Tapas Comic Downloader
이것은 https://tapas.io/에서 전체 만화를 다운로드하고 업데이트하는 다운로더입니다. (공식은 아닙니다!)
이 스크립트는 경우에 따라 불법일 수 있습니다. 먼저 https://tapas.io/에서 서비스 약관을 읽어보세요!
# git clone https://github.com/TilCreator/Tapas-Comic-Downloader && cd Tapas-Comic-Downloader
# apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
# pip3 install -r requirenments.txt
# pip3 install -r requirenments_novel.txt # If novels are expected to be downloaded
# git clone https://github.com/TilCreator/Tapas-Comic-Downloader && cd Tapas-Comic-Downloader
# pacman -S python python-pip
# pip install -r requirenments.txt
# pip install -r requirenments_novel.txt # If novels are expected to be downloaded
pip install -r requirenments.txt
pip install -r requirenments_novel.txt # If novels are expected to be downloaded
python tapas-dl.py [-h/--help] [-f/--force] [-v/--verbose] URL/name [URL/name ...] [-o outputpath]
, RavenWolf
, ...tapas-dl.py
사용법 : $ ./tapas-dl.py -h
usage: tapas-dl.py [-h] [-f] [-v] [-r] [-c [PATH]] [-o [PATH]]
URL/name [URL/name ...]
Downloads Comics from 'https://tapas.io'.
If folder of downloaded comic is found, it will only update (can be disabled with -f/--force).
positional arguments:
URL/name URL or URL name to comic
Go to the comic you want to download (any page)
Rightclick on the comic name in the upper left corner and select "Copy linkaddress" (Or similar) or just use the name behind series in the url
Examples: https://tapas.io/series/Erma, RavenWolf, ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Disables updater.
-v, --verbose Enables verbose mode.
-r, --restrict-characters
Removes '? < > : * | " ^' from file names
-c [PATH], --cookies [PATH]
Optional cookies.txt file to load, can be used to allow the script to "log in" and circumvent age verification.
-o [PATH], --output-dir [PATH]
Output directory where comics should be placed.
If left blank, the script folder will be used.
name [urlName]
)이 포함된 폴더를 생성하고 해당 폴더에 만화의 모든 이미지를 다운로드합니다.-f/--force
로 비활성화할 수 있습니다.-v/--verbose
사용하십시오.-o/--output-dir desiredpath
사용하십시오. (지정하지 않으면 스크립트가 실행된 위치에 파일과 폴더가 생성됩니다.)