titok pytorch
การใช้งาน TiTok เสนอโดย Bytedance ใน An Image มีมูลค่า 32 โทเค็นสำหรับการสร้างใหม่และการสร้างใหม่
$ pip install titok-pytorch
import torch
from titok_pytorch import TiTokTokenizer
images = torch . randn ( 2 , 3 , 256 , 256 )
titok = TiTokTokenizer (
dim = 1024 ,
patch_size = 32 ,
num_latent_tokens = 32 , # they claim only 32 tokens needed
codebook_size = 4096 # codebook size 4096
loss = titok ( images )
loss . backward ()
# after much training
# extract codes for gpt, maskgit, whatever
codes = titok . tokenize ( images ) # (2, 32)
# reconstructing images from codes
recon_images = titok . codebook_ids_to_images ( codes )
assert recon_images . shape == images . shape
@article { yu2024an ,
author = { Qihang Yu and Mark Weber and Xueqing Deng and Xiaohui Shen and Daniel Cremers and Liang-Chieh Chen } ,
title = { An Image is Worth 32 Tokens for Reconstruction and Generation } ,
journal = { arxiv: 2406.07550 } ,
year = { 2024 }