To solve the problem of being inaccessible and 0x800A0046 not having permission: the 'GetObject' solution
is general. When we debug ASP dynamic web pages on this machine, we can enter
=================== ========
http://local computer name
======================= =====
When entering , generally the machine needs to enter the user name and password to enter. There will be two situations here:
The first situation is: you have just created IIS, in order to test IIS, so At this time, the access is iisstart.asp under "System DiskInetpubwwwroot", and then iisstart.asp jumps to localstart.asp and opens iishelp at the same time. "localhost" and "computer name" are all fine, but when entering, a dialog box pops up, requiring you to enter your account and password.
The second situation is: a virtual directory has been established, which can be accessed through "localhost+virtual directory" and "computer name+virtual directory", but cannot be accessed through " directory".
Although they have the same symptoms, they are different situations.