In Photoshop, as the most important tool for drawing paths, the pen tool has a very high probability of being used. In this example, each function of the pen tool is introduced in detail. Friends who are interested can follow the tutorial, combining theory with practice, and slowly practice the operation of the pen tool from basic to proficient.
1. Introduction to Pen Tool
Pen Tool: Click on the canvas to create a straight path segment, or click and drag to create a Bezier curve path.
Freeform Pen Tool: Click and drag on the canvas to draw a path freely like using a brush.
Add anchor point tool: Click on a path segment to add an anchor point.
Delete Anchor Point Tool: Click a path anchor point to delete it.
Convert Anchor Point Tool: Click on an ordinary anchor point and drag to create a Bates handle, click on an existing anchor point to delete the handle.
2. Keyboard shortcuts
P: Select the Pen Tool or the Free Pen Tool, depending on the most recently selected tool.
Pen tools have different forms depending on the occasion and timing of use. Each form allows you to intuitively notice the upcoming action. (In some cases use the Caps Lock key to switch to the pointer or cross-hair cursor)
Prepare to create the path.
Create or edit a path midway.
When the mouse is pressed.
Add path anchor points.
Delete path anchor points.
When the mouse stays on a non-path initial point, the path is closed.
When the mouse is over the endpoint of an existing path, you can continue drawing the path or (if the path is active) edit the point.
Prepare to convert existing anchor points.
Free pen tool.
Magnetic Free Pen Tool.
Direct selection tool: Select the Pen tool and hold down the Ctrl key.
Path Selection Tool: Select the Pen Tool and press Ctrl+Alt.
[Mac OS X system] Press the Ctrl key when the mouse stays on the canvas to prepare the options menu.
Mouse Assisted Control (when the path is selected and the Automatic Add/Remove checkbox is checked)
Pen Tool Stays on Anchor Point: Transforms into Delete Anchor Point Tool.
The Pen Tool stays on the path segment: Transform into the Add Anchor Point Tool.
3. Keyboard control
[Mac OS X system] Press the Ctrl key and click on the canvas to open the options menu.
When creating or editing anchor points and handles, hold down the Shift key to constrain the activity to 45°, 90°, 135°, or 180°.
Use the Direct Selection tool to select the anchor point and press the Delete key. The anchor point and adjacent path segments will be deleted, leaving two paths.
Pen Tool + ALT Key: Transform into the Convert Anchor Point Tool.
Use the Pen tool + ALT key when editing Bezier curves: separate the Bezier handles.
Use the Pen tool + ALT key when drawing a path: it turns into a direct selection tool, which can modify the drawn anchor points.
4. Options
The Options Bar (Window > Options) is usually located at the top of the screen and will provide important options regardless of which tool is selected. The same goes for the pen tool. The options are roughly as follows:
1. Presets: You can save presets for any tool you choose. The definitions of the options are discussed below. Save as a preset to quickly return to these settings later.
2. Shape layer: After selecting this item, the drawn path will form a shape, which is not only visible in the path panel, but also forms a vector mask layer in the layer panel.
3. Path: After selecting this item, the drawn path will form a visible path in the path panel.
4. Fill Pixels: The 3rd path type option, available when the shape tool is selected. When selected, the path created forms a filled area.