composer require okapi/aop
AOP : Pemrograman Berorientasi Aspek - Paradigma pemrograman yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan modularitas dengan memungkinkan pemisahan kekhawatiran silang.
Aspek : Kelas yang mengimplementasikan logika yang ingin Anda terapkan pada kelas target Anda. Aspek harus dijelaskan dengan atribut #[Aspect]
Saran : Logika yang ingin Anda terapkan ke kelas target Anda. Metode saran harus dijelaskan dengan atribut #[Before]
, #[Around]
atau #[After]
Bergabunglah dengan : Suatu titik dalam pelaksanaan kelas target Anda di mana Anda dapat menerapkan saran Anda. Poin bergabung didefinisikan oleh atribut #[Before]
, #[Around]
atau #[After]
Pointcut : Satu set poin gabungan di mana Anda dapat menerapkan saran Anda. Pointcuts didefinisikan oleh atribut #[Pointcut]
Tenun : Proses penerapan saran Anda ke kelas target Anda.
Aspek Implisit : Aspek diterapkan tanpa modifikasi ke kelas target. Aspek itu sendiri menentukan kelas atau metode yang berlaku untuknya.
Aspek Eksplisit Level Kelas : Aspek-aspek diterapkan dengan memodifikasi kelas target, biasanya dengan menambahkan aspek sebagai atribut ke kelas target.
Aspek Eksplisit Level Metode : Aspek-aspek diterapkan dengan memodifikasi kelas target, biasanya dengan menambahkan aspek sebagai atribut ke metode target.
use Okapi Aop AopKernel ;
// Extend from the "AopKernel" class
class MyKernel extends AopKernel
// Define a list of aspects
protected array $ aspects = [
DiscountAspect ::class,
PaymentProcessorAspect ::class,
// Discount Aspect
use Okapi Aop Attributes Aspect ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes After ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation AfterMethodInvocation ;
// Aspects must be annotated with the "Aspect" attribute
#[ Aspect ]
class DiscountAspect
// Annotate the methods that you want to intercept with
// "Before", "Around" or "After" attributes
#[ After (
// Use named arguments
// You can also use Wildcards (see Okapi/Wildcards package)
class: Product ::class . ' | ' . Order ::class,
method: ' get(Price|Total) ' ,
// When using wildcards you can also use some of these options:
onlyPublicMethods: false , // Intercepts only public methods and ignores protected and private methods (default: false)
interceptTraitMethods: true , // Also intercepts methods from traits (default: true)
public function applyDiscount ( AfterMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
// Get the subject of the invocation
// The subject is the object class that contains the method
// that is being intercepted
$ subject = $ invocation -> getSubject ();
$ productDiscount = 0.1 ;
$ orderDiscount = 0.2 ;
if ( $ subject instanceof Product ) {
// Get the result of the original method
$ oldPrice = $ invocation -> proceed ();
$ newPrice = $ oldPrice - ( $ oldPrice * $ productDiscount );
// Set the new result
$ invocation -> setResult ( $ newPrice );
if ( $ subject instanceof Order ) {
$ oldTotal = $ invocation -> proceed ();
$ newTotal = $ oldTotal - ( $ oldTotal * $ orderDiscount );
$ invocation -> setResult ( $ newTotal );
// PaymentProcessor Aspect
use InvalidArgumentException ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes After ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Around ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Aspect ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Before ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation AroundMethodInvocation ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation AfterMethodInvocation ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation BeforeMethodInvocation ;
#[ Aspect ]
class PaymentProcessorAspect
#[ Before (
class: PaymentProcessor ::class,
method: ' processPayment ' ,
public function checkPaymentAmount ( BeforeMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
$ payment = $ invocation -> getArgument ( ' amount ' );
if ( $ payment < 0 ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( ' Invalid payment amount ' );
#[ Around (
class: PaymentProcessor ::class,
method: ' processPayment ' ,
public function logPayment ( AroundMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
$ startTime = microtime ( true );
// Proceed with the original method
$ invocation -> proceed ();
$ endTime = microtime ( true );
$ elapsedTime = $ endTime - $ startTime ;
$ amount = $ invocation -> getArgument ( ' amount ' );
$ logMessage = sprintf (
' Payment processed for amount $%.2f in %.2f seconds ' ,
$ amount ,
$ elapsedTime ,
// Singleton instance of a logger
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logger -> log ( $ logMessage );
#[ After (
class: PaymentProcessor ::class,
method: ' processPayment ' ,
