html5 udp socket
ex W3C Sysapps WG에서 제안한 UDP 소켓 API
참고: 이 사양 당시 STREAM API는 아직 완성되지 않았습니다. 이 구현에는 아마도 알고리즘에 일부 조정이 필요할 것입니다.
참조: TCP UDP 소켓 API
주의할 사항:
및 writable
스트림 속성 구현을 완료해야 합니다.다음과 같은 공급업체 어댑터를 작성하는 것이 목표입니다.
누구든지 이 프로젝트에 기여하는 것을 환영합니다 ;-)
// This example shows a simple implementation of UPnP-SSDP M-SEARCH
// discovery using a multicast UDPSocket
var address = '' ,
port = '1900' ,
serviceType = 'upnp:rootdevice' ,
rn = 'rn' ,
search = '' ;
// Request permission to send multicast messages to the address and
// port reserved for SSDP
navigator . udpPermission . requestPermission ( { remoteAddress : "" ,
remotePort : 1900 } ) . then (
( ) => {
// Permission was granted
// Create a new UDP client socket
var mySocket = new UDPSocket ( ) ;
// Build an SSDP M-SEARCH multicast message
search += 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1' + rn ;
search += 'ST: ' + serviceType + rn ;
search += 'MAN: "ssdp:discover"' + rn ;
search += 'HOST: ' + address + ':' + port + rn ;
search += 'MX: 10' ;
// Receive and log SSDP M-SEARCH response messages
function receiveMSearchResponses ( ) {
mySocket . readable . getReader ( ) . read ( ) . then ( ( { value , done } ) => {
if ( done ) return ;
console . log ( 'Remote address: ' + value . remoteAddress +
'Remote port: ' + value . remotePort +
'Message: ' + ab2str ( value . data ) ) ;
// ArrayBuffer to string conversion could also be done by piping
// through a transform stream. To be updated when the Streams API
// specification has been stabilized on this point.
} ) ;
// Join SSDP multicast group
mySocket . joinMulticast ( address ) ;
// Send SSDP M-SEARCH multicast message
mySocket . writeable . write (
{ data : str2ab ( search ) ,
remoteAddress : address ,
remotePort : port
} ) . then (
( ) => {
// Data sent sucessfully, wait for response
console . log ( 'M-SEARCH Sent' ) ;
receiveMSearchResponses ( ) ;
} ,
e => console . error ( "Sending error: " , e ) ;
) ;
// Log result of UDP socket setup.
mySocket . opened . then (
( ) => {
console . log ( "UDP socket created sucessfully" ) ;
} ,
e => console . error ( "UDP socket setup failed due to error: " , e ) ;
) ;
// Handle UDP socket closed, either as a result of the application
// calling mySocket.close() or an error causing the socket to be
// closed.
mySocket . closed . then (
( ) => {
console . log ( "Socket has been cleanly closed" ) ;
} ,
e => console . error ( "Socket closed due to error: " , e ) ;
) ;
} ,
e => console . error ( "Sending SSDP multicast messages was denied due to error: " , e ) ;
) ;
저작권 (c) 2016 Alexandre Morgaut
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