php svg framework SVGF
SVGF (Scalable Vector Graphics Framework)는 SVG 파일을 생성하고 수정하기 위한 PHP 라이브러리입니다.
그것은 다음으로 구성됩니다:
SVGF 가 제공하는 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다.
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = new SVGSVGElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_svg -> setWidth ( ' 210mm ' );
$ svg_svg -> setHeight ( ' 297mm ' );
$ svg_svg -> setViewBox ( ' 0 0 210 270 ' );
$ svg_svg -> setVersion ( ' 1.1 ' );
$ svg_svg -> setAttribute ( ' xmlns ' , ' ' );
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = SVGFElement:: svg ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' a4 ' ,SVGFElement:: SIZE_A4 , ' portrait ' );
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = SVGFElement:: svg ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' a4 ' );
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = SVGFElement:: svg ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' a4 ' ,SVGFElement:: SIZE_A4 , ' landscape ' );
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = new SVGSVGElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_svg -> setWidth ( ' 1920px ' );
$ svg_svg -> setHeight ( ' 1080px ' );
$ svg_svg -> setViewBox ( ' 0 0 1920 1080 ' );
$ svg_svg -> setVersion ( ' 1.1 ' );
$ svg_svg -> setAttribute ( ' xmlns ' , ' ' );
$ dom_doc_svg = new DOMDocument ( ' 1.0 ' , ' utf-8 ' );
$ svg_svg = SVGFElement:: svg ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' a4 ' ,SVGFElement:: SIZE_FHD );
$ path_to_file = ' ./file_name.svg ' ;
$ dom_doc_svg = SVGFImportFromSVG:: getSVGFromFile ( $ path_to_file );
$ svg_rect = new SVGRectElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_rect -> setId ( ' rect_50x50_1 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setX ( ' 0 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setY ( ' 0 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setWidth ( ' 50 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setHeight ( ' 50 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setRx ( ' 5 ' );
$ svg_rect -> setRy ( ' 5 ' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_rect );
$ svg_rect = new SVGRectElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_rect -> id = ' rect_50x50_2 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> x = ' 0 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> y = ' 0 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> width = ' 50 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> height = ' 50 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> rx = ' 10 ' ;
$ svg_rect -> ry = ' 10 ' ;
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_rect );
$ svg_rect = SVGFElement:: rect ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' 50 ' , ' 50 ' , ' rect_50x50_3 ' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_rect );
$ svg_circle = new SVGCircleElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_circle -> setId ( ' circle_10 ' );
$ svg_circle -> setCx ( 25 );
$ svg_circle -> setCy ( 25 );
$ svg_circle -> setR ( 10 );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
$ svg_circle = new SVGCircleElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_circle -> id = ' circle_15 ' ;
$ svg_circle -> cx = 25 ;
$ svg_circle -> cy = 25 ;
$ svg_circle -> r = 15 ;
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
// create circle
$ svg_circle = SVGFElement:: circle ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' 20 ' , ' circle_20 ' , ' 25 ' , ' 25 ' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
$ svg_circle = SVGFElement:: circle ( $ dom_doc_svg , 10 , ' circle_10_style ' , 25 , 25 );
$ svg_circle -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #d9737a ' , '' );
$ svg_circle -> style -> setProperty ( ' stroke ' , ' #861a22 ' , '' );
$ svg_circle -> style -> setProperty ( ' stroke-width ' , ' 2 ' , '' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
$ svg_circle = SVGFElement:: circle ( $ dom_doc_svg , 15 , ' circle_15_style ' , 25 , 25 );
$ svg_circle -> style = " fill: #d9737a; stroke: #861a22; stroke-width: 2; " ;
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
$ svg_circle = SVGFElement:: circle ( $ dom_doc_svg , 20 , ' circle_20_style ' , 25 , 25 , ' #d9737a ' , ' #861a22 ' , 2 );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_circle );
정렬 기능을 설명하는 데 사용되는 소스 svg 파일:
<? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< svg xmlns = " " width = " 150px " height = " 100px " viewBox = " 0 0 150 100 " version = " 1.1 " >
< rect width = " 50 " height = " 50 " x = " 50 " y = " 25 " id = " rect_0 " style = " fill: #d9737a; " />
< rect width = " 30 " height = " 30 " x = " 15 " y = " 35 " id = " rect_1 " style = " fill: #d9737a; stroke: #1a867e; stroke-width: 4; stroke-dasharray: 8 2; " />
< rect width = " 20 " height = " 20 " x = " 115 " y = " 40 " id = " rect_2 " style = " fill: #861a22; " />
</ svg >
