The color grading in this tutorial is carried out in multiple modes. Now in Lab mode, adjust the overall tone, and then switch to RGB mode to enhance it. The process of color adjustment is relatively long.
Original picture
final effect
1. Open the image, copy one layer (according to your own habits), and switch to LAB mode (Image > Mode > Lab Color).
2. You can consider not skipping this step. Add the cloud material mode to Multiply, set the opacity to 50, add a mask, and use a black and white gradient (linear gradient). If it doesn’t work once, just do it a few times. Right-click to apply the image after each time. Layer mask.
3. Stamp the layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), press Ctrl + Alt + 1 to bring up the brightness channel selection, and then create a hue and saturation adjustment (the numbers are as shown below).
4. Stamp the layer, select channel A, press Ctrl + A to select all, press Ctrl + C to copy, return to the layer panel to create a new layer, and press Ctrl + V to paste. Mode Soft Light, Opacity 60.
5. Stamp the layer, execute Image > Apply Image three times, and set the parameters as shown below.
At this point, you can first merge the layers and convert them to RGB mode (Image > Mode > RGB Color) and select Merge. The picture below is a screenshot under LAB.
6. Duplicate a layer and create a channel mixer number as shown below.