OKadminFinder は、Web サイトの [管理パネル - ディレクトリ - サブドメイン] を検索する管理者/ペンテスター向けに、 Python 3.xで書き直された Apache2 ライセンス ユーティリティです。他にも多くのツールがありますが、それほど効果的で安全ではありません。はい、okadminfinder には tor を使用して身元を隠す機能があります
❯ sudo apt install tor
❯ sudo service tor start
Tor Windows Expert バンドルをダウンロード
# Install
❯ pip install okadminfinder
# Update
❯ pip install --upgrade okadminfinder
# Remove
❯ pip uninstall okadminfinder
# Usage
❯ okadminfinder -h
# Download and Usage
❯ git clone https://github.com/mIcHyAmRaNe/okadminfinder.git
❯ cd okadminfinder
❯ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
❯ chmod +x okadminfinder.py
❯ ./okadminfinder.py -h
❯ okadminfinder -u https://example.com --proxy
# Install Poetry
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/mIcHyAmRaNe/okadminfinder.git
# Build the project
poetry build
# Publish the package
poetry publish
# Install Poetry
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Install buid requirements
sudo apt install debhelper dh-python python3-setuptools python3-all pybuild-plugin-pyproject
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/mIcHyAmRaNe/okadminfinder.git
# Create the source tarball
tar czf okadminfinder_{version}.orig.tar.gz okadminfinder
# Get inside the project folder
cd okadminfinder
# Build the deb package
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
# Notes:
# Steps from Python to Debian.
# Install Stdeb
pip install stdeb
# Debianize Python package creating debian folder
python3 setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command debianize
# we edit rules, control files, we create changelog, man pages...
# Build deb package
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
# before building a new version, make sure to clean it first
## Youtube videos
- [okadminfinder : PyPi version](https://youtu.be/5C9aOinwKAs/)
- [okadminfinder : admin page finder](https://youtu.be/DluCL4aA9UU/)
- [okadminfinder3 : admin page finder (update)](https://youtu.be/iJg4NJT5qkY/)
- [admin panel finder Kali Linux 2018.3](https://youtu.be/kY9KeDqY5QQ)
## Most Blogs that shared okadminfinder
- [kitploit.com](https://www.kitploit.com/2019/04/okadminfinder3-admin-panel-finder-admin.html)
- [securityonline.info](https://securityonline.info/admin-login-page-finder/)
- [prodefence.org](https://www.prodefence.org/okadminfinder3-admin-login-page-finder/)
- [kalilinuxtutorials.com](https://kalilinuxtutorials.com/okadminfinder-admin-panel/)
- [onehack.us](https://onehack.us/t/how-to-find-website-admin-panel-using-okadminfinder-tool-easy-method/64840)
- [the-realworld.org](https://the-realworld.org/okadminfinder-finder-du-panneau-dadministration-finder-admin-page-finder)
- [crackitdown.com](https://www.crackitdown.com/2019/12/find-admin-panel-using-OkadminFinder.html)
- [securitynewspaper.com](https://www.securitynewspaper.com/2020/01/02/find-hidden-admin-page-of-any-website/)