Otomatis pengunduhan video 'tiktok' yang diarsipkan
$ git clone https://github.com/0xfff0800/TikTok-Back.git
$ cd TikTok-Back
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Botback.py -u nama pengguna [opsi]
-u, --username Specify target user's Tiktok handle
--batch-size Specify how many URLs you would like to
examine at a time. Expecting an integer between
1 and 100. A larger number will give you a speed
boost but at the risk of errors. Default = 100
--semaphore-size Specify how many urls from --batch-size you would
like to query asyncronously at once. Expecting an integer
between 1 and 50. A larger number will give you a speed
boost but at the risk of errors. Default = 50
-from, --fromdate Narrow search for deleted Video *archived*
on and after this date
(can be combined with -to)
(format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD
or YYYYMMDD, doesn't matter)
-to, --todate Narrow search for deleted video *archived*
on and before this date
(can be combined with -from)
(format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD
or YYYYMMDD, doesn't matter)
--proxy-file Provide a list of proxies to use. You'll need this for checking large groups of video
Each line should contain one url:port to use
The script will pick a new proxy from the list at random after each --batch-size
Logs After checking a user's video but before you
make a download selection, a folder will be created
with that username. That folder will contain a log of:
<deleted-twitter-url>:<deleted-wayback-url> in case you needed them
python3 botback.py -u falah Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video
python3 botback.py -u falah -from 2022-01-05 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video
*archived* since January 5,
2022 until now
python3 botback.py -u falah -to 2022/02/09 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video *archived*
since the beginning until
February 9, 2022
python3 botback.py -u falah -from 2020-08-30 -to 2020-09-15 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video *archived*
between August 30, 2020 to
September 15, 2020
python3 botback.py -u falah --proxy-file proxy.txt Provide a list of the proxy to use.
From the file included in the folder,
replace the proxies if needed
(Ganti falah
dengan pegangan target Anda).
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat keamanan penggunaan di atas.
Tangkapan layar dilakukan menggunakan penulis naskah. Untuk berhasil mengambil tangkapan layar, silakan ikuti langkah -langkah ini:
playwright install
. Pengaturan kecepatan default untuk --semaphore-size
dan --batch-size
diatur ke eksekusi tercepat yang mungkin. Kurangi angka -angka ini untuk memperlambat unduhan eksekusi Anda dan kurangi kemungkinan kesalahan. Untuk memeriksa sejumlah besar tweet (> dari 800) Anda perlu menggunakan proxy web dan bendera --proxy-file
Ikuti saluran kami untuk lebih banyak alat
Coba: http://t.me/xff0800