The effect of this tutorial is very artistic. The author uses the movements of the characters to make full use of them, and uses many fashionable and dynamic elements to decorate them. Coupled with bright colors, the character feeling is very prominent. However, many parameters in the tutorial are described in English, so you need to refer to Chinese. Original picture
final effect
1. First find a picture of a beautiful sportswoman, then use the lasso tool to extract the character, then create a new document, fill the background with black, and then move the extracted character in.
2. Create a new layer on top, then use a gradient from #9d5c5b to #b53564, then set the layer mode to "Color" and adjust the opacity to 75%.
3. Create a layer between the above two layers, set the color as #470310 as the background, select the gradient tool, change the color from the foreground color to transparent, fill it, and set the layer name to "Highlight1".
4. Create a new layer above the Highlight1 layer, apply the Cloud filter, set the layer mode to Soft Light, name the layer "Cloud", and then press CTRL+J to copy the layer.
5. Create a layer below the original character layer, name it "Circles", set the color #ffffff, select the Ellipse tool, hold down SHIFT to create some new circles, adjust the layer fill to 30%, set the layer presentation, outer glow , set the color to #e1851a, Opacity to 100%, Spread to 6% and Size to 2 pixels.
6. Duplicate the above layer, add more circles, duplicate it 6 times, and adjust the opacity of some large or small circles.