1. Open the picture, press Ctrl+J to copy the layer, select Menu-Filter-Rendering-Lighting Effect, the parameters are shown in the figure below;
2. Create a new layer, select the menu, Edit-Fill-Color #064303;
Add a mask, select the gradient tool - black, white, and drag it from the upper left to the lower right;
Change the blending mode to Overlay;
3. Create a new layer, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+~ to bring up the channel selection, then select the menu, Edit-Fill-White, change the blending mode to Screen, and set the opacity to 40%;
In the toolbox, use the eraser tool to erase areas other than the character's skin;
4. Create a new layer, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to stamp the layer, press Ctrl+J to copy the layer, press Ctrl+Shift+U to remove color, and change the blending mode to soft light;