This article uses material synthesis to create a bald signature effect, mainly using a combination of brushes and layers.
final renderings
Another rendering
Material picture 1
Material picture 2
Material picture 3
1. Open our three cable material pictures. Use the move tool to move within an image. We have renamed the pictures for everyone’s convenience.
2. Change the size and position of the main character layer. Use Free Transform to work ctrl+T (Tip: When making character drawings, in order to keep the character from deforming, we usually hold down the SHIFT key and scale proportionally when using Free Transform).
3. Then cut out the main character layer. There are many ways to cut out people on the Internet. On this site, we directly use the layer mask tool to simply erase the black background part.
4. Create a new layer ctrl+shift+alt+n. Use the rectangular marquee tool to draw a rectangle and fill it with any color.
5. Use the brush tools provided by Allen Brush Station to process the edges. In order to save time on this site, we use PS’s own brushes.
6. Open the eyes of the secondary character layer and activate the secondary character layer to create a clipping mask (press Ctrl+G for PS8.0, press ctrl+shift+G for PS9.0 and CS3 versions). Move it to the appropriate location, based on your aesthetic decision.
7. Make the text part. You can use a paintbrush to create it, or you can do it yourself. Text brush download
8. Add some modifications. If time is short, we will download a messy brush ourselves. Create a new layer and use a brush to make all four corners bare.
9. Add a solid color fill layer. The color is: "a89090", you can adjust it according to your preference. Change the layer blending mode to: "Color Dodge". The finished final rendering.