ScrapingBee adalah API Mengikis Web yang menangani browser tanpa kepala dan memutar proxy untuk Anda. Python SDK memudahkan berinteraksi dengan API ScrapingBee.
Anda dapat memasang SCRAPINGBEE Python SDK dengan PIP.
pip install scrapingbee
Python SDK ScrapingBee adalah pembungkus di sekitar perpustakaan permintaan. SCRAPINGBEE Dukungan Get and Posting.
Mendaftar ke ScrapingBee untuk mendapatkan kunci API Anda dan beberapa kredit gratis untuk memulai.
>> > from scrapingbee import ScrapingBeeClient
>> > client = ScrapingBeeClient ( api_key = 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' )
>> > response = client . get (
'' ,
params = {
# Block ads on the page you want to scrape
'block_ads' : False ,
# Block images and CSS on the page you want to scrape
'block_resources' : True ,
# Premium proxy geolocation
'country_code' : '' ,
# Control the device the request will be sent from
'device' : 'desktop' ,
# Use some data extraction rules
'extract_rules' : { 'title' : 'h1' },
# Wrap response in JSON
'json_response' : False ,
# Interact with the webpage you want to scrape
'js_scenario' : {
"instructions" : [
{ "wait_for" : "#slow_button" },
{ "click" : "#slow_button" },
{ "scroll_x" : 1000 },
{ "wait" : 1000 },
{ "scroll_x" : 1000 },
{ "wait" : 1000 },
# Use premium proxies to bypass difficult to scrape websites (10-25 credits/request)
'premium_proxy' : False ,
# Execute JavaScript code with a Headless Browser (5 credits/request)
'render_js' : True ,
# Return the original HTML before the JavaScript rendering
'return_page_source' : False ,
# Return page screenshot as a png image
'screenshot' : False ,
# Take a full page screenshot without the window limitation
'screenshot_full_page' : False ,
# Transparently return the same HTTP code of the page requested.
'transparent_status_code' : False ,
# Wait, in miliseconds, before returning the response
'wait' : 0 ,
# Wait for CSS selector before returning the response, ex ".title"
'wait_for' : '' ,
# Set the browser window width in pixel
'window_width' : 1920 ,
# Set the browser window height in pixel
'window_height' : 1080
headers = {
# Forward custom headers to the target website
"key" : "value"
cookies = {
# Forward custom cookies to the target website
"name" : "value"
>> > response . text
'<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>...'
ScrapingBee mengambil berbagai parameter untuk membuat JavaScript, menjalankan skrip JavaScript khusus, menggunakan proxy premium dari geolokasi tertentu dan banyak lagi.
Anda dapat menemukan semua parameter yang didukung pada dokumentasi ScrapingBee.
Anda dapat mengirim cookie dan header khusus seperti yang biasanya Anda lakukan dengan Perpustakaan Permintaan.
Di sini sedikit contoh tentang cara mengambil dan menyimpan tangkapan layar dari blog ScrapingBee dalam resolusi selulernya.
>> > from scrapingbee import ScrapingBeeClient
>> > client = ScrapingBeeClient ( api_key = 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' )
>> > response = client . get (
'' ,
params = {
# Take a screenshot
'screenshot' : True ,
# Specify that we need the full height
'screenshot_full_page' : True ,
# Specify a mobile width in pixel
'window_width' : 375
>> > if response . ok :
with open ( "./scrapingbee_mobile.png" , "wb" ) as f :
f . write ( response . content )
Scrapy adalah kerangka kerja pengikis web Python yang paling populer. Anda dapat dengan mudah mengintegrasikan API ScrapingBee dengan middleware Scrapy.
Klien mencakup mekanisme coba lagi untuk respons 5xx.
>> > from scrapingbee import ScrapingBeeClient
>> > client = ScrapingBeeClient ( api_key = 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' )
>> > response = client . get (
'' ,
params = {
'render_js' : True ,
retries = 5