Source: Photography Community Author: Le Xiaotian This tutorial introduces creative post-rendering methods for portraits. The author's creative idea is very good. He chose the backlit silhouette effect for the portrait. In the later stage, he focused on softening the light of the original film and added some creative light spots. The whole thing is very beautiful.
Original picture
final effect
1. Drag in the photo, copy the layer (Ctrl+J), and make appropriate adjustments to the layer through curves (Ctrl+M) and color levels (Ctrl+L).
Create a new layer, fill it with orange (Alt+Del), and adjust the opacity as shown in the figure.
3. Create two new layers, select light yellow, use a brush with an opacity of 66% (shortcut key: B) to simulate a light beam and draw two sets of light; then adjust the appropriate opacity.
Create a new group, keeping the previous layer; duplicate the group and merge the layers (Ctrl+E); then reduce the transparency of this layer to maintain better hierarchy and connection with the original film.
5. Create a new layer 300*300mm 200 resolution; design the text and version of the picture, and use the Rectangular Border Tool (M) to delete the area where the photo is to be placed.
Drag in the photo that has been post-processed, resize it and put it in the appropriate position; make final fine-tuning to the photo, adjust the curve (Ctrl+M), and adjust the red, yellow and gray in the optional color (Ctrl+K). Finally save the image.
Select the appropriate out-of-focus bokeh spot material, drag it into the layer, change the size appropriately and place it at the appropriate position, select the "overlay" effect, and adjust the opacity and fill percentage.
Adjust the color levels of the material picture, and adjust the red, yellow and gray colors appropriately. The original film was also adjusted appropriately according to the final effect. Finally output the picture.
Complete the final effect