This tutorial introduces the beauty method of transparent skin of characters. The idea is: first, simply polish the character's skin, then select a channel with a high contrast in the channel and copy it directly to the layer version. Increase the contrast appropriately and then adjust the layer blending. mode, which gives the skin a radiant feel.
Original picture
final effect
1) Darken the whole: Specifically, copy one layer and set it to Multiply with a transparency of about 80%. Merge layers and smooth the skin to get the following effect
2) Copy the blue channel separately. As for the top layer, adjust the levels and contrast to get the following effect.
3) Set the adjusted blue channel layer to "Screen"... (details plus mask adjustment)
4) Stamp the layer, adjust the color levels, and sharpen to get the final effect.
Crystal Skin:
1) 3) 4) Basically the same as above.
But when doing the second step, you need to copy the skin (blue channel) of each part of the body one by one (face, arms, back), Gaussian blur (radius 2), execute filter -> Plastic Packaging (detail 0, smoothness max)
So annoying. I only did the left side.