react search autocomplete
는 사용자가 텍스트를 입력하고 결과를 필터링할 수 있는 완전히 사용자 정의 가능한 검색 상자입니다. 퍼지 검색을 위해 Fuse.js v6.5.3을 사용합니다. 옵션을 보려면 해당 웹 사이트를 확인하세요(이 구성 요소에 옵션을 전달할 수 있음).
데모를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.
데모 소스.
$ npm install react-search-autocomplete
$ yarn add react-search-autocomplete
기본 내보내기는 <ReactSearchAutocomplete>
입니다. 그것을 사용하려면:
import { ReactSearchAutocomplete } from 'react-search-autocomplete'
import React from 'react'
import './App.css'
import { ReactSearchAutocomplete } from 'react-search-autocomplete'
function App ( ) {
// note: the id field is mandatory
const items = [
id : 0 ,
name : 'Cobol'
} ,
id : 1 ,
name : 'JavaScript'
} ,
id : 2 ,
name : 'Basic'
} ,
id : 3 ,
name : 'PHP'
} ,
id : 4 ,
name : 'Java'
const handleOnSearch = ( string , results ) => {
// onSearch will have as the first callback parameter
// the string searched and for the second the results.
console . log ( string , results )
const handleOnHover = ( result ) => {
// the item hovered
console . log ( result )
const handleOnSelect = ( item ) => {
// the item selected
console . log ( item )
const handleOnFocus = ( ) => {
console . log ( 'Focused' )
const formatResult = ( item ) => {
return (
< >
< span style = { { display : 'block' , textAlign : 'left' } } > id: { item . id } < / span >
< span style = { { display : 'block' , textAlign : 'left' } } > name: { item . name } < / span >
< / >
return (
< div className = "App" >
< header className = "App-header" >
< div style = { { width : 400 } } >
< ReactSearchAutocomplete
items = { items }
onSearch = { handleOnSearch }
onHover = { handleOnHover }
onSelect = { handleOnSelect }
onFocus = { handleOnFocus }
formatResult = { formatResult }
/ >
< / div >
< / header >
< / div >
export default App
type Item = {
id : number ;
name : string ;
< ReactSearchAutocomplete < Item > ... / >
소품: {
items ,
// The list of items that can be filtered, it can be an array of
// any type of object. Note: the id field is mandatory.
// By default the search will be done on the
// property "name", to change this behaviour, change the `fuseOptions`
// prop. Remember that the component uses the key "name" in your
// items list to display the result. If your list of items does not
// have a "name" key, use `resultStringKeyName` to tell what key
// (string) to use to display in the results.
fuseOptions ,
// To know more about fuse params, visit
// By default set to:
// {
// shouldSort: true,
// threshold: 0.6,
// location: 0,
// distance: 100,
// maxPatternLength: 32,
// minMatchCharLength: 1,
// keys: [
// "name",
// ]
// }
// `keys` represent the keys in `items` where the search will be
// performed.
// Imagine for example that I want to search in `items` by `title`
// and `description` in the following items, and display the `title`;
// this is how to do it:
// const items = [
// {
// id: 0,
// title: 'Titanic',
// description: 'A movie about love'
// },
// {
// id: 1,
// title: 'Dead Poets Society',
// description: 'A movie about poetry and the meaning of life'
// }
// ]
// I can pass the fuseOptions prop as follows:
// <ReactSearchAutocomplete
// items={items}
// fuseOptions={{ keys: ["title", "description"] }}
// // necessary, otherwise the results will be blank
// resultStringKeyName="title"
// />
resultStringKeyName ,
// The key in `items` that contains the string to display in the
// results
inputSearchString ,
// By changing this prop, you can manually set the search string.
inputDebounce ,
// Default value: 200. When the user is typing, before
// calling onSearch wait this amount of ms.
onSearch ,
// The callback function called when the user is searching
onHover ,
// THe callback function called when the user hovers a result
onSelect ,
// The callback function called when the user selects an item
// from the filtered list.
onFocus ,
// The callback function called when the user focuses the input.
onClear ,
// The callback called when the user clears the input box by clicking
// on the clear icon.
showIcon ,
// Default value: true. If set to false, the icon is hidden.
showClear ,
// Default value: true. If set to false, the clear icon is hidden.
maxResults ,
// Default value: 10. The max number of results to show at once.
placeholder ,
// Default value: "". The placeholder of the search box.
autoFocus ,
// Default value: false. If set to true, automatically
// set focus on the input.
styling ,
// The styling prop allows you to customize the
// look of the searchbox
// Default values:
// {
// height: "44px",
// border: "1px solid #dfe1e5",
// borderRadius: "24px",
// backgroundColor: "white",
// boxShadow: "rgba(32, 33, 36, 0.28) 0px 1px 6px 0px",
// hoverBackgroundColor: "#eee",
// color: "#212121",
// fontSize: "16px",
// fontFamily: "Arial",
// iconColor: "grey",
// lineColor: "rgb(232, 234, 237)",
// placeholderColor: "grey",
// clearIconMargin: '3px 14px 0 0',
// searchIconMargin: '0 0 0 16px'
// };
// For example, if you want to change the background
// color you can pass it in the props:
// styling={
// {
// backgroundColor: "black"
// }
// }
formatResult ,
// The callback function used to format how the results are displayed.
showNoResults ,
// Optional, default value: true, it will display "No results" or showNoResultsText
// if no results are found
showNoResultsText ,
// Optional, default value: "No results", the text to display when no results
// are found,
showItemsOnFocus ,
// Optional, default value: false, it will automatically show N (maxResults) number of items
// when focusing the input element
maxLength ,
// Optional: limits the number of characters that can be typed in the input
className ,
// Optional: allows using a custom class to customize CSS on all contained elements