The production of this tutorial is mainly done using materials. Pre-production is relatively simple. Just paste the photos you want to create into a new file, place them in the right place, and then drag in a large amount of materials. Change the material blending mode to add a dreamy effect, and then use a mask to slightly modify the details.
final effect
1. First create a new white document with a custom size. Use the move tool to drag the two photos of people into the document. Press SHIFT+CTRL+U to remove the color. Press CTRL+T to change the size transformation direction.
2. Drag the following material picture in, place it on the background layer, and set the blending mode to brightness. Then add a mask and erase 2 photos of people on the mask.
3. Also drag in the sky material image below, place it on top, brighten the mode, add a mask, and erase the portrait photo.