686
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install pkgconfig
sudo yum install clang*
sudo yum install llvm*
echo '[goreleaser]
gpgcheck=0' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/goreleaser.repo
sudo yum install nfpm
git clone https://github.com/tarsal-oss/kflowd.git
cd kflowd
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd src
make rpm deb
Paket dapat diinstal pada platform berbasis Linux x86_64 dan arm64:
sudo apt install ./kflowd_x.x.x_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./kflowd_x.x.x_arm64.deb
sudo yum install ./kflowd-x.x.x.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install ./kflowd-x.x.x.aarch64.rpm
Perhatikan bahwa artefak build dapat diunduh di bawah Tindakan GitHub di bagian Artefak pada alur kerja kflowd-ci yang dijalankan dengan binari dan paket yang kompatibel untuk platform x86_64 dan arm64 (glibc 2.31+):
Biner bawaan, paket RPM dan DEB (zip)
Karya ini dilisensikan di bawah GNU General Public License v2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0