On May 17, the Photoshop Express team sent an email stating that Photoshop Express had been updated and added several new features: integration with Flickr, adding an embeddable player, and adding a "save as" function. Photoshop Express is an online version of Photoshop launched by Adobe, an online image editing tool. Adobe said it hopes the move will increase Photoshop's popularity among a new generation of consumers who typically like to edit, store and share images online. And while Photoshop is designed for trained professionals, Photoshop Express, currently in beta, will be easy to learn and use.
1. Integrate with Flickr
PE has been officially integrated with Flickr. Now users can drag stored pictures directly from Flickr to PE for processing, and then transfer them back to Flickr for sharing.
2. Add embeddable player
PE adds a picture slideshow player similar to Flickr. Users can embed this player into network programs such as Facebook, MySpace or blogs to better share pictures with friends.
3. Add "Save As" function
Using the "Save As" feature, users can share a specific shot of your friend in a group photo with friends while keeping the original photo.