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER , 20 , 0 );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER , 0 ,- 10 );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_BOTTOM );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_RIGHT );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_LEFT );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_TOP );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_LEFT );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_TOP );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_RIGHT );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_RIGHT );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_1 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_BOTTOM );
$ svg_rect_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_1 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_LEFT ,- 5 );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER );
$ svg_rect_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_rect_2 , $ svg_rect_0 ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_TOP , 0 ,- 5 );
xpath 기능을 설명하는 데 사용되는 소스 svg 파일:
<? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< svg xmlns = " " width = " 150px " height = " 100px " viewBox = " 0 0 150 100 " version = " 1.1 " >
< circle r = " 15 " id = " circle_2 " cx = " 75 " cy = " 25 " style = " fill: #861a22; " />
< g >
< circle r = " 10 " id = " circle_1 " cx = " 25 " cy = " 25 " />
< circle r = " 20 " id = " circle_3 " cx = " 125 " cy = " 25 " style = " fill: #d9737a; stroke: #861a22; stroke-width: 2; " />
< rect width = " 30 " height = " 30 " x = " 60 " y = " 60 " id = " rect_2 " style = " fill: #861a22; " />
</ g >
< rect width = " 40 " height = " 40 " x = " 5 " y = " 55 " id = " rect_1 " style = " fill: #d9737a; stroke: #861a22; stroke-width: 2; " />
< rect width = " 20 " height = " 20 " x = " 115 " y = " 65 " id = " rect_3 " />
</ svg >
DOM 표현을 얻으려면:
$ xpath = new DOMXPath ( $ dom_doc_svg );
// Change fill color of the elements rect_1 and circle_2 to #1a867e
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //*[@id='rect_1'] | //*[@id='circle_2'] " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #1a867e ' , '' );
// Change fill color of circle elements to #1a867e. Move them 25px down and 20px to the right
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //circle " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #1a867e ' , '' );
$ match -> cy = $ match -> cy + 25 ;
$ match -> cx = $ match -> cx + 20 ;
// Change fill color of the g child elements to #1a867e
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //g/* " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #1a867e ' , '' );
// Create a corner radius of 15px in rect_1
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //rect[@id='rect_1'] " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> rx = 15 ;
$ match -> ry = 15 ;
// Create a corner radius of 5px in rect_2
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //rect[@id='rect_2'] " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> rx = 5 ;
$ match -> ry = 5 ;
// Change fill color of rect elements with rx < 10 (or not set) to #1a867e.
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //rect[@rx<10] | rect[not(@rx)] " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #1a867e ' , '' );
// Create border for elements with fill #861a22.
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //* " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ fill = $ match -> style -> getPropertyValue ( ' fill ' );
if ( $ fill == ' #861a22 ' ) {
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' stroke ' , ' #1a867e ' , '' );
$ match -> style -> setProperty ( ' stroke-width ' , 5 , '' );
// Create style for parent of rect_2 (the style settings will be overriden if they are definied in the child element).
$ matches = $ xpath -> query ( " //rect[@id='rect_2'] " );
foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) {
$ parent_svg = $ match -> parentNode ;
$ parent_svg -> style = ' stroke:#d9737a; stroke-width: 5; stroke-dasharray: 10 5; fill:#1a867e ' ;
$ svg_text = new SVGTextElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_text -> nodeValue = ' Hello World! ' ;
$ svg_text -> id = ' text_hello ' ;
$ svg_text -> x = 0 ;
$ svg_text -> y = 20 ;
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_text );
$ svg_text = SVGFElement:: text ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' Hello World! ' , ' text_hello ' , ' 0 ' , ' 20 ' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_text );
$ svg_text = new SVGTextElement ( $ dom_doc_svg );
$ svg_text -> nodeValue = ' Hello World! ' ;
$ svg_text -> id = ' text_hello ' ;
$ svg_text -> x = 0 ;
$ svg_text -> y = 20 ;
$ svg_text -> style -> setProperty ( ' font-family ' , ' Helvetica ' , '' );
$ svg_text -> style -> setProperty ( ' font-size ' , ' 16px ' , '' );
$ svg_text -> style -> setProperty ( ' font-weight ' , ' bold ' , '' );
$ svg_text -> style -> setProperty ( ' fill ' , ' #d9737a ' , '' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_text );
$ svg_text = SVGFElement:: text ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' Hello World! ' , ' text_hello ' , ' 0 ' , ' 20 ' , ' Helvetica ' , ' 25px ' , ' normal ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_text );
참고 : TrueType 글꼴이 포함된 파일은 동일한 폴더에 있어야 합니다.