public function sendEmailNotification ( AfterMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
// Proceed with the original method
$ result = $ invocation -> proceed ();
$ amount = $ invocation -> getArgument ( ' amount ' );
$ message = sprintf (
' Payment processed for amount $%.2f ' ,
$ amount ,
if ( $ result === true ) {
$ message .= ' - Payment successful ' ;
} else {
$ message .= ' - Payment failed ' ;
// Singleton instance of an email queue
$ mailQueue = MailQueue :: getInstance ();
$ mailQueue -> addMail ( $ message );
// Product
class Product
private float $ price ;
public function getPrice (): float
return $ this -> price ;
// Order
class Order
private float $ total = 500.00 ;
public function getTotal (): float
return $ this -> total ;
// PaymentProcessor
class PaymentProcessor
public function processPayment ( float $ amount ): bool
// Process payment
return true ;
// Initialize the kernel early in the application lifecycle
// Preferably after the autoloader is registered
use MyKernel ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// Initialize the AOP Kernel
$ kernel = MyKernel :: init ();
// Just use your classes as usual
$ product = new Product ();
// Before AOP: 100.00
// After AOP: 90.00
$ productPrice = $ product -> getPrice ();
$ order = new Order ();
// Before AOP: 500.00
// After AOP: 400.00
$ orderTotal = $ order -> getTotal ();
$ paymentProcessor = new PaymentProcessor ();
// Invalid payment amount
$ amount = - 50.00 ;
// Before AOP: true
// After AOP: InvalidArgumentException
$ paymentProcessor -> processPayment ( $ amount );
// Valid payment amount
$ amount = 100.00 ;
// Value: true
$ paymentProcessor -> processPayment ( $ amount );
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logs = $ logger -> getLogs ();
// Value: Payment processed for amount $100.00 in 0.00 seconds
$ firstLog = $ logs [ 0 ];
$ mailQueue = MailQueue :: getInstance ();
$ mails = $ mailQueue -> getMails ();
// Value: Payment processed for amount $100.00 - Payment successful
$ firstMail = $ mails [ 0 ];
Menambahkan aspek kustom ke kernel tidak diperlukan untuk aspek eksplisit tingkat kelas karena terdaftar secara otomatis saat runtime.
// Logging Aspect
use Attribute ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Aspect ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Before ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation BeforeMethodInvocation ;
// Class-Level Explicit Aspects must be annotated with the "Aspect" attribute
// and the "Attribute" attribute
#[ Attribute ]
#[ Aspect ]
class LoggingAspect
// The "class" argument is not required
// The "method" argument is optional
// Without the argument, the aspect will be applied to all methods
// With the argument, the aspect will be applied to the specified method
#[ Before ]
public function logAllMethods ( BeforeMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
$ methodName = $ invocation -> getMethodName ();
$ logMessage = sprintf (
" Method '%s' executed. " ,
$ methodName ,
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logger -> log ( $ logMessage );
#[ Before (
method: ' updateInventory ' ,
public function logUpdateInventory ( BeforeMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
$ methodName = $ invocation -> getMethodName ();
$ logMessage = sprintf (
" Method '%s' executed. " ,
$ methodName ,
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logger -> log ( $ logMessage );
// Inventory Tracker
// Custom Class-Level Explicit Aspect added to the class
#[ LoggingAspect ]
class InventoryTracker
private array $ inventory = [];
public function updateInventory ( int $ productId , int $ quantity ): void
$ this -> inventory [ $ productId ] = $ quantity ;
public function checkInventory ( int $ productId ): int
return $ this -> inventory [ $ productId ] ?? 0 ;
// Initialize the kernel early in the application lifecycle
// Preferably after the autoloader is registered
// The kernel must still be initialized, even if it has no Aspects
use MyKernel ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// Initialize the AOP Kernel
$ kernel = MyKernel :: init ();
// Just use your classes as usual
$ inventoryTracker = new InventoryTracker ();
$ inventoryTracker -> updateInventory ( 1 , 100 );
$ inventoryTracker -> updateInventory ( 2 , 200 );
$ countProduct1 = $ inventoryTracker -> checkInventory ( 1 );
$ countProduct2 = $ inventoryTracker -> checkInventory ( 2 );
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
// Value:
// Method 'updateInventory' executed. (4 times)
// Method 'checkInventory' executed. (2 times)
$ logs = $ logger -> getLogs ();
Menambahkan aspek kustom ke kernel tidak diperlukan untuk aspek eksplisit tingkat metode karena terdaftar secara otomatis saat runtime.
