2. Execute the "Image", "Adjust" and "Grayscale" commands in the menu bar to change the color of the picture to grayscale. Then execute the "Image" "Mode" "RGB" command in the menu bar to convert the image mode to RGB mode. The effect is shown in Figure 02.
3. Execute the "Image", "Adjustment" and "Auto Levels" commands in the menu bar. The system will automatically adjust the contrast of the image. The effect is shown in Figure 03. In this way, the image will not be affected by the background color when coloring it. influence.
4. Execute the "Layer", "New" and "Layer" commands in the menu bar, create a new layer, name the layer Color, and set the layer mode of the layer to "Color" to express reality. The color effect of the photo, the effect is shown in Figure 04.
6. You can extract the color of the skin from this attached image. Since the changes in the skin are relatively subtle, choose two close skin colors. Use the eyedropper tool to draw on the character's face to set the foreground color, as shown in Figure 06.
7. Select the "Brush Tool" in the tool icon, use the Brush Tool to select a larger brush, and paint the bright parts, dark parts, and mid-tones on the character's face. The effect is shown in Figure 07.
8. Use the eyedropper tool to suck on the character's lips to set the foreground color. Select the "Brush Tool" in the tool icon and apply highlights, darks, and midtones on the lips to create a three-dimensional effect on the lips. , the effect is shown in Figure 08.
9. Finally, draw the eye shadow of the character. Use the eyedropper tool to draw it from the pupil of the character's eye to set the foreground color. Select the "Brush Tool" in the tool icon and apply it to the eye shadow. You can also apply it to the hair and teeth. Use this method to add color, and the final effect is as shown in Figure 09.