dlna dart
klien dlna sederhana
import 'dart:async' ;
import 'package:dlna_dart/dlna.dart' ;
main ( List < String > args) async {
final searcher = DLNAManager ();
final m = await searcher. start ();
m.devices.stream. listen ((deviceList) {
deviceList. forEach ((key, value) async {
print (key);
if (value.info.friendlyName. contains ( 'Wireless' )) return ;
print (value.info.friendlyName);
// final text = await value.position();
// final r = await value.seekByCurrent(text, 10);
// print(r);
// close the server,the closed server can be start by call searcher.start()
Timer ( Duration (seconds : 30 ), () {
searcher. stop ();
print ( 'server closed' );
// if you new search() many times , you must use start(reusePort:true)
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