삭제 된 아카이브 된 'Tiktok' 동영상의 다운로드를 자동화합니다
$ git clone https://github.com/0xfff0800/TikTok-Back.git
$ cd TikTok-Back
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
botback.py -u 사용자 이름 [옵션]
-u, --username Specify target user's Tiktok handle
--batch-size Specify how many URLs you would like to
examine at a time. Expecting an integer between
1 and 100. A larger number will give you a speed
boost but at the risk of errors. Default = 100
--semaphore-size Specify how many urls from --batch-size you would
like to query asyncronously at once. Expecting an integer
between 1 and 50. A larger number will give you a speed
boost but at the risk of errors. Default = 50
-from, --fromdate Narrow search for deleted Video *archived*
on and after this date
(can be combined with -to)
(format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD
or YYYYMMDD, doesn't matter)
-to, --todate Narrow search for deleted video *archived*
on and before this date
(can be combined with -from)
(format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD
or YYYYMMDD, doesn't matter)
--proxy-file Provide a list of proxies to use. You'll need this for checking large groups of video
Each line should contain one url:port to use
The script will pick a new proxy from the list at random after each --batch-size
Logs After checking a user's video but before you
make a download selection, a folder will be created
with that username. That folder will contain a log of:
<deleted-twitter-url>:<deleted-wayback-url> in case you needed them
python3 botback.py -u falah Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video
python3 botback.py -u falah -from 2022-01-05 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video
*archived* since January 5,
2022 until now
python3 botback.py -u falah -to 2022/02/09 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video *archived*
since the beginning until
February 9, 2022
python3 botback.py -u falah -from 2020-08-30 -to 2020-09-15 Downloads all of @falah's
deleted Video *archived*
between August 30, 2020 to
September 15, 2020
python3 botback.py -u falah --proxy-file proxy.txt Provide a list of the proxy to use.
From the file included in the folder,
replace the proxies if needed
( falah
대상 핸들로 교체하십시오).
자세한 내용은 위의 사용 보안을 확인하십시오.
스크린 샷은 극작가를 사용하여 수행됩니다. 스크린 샷을 성공적으로 수행하려면 다음을 수행하십시오.
playwright install
. --semaphore-size
및 --batch-size
의 기본 속도 설정은 가능한 가장 빠른 실행으로 설정됩니다. 이 숫자를 줄이면 실행을 느리게 다운로드하고 오류 가능성을 줄입니다. 많은 수의 트윗 (> 800 이상)을 확인하려면 웹 프록시 및 --proxy-file
Flag를 사용해야합니다.
더 많은 도구를 보려면 채널을 따르십시오
시도 : http://t.me/xff0800