Artikel ini mengacu pada solusi sistem manajemen latar belakang berdasarkan seri Vue.js 2.x + Elemen UI. alamat daring
Artikel ini mengacu pada pustaka komponen Vue + Element untuk membangun sistem manajemen back-end, dan mengembangkannya berdasarkan antarmuka yang disediakan oleh staf Java back-end perusahaan, untuk menampilkan nilai dari antarmuka front-end ke antarmuka antarmuka ujung belakang. Dalam menggunakan framework ini, saya menemui banyak masalah dan mengumpulkan pengalaman berharga. Jadi saya mengunggah pengalaman saya dalam mengembangkan sistem manajemen backend ini ke github untuk cadangan kode.
Semua fungsi di atas diikuti oleh antarmuka backend
|-- build // webpack配置文件
|-- config // 项目打包路径
|-- src // 源码目录
| |-- components // 组件
| |-- common // 公共组件
| |-- Header.vue // 公共头部
| |-- Home.vue // 公共路由入口
| |-- Sidebar.vue // 公共左边栏
| |-- project // 主要路由页面
| |-- ProductCreate.vue // 产品页面创建
| |-- ProductCreate1.vue // 产品页面创建1
| |-- ProductList.vue //产品列表
| |-- ProductSigleList.vue // 产品单个页面查看
| |-- ProductUpdate.vue // 产品更新
| |-- ProductUpdate1.vue // 产品更新页面1
| |-- App.vue // 页面入口文件
| |-- main.js // 程序入口文件,加载各种公共组件
|-- .babelrc // ES6语法编译配置
|-- .editorconfig // 代码编写规格
|-- .gitignore // 忽略的文件
|-- index.html // 入口html文件
|-- package.json // 项目及工具的依赖配置文件
|-- // 说明
git clone // 把模板下载到本地
cd vue-ManageSystem // 进入模板目录
npm install // 安装项目依赖,等待安装完成之后
npm run dev
// 执行构建命令,生成的dist文件夹放在服务器下即可访问
npm run build
HTML : < el-table : data = "data" border style = "width: 100%" : row - class - name = "tableRowClassName" ref = "multipleTable" > < / el-table >
增加 :row-class-name="tableRowClassName",在methods里面增加tableRowClassName
tableRowClassName(row, index) {
row . index = ( index + 1 ) + ( this . cur_page - 1 ) * 20 ;
< el - table - column label = "操作" width = "180" >
< template scope = "scope" >
< el-button size = "small"
@ click = "handleRead(scope.$index, scope.row)" >查看</ el-button >
< el-button size = "small"
@ click = "handleEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)" >编辑</ el-button >
<!-- <el-button size="small" type="danger"
@click="handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)" >不展示</ el-button > -- >
< / template >
</ el-table-column >
路由跳转传参数在method里定义方法,传入row ,其中row . id 中id是后端接口定义
handleRead ( index , row ) {
this . $router . push ( { path : 'productsiglelist' , query : { productId : row . id } } ) ;
} ,
handleEdit ( index , row ) {
this . $message ( '编辑第' + ( index + 1 ) + '行' ) ;
this . $router . push ( { path : 'productupdate' , query : { productId : row . id } } ) ;
} ,
平台名称: < el - input v - model = "select_word" placeholder = "筛选平台" ref = "flat" class = "handle-input mr10" > < / el-input >
产品名称: < el-input v-model = "select_word0" placeholder = "筛选产品" ref = "product" class = "handle-input mr10" > </ el-input >
search() {
this . is_search = true ;
let platValue = this . $refs . flat . value ;
let productValue = this . $refs . product . value ;
this . queryData ( platValue , productValue ) ;
} ,
queryData(platValue,productValue) {
let self = this ;
self . $axios . post ( self . url , { "platformName" : platValue , "productName" : productValue } ) . then ( ( res ) => {
self . tableData = res . data . content . list ;
} )
< el-form-item label = "平台名称" >
< div class = "" >
{ { form . platformName } }
</ div >
</ el-form-item >
< el - form - item label = "产品名称" >
< div class = "" >
{ { form . productName } }
</ div >
< / el-form-item>
Javascript :
data: function ( ) {
return {
form : {
platformName : '' ,
productName : '' ,
IsDisplay : '' ,
productUrl : '' ,
productPresentation : '' ,
} ,
} ,
created ( ) {
let Id = this . $route . query . productId ;
this . getData ( Id ) ;
} ,
methods : {
getData ( Id ) {
let self = this ;
self . $axios . get ( "/ccdproduct/product/queryProductById.htm?productId=" + Id ) . then ( ( res ) => {
let IsDisplay = res . data . content . isDisplay ;
if ( IsDisplay == true ) { this . form . IsDisplay = '是' ; }
else if ( IsDisplay == false ) { this . form . IsDisplay = '否' ; }
console . log ( IsDisplay , this . form . IsDisplay ) ;
