Recently, the company arranged some things to do CCFA, and one is to make real -time monitoring of a web to play camera. Baidu has been online for a long time, and many of them are directly implemented with VLC plug -ins, but currently the mainstream browsers have no longer supported VLC plug -ins anymines, and it has not succeeded after a long time.
Most of the online implementation:
<Object Type = 'Application/X-VLC-Plugin' ID = 'VLC' Events = 'True' Width = 720 Height = 540pluginspage = ASE = /pub/videolan/vlc-webplugins/2.0.6/npapi-vlc-2.0.6.tar.xz><param name='mrl' value=rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]: [port]/[codec]/[channel]/[subtype]/av_stream' /><param name='volume' value='50' /><param name='autoplay' value='true' /><param name = 'loop' value = 'false' /> <sem name = 'FullScreen' Value = 'FALSE' /> < /Object>
Obviously found an article that can be pushed with tools, and then use <Video> to play on the webpage.
The final effect map:
After testing, there will be a delay of about 2 seconds, and it can still be within the acceptable range.
SummarizeThe above is the real -time monitoring function of HTML introduced by the editor to you. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message. Xiaobian will reply to everyone in time. Thank you very much for your support for the VEVB Wulin website!