final renderings
Original picture
1. After opening the image, click to enter the channel panel, activate the red channel, execute: Select - Select All, and then select Edit - Copy.
2. Reactivate the RGB composite channel.
3. Open the layers panel and execute: Edit-Paste.
Activate the background layer and close the eye on layer 1.
5. Reopen the channel panel, activate the green channel, and execute: Select-Select All, and then select Edit-Copy.
6. Reactivate the RGB composite channel.
Open the layers panel and execute: Edit-Paste.
8. Activate layer 1 and execute: Image-Adjustment-Invert.
9. Change the opacity of layer 1 to 14%.
Execution: After layer-merge downwards, open the Levels panel, Image-Adjustments-Levels, and pull the left and right triangles, as shown in the figure below. Of course, more detailed modifications can be made.
Rendering of the finished effect.