Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image material and press Ctrl + J to duplicate the background layer. Then execute: Image > Apply Image, parameter settings are as shown in Figure 1, and the effect is as shown in Figure 2.
2. Create a hue/saturation adjustment layer and adjust the green. The parameter settings are as shown in Figure 3, and the effect is as shown in Figure 4.
3. Create an optional color adjustment layer and adjust the red color. The parameter settings are as shown in Figure 5, and the effect is as shown in Figure 6.
4. Duplicate the optional color adjustment layer and change the layer opacity to: 60%. The effect is as shown below.
5. Create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer, execute: Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, the value is 5, after confirmation, change the layer blending mode to "Multiply", as shown in the figure Change the layer opacity to: 40%, the effect is as shown below.
6. Create a new layer, stamp the layer, and use the burn tool to darken the area around the character's eyes. Create a new layer and add a little lipstick effect to the character, as shown below.