Original picture
1. Open this personal photo that needs to be converted into mouse drawing in PS, execute the shortcut key CTRL+SHIFT+U to remove the color, and then execute CTRL+J to copy one layer.
2. Press D to restore the default foreground and background colors (black and white), then execute Filter-Artistic Effect-Colored Pencil, pencil width is 6, Stroke Press is 6, and paper brightness is 50.
3. Set the blending mode of the copied layer to Color Dodge, fill it to about 27%, then add a layer mask, and use the black brush tool to paint out the face and neck of the character (be careful to adjust the brush at any time). transparency).
4. CTRL+N creates a new image with a width of 500 pixels, a height of 400 pixels, a resolution of 72 pixels/inch, the color mode is RGB color 8-bit, and the background content is white.