// Performance Aspect
use Attribute ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Around ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation AroundMethodInvocation ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Aspect ;
// Method-Level Explicit Aspects must be annotated with the "Aspect" attribute
// and the "Attribute" attribute
#[ Attribute ]
#[ Aspect ]
class PerformanceAspect
// The "class" argument is not required
// The "method" argument is optional
// Without the argument, the aspect will be applied to all methods
// With the argument, the aspect will be applied to the specified method
#[ Around ]
public function measure ( AroundMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
$ start = microtime ( true );
$ invocation -> proceed ();
$ end = microtime ( true );
$ executionTime = $ end - $ start ;
$ class = $ invocation -> getClassName ();
$ method = $ invocation -> getMethodName ();
$ logMessage = sprintf (
" Method %s::%s executed in %.2f seconds. " ,
$ class ,
$ method ,
$ executionTime ,
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logger -> log ( $ logMessage );
// Customer Service
class CustomerService
#[ PerformanceAspect ]
public function createCustomer (): void
// Logic to create a customer
// Initialize the kernel early in the application lifecycle
// Preferably after the autoloader is registered
// The kernel must still be initialized, even if it has no Aspects
use MyKernel ;
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
// Initialize the AOP Kernel
$ kernel = MyKernel :: init ();
// Just use your classes as usual
$ customerService = new CustomerService ();
$ customerService -> createCustomer ();
$ logger = Logger :: getInstance ();
$ logs = $ logger -> getLogs ();
// Value: Method CustomerService::createCustomer executed in 0.01 seconds.
$ firstLog = $ logs [ 0 ];
Jenis saran: "Sebelum", "sekitar" dan "setelah"
Mencegat metode "pribadi" dan "dilindungi" (akan menunjukkan kesalahan di IDE)
Akses Properti dan Metode dan Metode Subjek "Pribadi" dan "Dilindungi" (akan menunjukkan kesalahan di IDE)
Mencegat metode dan kelas "final"
Gunakan Transformers dari paket "Okapi/kode-transformer" di kernel Anda untuk memodifikasi dan mengubah kode sumber kelas PHP yang dimuat (lihat paket "Okapi/kode-transformer" untuk informasi lebih lanjut)
Paket ini memperluas paket "okapi/kode-transformer" dengan injeksi ketergantungan dan fitur AOP
mendaftarkan banyak layanan
Layanan TransformerManager
menyimpan daftar aspek dan konfigurasinya
Layanan CacheStateManager
mengelola keadaan cache
Layanan StreamFilter
mendaftarkan filter aliran PHP yang memungkinkan untuk memodifikasi kode sumber sebelum dimuat oleh PHP
Layanan AutoloadInterceptor
membebani Composer Autoloader, yang menangani pemuatan kelas
Layanan AutoloadInterceptor
mencegat pemuatan kelas
cocok dengan nama kelas dan metode dengan daftar aspek dan konfigurasinya
Jika nama kelas dan metode cocok dengan suatu aspek, query status cache untuk melihat apakah kode sumber sudah di -cache
Periksa apakah cache valid:
Jika cache valid, muat kelas proksi dari cache
Jika tidak, kembalikan jalur filter stream ke layanan AutoloadInterceptor
memodifikasi kode sumber dengan menerapkan aspek
composer run-script test
composer run-script test-coverage
use Okapi Aop Attributes After ;
use Okapi Aop Attributes Aspect ;
use Okapi Aop Invocation AfterMethodInvocation ;
#[ Aspect ]
class EverythingAspect
#[ After (
class: ' * ' ,
method: ' * ' ,
public function everything ( AfterMethodInvocation $ invocation ): void
echo $ invocation -> getClassName () . "n" ;
echo $ invocation -> getMethodName () . "n" ;
Berikan jika proyek ini membantu Anda!
Hak Cipta © 2023 Valentin Wotschel.
Proyek ini berlisensi MIT.