$ svg_text_0 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_0 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER ); // 'CENTERED' 10px
$ svg_text_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_1 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_LEFT ); // 'On top and left aligned' 16px
$ svg_text_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_1 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_TOP );
$ svg_text_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_2 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_RIGHT ); // 'Aligned with bottom-right corner' 10px
$ svg_text_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_2 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_BOTTOM );
$ svg_text_3 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_3 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_BOTTOM ); // 'Below and to the right' 14px
$ svg_text_3 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_3 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_RIGHT );
$ svg_text_4 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_4 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_LEFT ); // 'To the left' 24px (y=50)
$ svg_text_0 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_0 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER ); // 'offset top' 8px
$ svg_text_0 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_0 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_TOP , 0 ,- 10 );
$ svg_text_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_1 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER ); // 'offset right' 16px
$ svg_text_1 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_1 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: POSITION_RIGHT , 20 );
$ svg_text_2 = SVGFAlign:: align ( $ svg_text_2 , $ svg_rect ,SVGFObjectBox:: ALIGN_CENTER ,- 5 , 20 ); // 'offset center' 10px
커넥터를 설명하는 데 사용되는 마커를 생성하는 소스 PHP 코드:
// create defs
$ svg_defs = SVGFElement:: defs ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' marker ' );
// create markers
$ svg_marker_arrow_start = SVGFMarker:: markerArrowStart ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' marker_arrow_start ' , ' path_arrow_start ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_marker_arrow_end = SVGFMarker:: markerArrowEnd ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' marker_arrow_end ' , ' path_arrow_end ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_marker_cicrle = SVGFMarker:: markerCircle ( $ dom_doc_svg , ' marker_circle ' , ' circle ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_defs -> appendChild ( $ svg_marker_arrow_start );
$ svg_defs -> appendChild ( $ svg_marker_arrow_end );
$ svg_defs -> appendChild ( $ svg_marker_cicrle );
$ svg_svg -> appendChild ( $ svg_defs );
// create points
$ point_start_1 = SVGFElement:: point ( 10 , 10 );
$ point_end_1 = SVGFElement:: point ( 40 , 40 );
$ point_start_2 = SVGFElement:: point ( 60 , 40 );
$ point_end_2 = SVGFElement:: point ( 90 , 10 );
$ point_start_3 = SVGFElement:: point ( 125 , 40 );
$ point_end_3 = SVGFElement:: point ( 125 , 10 );
$ point_start_4 = SVGFElement:: point ( 160 , 25 );
$ point_end_4 = SVGFElement:: point ( 190 , 25 );
// create connectors
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_1 , $ point_end_1 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_1 ' , ' marker_circle ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_2 , $ point_end_2 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_2 ' , ' marker_arrow_start ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_3 , $ point_end_3 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_3 ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_4 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_4 , $ point_end_4 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_4 ' , null , ' marker_circle ' );
마커 크기는 경로의 획 크기에 맞게 자동으로 조정됩니다.
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_1 , $ point_end_1 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 0.5px ' , ' connector_1 ' , ' marker_circle ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_2 , $ point_end_2 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 2px ' , ' connector_2 ' , ' marker_arrow_start ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_3 , $ point_end_3 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1.5px ' , ' connector_3 ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_4 = SVGFConnector:: points ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ point_start_4 , $ point_end_4 , ' #861a22 ' , ' 3px ' , ' connector_4 ' , null , ' marker_circle ' );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: centers ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_circle , $ svg_rect , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_1 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: centers ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect , $ svg_text , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_2 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left , $ svg_rect_top , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_1 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_right , $ svg_rect_left , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_2 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_circle , $ svg_rect_right , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_3 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_4 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_top , $ svg_circle , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_4 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_5 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text , $ svg_rect_top , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_5 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_6 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_circle , $ svg_text , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_6 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left , $ svg_rect_top , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_1 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' ,- 5 );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_right , $ svg_rect_left , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_2 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' , 15 );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_circle , $ svg_rect_right , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_3 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' ,- 5 );
$ svg_connector_4 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_top , $ svg_circle , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_4 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' , 15 );
$ svg_connector_5 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text , $ svg_rect_top , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_5 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' , 5 );
$ svg_connector_6 = SVGFConnector:: borders ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_circle , $ svg_text , ' #861a22 ' , ' 1px ' , ' connector_6 ' , null , ' marker_arrow_end ' , 5 );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left_bottom , $ svg_rect_left , ' connector_1 ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left_top , $ svg_rect_left_bottom , ' connector_2 ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_right_bottom , $ svg_rect_right_top , ' connector_3 ' , ' #861a22 ' );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left_bottom , $ svg_rect_left , ' connector_1 ' , ' #861a22 ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_left_top , $ svg_rect_left_bottom , ' connector_2 ' , ' #861a22 ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_rect_right_bottom , $ svg_rect_right_top , ' connector_3 ' , ' #861a22 ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_1 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text_left_top , $ svg_text_left_middle , ' connector_1 ' , ' #d9737a ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_2 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text_left_middle , $ svg_text_left_bottom , ' connector_2 ' , ' #d9737a ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_3 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text_right_top , $ svg_text_right_middle , ' connector_3 ' , ' #d9737a ' , 2 );
$ svg_connector_4 = SVGFConnector:: sides ( $ dom_doc_svg , $ svg_text_right_middle , $ svg_text_right_bottom , ' connector_4 ' , ' #d9737a ' , 2 );