this . form . platformName = res . data . content . platformName ;
this . form . productName = res . data . content . productName ;
this . form . productName = res . data . content . productName ;
this . form . productUrl = res . data . content . productUrl ;
this . form . productPresentation = res . data . content . productPresentation ;
this . form . Id = Id ;
} )
} ,
< el-form-item label = "筛选字段" >
< el-select v-model = "form.fields" placeholder = "请选择" >
< el-option v-for = "(item, index) of fieldsValue" : label = "item.lable" : value = "item.value" > </ el-option >
</ el-select >
</ el-form-item >
fieldsValue: [
lable : '属性值' ,
value : 'attribute_value'
} , {
lable : '最大值' ,
value : 'max_value'
} , {
lable : '最小值' ,
value : 'min_value'
async created ( ) {
this . getDataQuery ( ) ;
let Id = this . $route . query . platformId ;
this . getDataQueryName ( Id ) ;
} ,
进行赋值, : value前面有:
getDataQueryName ( Id ) {
let self = this ; //
self . $axios . get ( "/ccdproduct/productFiltrate/queryPlatformById.htm?productFiltrateId=" + Id ) . then ( ( res ) => {
this . form . name = res . data . content . productFiltrateName ;
this . form . client = res . data . content . display ;
this . form . fields = res . data . content . filtrateAttributeColumn ;
this . form . selected = res . data . content . filtrateAttributeType ;
this . form . sort = res . data . content . filtrateType ;
this . form . Id = Id ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
console . log ( "调用失败0" , err )
} )
} ,
getDataQueryName ( ) {
let self = this ;
self . $axios . post ( self . url0 , { } ) . then ( ( res ) => {
self . Properties = res . data . content ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = self . Properties . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var platformId = self . Properties [ i ] . platformId ;
var platformName = self . Properties [ i ] . platformName ;
// alert(buteName)
self . itemList [ platformId ] = platformName ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
console . log ( "调用失败1" , err )
} )
} ,
let platformName = this . itemList [ platformId ] ;
data: function ( ) {
return {
itemList : Array ,
onUpdate ( ) {
var ProductId = this . $route . query . productId ;
let RateA = this . interestRate . attributeValue ;
let RateMax = this . interestRate . maxValue ;
let RateMin = this . interestRate . minValue ;
let loanPeriodA = this . loanPeriod . attributeValue ;
let loanPeriodMax = this . loanPeriod . maxValue ;
let loanPeriodMin = this . loanPeriod . minValue ;
let quotaA = this . quota . attributeValue ;
let quotaMax = this . quota . maxValue ;
let quotaMin = this . quota . minValue ;
let loanTimeA = this . loanTime . attributeValue ;
let loanTimeMax = this . loanTime . maxValue ;
let loanTimeMin = this . loanTime . minValue ;
if ( RateA == '' || RateMax == '' || RateMin == '' ) {
this . $message . error ( '请填写年化利率属性值/最大值/最小值' ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( loanPeriodA == '' || loanPeriodMax == '' || loanPeriodMin == '' ) {
this . $message . error ( '请填写借款期限属性值/最大值/最小值' ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( quotaA == '' || quotaMax == '' || quotaMin == '' ) {
this . $message . error ( '请填写额度属性值/最大值/最小值' ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( loanTimeA == '' || loanTimeMax == '' || loanTimeMin == '' ) {
this . $message . error ( '请填写放款时长属性值/最大值/最小值' ) ;
return false ;
let params = [
{ "attributeType" : 1 , "attributeValue" : RateA , "maxValue" : RateMax , "minValue" : RateMin , "isactive" : true , "productId" : ProductId } , { "attributeType" : 3 , "attributeValue" : loanPeriodA , "maxValue" : loanPeriodMax , "minValue" : loanPeriodMin , "isactive" : true , "productId" : ProductId } , { "attributeType" : 2 , "attributeValue" : quotaA , "maxValue" : quotaMax , "minValue" : quotaMin , "isactive" : true , "productId" : ProductId } , { "attributeType" : 4 , "attributeValue" : loanTimeA , "maxValue" : loanTimeMax , "minValue" : loanTimeMin , "isactive" : true , "productId" : ProductId }
this . UpdateData ( params , ProductId ) ;
} ,
< el - pagination
