st chat
Add Newline support & update Dicebear api url
Streamlit 구성 요소(챗봇 UI용), 예제 앱
저자 - @yashppawar 및 @YashVardhan-AI
pip로 streamlit-chat
pip install streamlit-chat
사용법, streamlit_chat
에서 message
기능 가져오기
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
message ( "My message" )
message ( "Hello bot!" , is_user = True ) # align's the message to the right
채팅의 HTML에 대한 또 다른 예 및 채팅 새로 고침 버튼
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
from streamlit . components . v1 import html
def on_input_change ():
user_input = st . session_state . user_input
st . session_state . past . append ( user_input )
st . session_state . generated . append ( "The messages from Bot n With new line" )
def on_btn_click ():
del st . session_state . past [:]
del st . session_state . generated [:]
audio_path = ""
img_path = ""
youtube_embed = '''
<iframe width="400" height="215" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media;"></iframe>
markdown = """
### HTML in markdown is ~quite~ **unsafe**
However, if you are in a trusted environment (you trust the markdown). You can use allow_html props to enable support for html.
* Lists
* [ ] todo
* [x] done
Lift($L$) can be determined by Lift Coefficient ($C_L$) like the following
L = \ frac{1}{2} \ rho v^2 S C_L
import streamlit as st
st.write("Python code block")
console.log("Here is some JavaScript code")
table_markdown = '''
A Table:
| Feature | Support |
| ----------: | :------------------- |
| CommonMark | 100% |
| GFM | 100% w/ `remark-gfm` |
st . session_state . setdefault (
'past' ,
[ 'plan text with line break' ,
'play the song "Dancing Vegetables"' ,
'show me image of cat' ,
'and video of it' ,
'show me some markdown sample' ,
'table in markdown' ]
st . session_state . setdefault (
'generated' ,
[{ 'type' : 'normal' , 'data' : 'Line 1 n Line 2 n Line 3' },
{ 'type' : 'normal' , 'data' : f'<audio controls src=" { audio_path } "></audio>' },
{ 'type' : 'normal' , 'data' : f'<img width="100%" height="200" src=" { img_path } "/>' },
{ 'type' : 'normal' , 'data' : f' { youtube_embed } ' },
{ 'type' : 'normal' , 'data' : f' { markdown } ' },
{ 'type' : 'table' , 'data' : f' { table_markdown } ' }]
st . title ( "Chat placeholder" )
chat_placeholder = st . empty ()
with chat_placeholder . container ():
for i in range ( len ( st . session_state [ 'generated' ])):
message ( st . session_state [ 'past' ][ i ], is_user = True , key = f" { i } _user" )
message (
st . session_state [ 'generated' ][ i ][ 'data' ],
key = f" { i } " ,
allow_html = True ,
is_table = True if st . session_state [ 'generated' ][ i ][ 'type' ] == 'table' else False
st . button ( "Clear message" , on_click = on_btn_click )
with st . container ():
st . text_input ( "User Input:" , on_change = on_input_change , key = "user_input" )