This tutorial mainly explains how to use materials to make beautiful signatures. There are many materials used. When making, you need to separate the order of the original images of the materials.
final effect
Material 1
Material 2
Material 3
Material 4
1. Open the original image and press Ctrl + J to copy a layer. Select the menu: Filter > Noise > The middle value is 8. After confirmation, change the layer blending mode to: Soft light effect as shown below.
2. Open material 1, use the magic wand to click on the white part, then invert the selection to draw out the rose, then drag it in directly, change the size appropriately and place it on the character's hair.
3. Open Material 2 and drag it in directly, change the layer blending mode to Overlay, and then use the eraser tool to erase the character’s face.
4. Open Material 3 and drag it in directly, change the layer blending mode to Screen, and then use the eraser tool to erase the character’s face.
5. Open material 4 and drag it in directly, enlarge the picture slightly, change the layer blending mode to color screen, and then use the eraser tool to erase the face of the character.
6. Modify the whole, add text, and then trace the bottom appropriately to complete the final effect.