@ size - change = "handleSizeChange"
@ current - change = "handleCurrentChange"
: current - page . sync = "currentPage1"
: page - size = "pageSize"
layout = "total, prev, pager, next"
: total = "totalNum" >
< / el-pagination >
data() {
return {
url : "/ccdproduct/platform/queryPlatform.htm" ,
tableData : [ ] ,
cur_page : 1 ,
multipleSelection : [ ] ,
select_cate : '' ,
select_word : '' ,
del_list : [ ] ,
is_search : false ,
picked : '' ,
currentPage1 : 1 , //初始化
totalNum : 0 , //初始化
pageSize : 0 , //初始化
} ,
queryData(page,InputValue,Pick) {
let self = this ;
self . $axios . post ( self . url , { startPage : page , platformName : InputValue , display : Pick } ) . then ( ( res ) => {
self . tableData = res . data . content . list ;
self . totalNum = res . data . content . totalCount ;
self . pageSize = res . data . content . pageSize ;
} )
} ,
html进行v - model绑定:
< el - input v - model = "select_word" placeholder = "筛选关键词" ref = "input" class = "handle-input mr10" > < / el-input >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "search" @ click = "search" >搜索</ el-button >
< span class = "radio" >
< input type = "radio" id = "yes" : value = "true" v-model = "picked" @ click = "Front" > < label for = "yes" >在客户端显示</ label >
< input type = "radio" id = "no" : value = "false" v-model = "picked" @ click = "Front" > < label for = "no" >不在客户端显示</ label >
</ span >
for(var key in self.arr) {
console.log( self.arr[key].attributeType);
<table class="table">
<tr v-for="(item, index) of params" ref="Validate">
<el-input v-model="item.attributeValue" ></el-input>
<td> <el-input v-model="item.maxValue"></el-input> </td>
<td> <el-input v-model="item.minValue"></el-input></td>
self.$axios.get(""+Id).then((res) => {;
for(var key in self.arr)
self.params.push({"attributeType":self.arr[key].attributeType,"attributeValue":self.arr[key].attributeValue,"maxValue":self.arr[key].maxValue,"minValue":self.arr[key].minValue,"isactive":true,"productId":Id,"productAttributeId":self.arr[key].productAttributeId })
let paramsLength=self.params.length;
for(let i=paramsLength+1;i<=self.Type0.length;i++){
self.params.push({"attributeType":i,"attributeValue":"","maxValue":"","minValue":"","isactive":true,"productId":Id,"productAttributeId":"" })
return a.attributeType - b.attributeType;
let self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if(params[i].maxValue=="" || params[i].minValue=="" || params[i].attributeValue==""){
return false;
self.$, params).then((res) => {
this.$router.push({ path: 'productsiglelist',query: { productId: ProductId }});
let self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < self.params.length; i++) {
self.params[i].maxValue="" ;
self.params[i].minValue="" ;
Misalnya, jika saya tidak ingin menggunakan komponen vue-datasource, saya perlu melakukannya dalam empat langkah.
Langkah 1: Hapus rute komponen. Di direktori src/router/index.js, temukan rute yang memperkenalkan komponen yang dimodifikasi dan hapus kode berikut.
path : '/vuetable' ,
component : resolve => require ( [ '../components/page/VueTable.vue' ] , resolve ) // vue-datasource组件
} ,
Langkah 2: Hapus file yang memasukkan komponen. Hapus file VueTable.vue di direktori src/components/page/.
Langkah 3: Hapus entri ke halaman ini. Di direktori src/components/common/Sidebar.vue, temukan entri dan hapus kode berikut.
< el-menu-item index =" vuetable " > Vue表格组件</ el-menu-item >
Langkah 4: Copot pemasangan komponen. Jalankan perintah berikut:
npm un vue-datasource -S
Langkah pertama: Buka file src/main.js, temukan tempat di mana gaya elemen diperkenalkan, dan ubah ke tema hijau muda.
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/index.css' ; // 默认主题
// import '../static/css/theme-green/index.css'; // 浅绿色主题
Langkah 2: Buka file src/App.vue, temukan tempat tag gaya memperkenalkan gaya, dan beralih ke tema hijau muda.
@ import "../static/css/main.css" ;
@ import "../static/css/color-dark.css" ; /*深色主题*/
/*@import "../static/css/theme-green/color-green.css"; !*浅绿色主题*!*/
Langkah 3: Buka file src/components/common/Sidebar.vue, cari tag el-menu, dan hapus theme="dark".