1. As long as there is a space between multiple attributes in the tag <>, no comma is required
<a href="brand_me.html" target="browser_page">
2. CSS: multiple values of the attributes in the selector, Don't use symbols to separate them, just leave them blank.
background: #ccc url(pattern.fif) repeat-x;
3. How to write JavaScript statements. Here are some examples:
◇ window.open("some_url","window_name", "location=no,status=no");
◇ var width= prompt("How wide do you want the grid?(1-10 is good)","10");
◇ <a href="#" onMouseOver="temp=image1;image1=image2;image2=image3;image3=temp;
onclick="parent.control_frame.document.brandme_img.src=image1;"><img src="..."></a>
4. For image links, are the expressions the same:
CSS: background: #ccc url(pattern.fif) repeat-x;
HTML, JS: <img src="image/monkey.gif" name="brandme_img">