azure devops python api
vops 7.1.0b4
此存储库包含用于与 Azure DevOps 交互和管理的 Python API。这些 API 为 Azure CLI 的 Azure DevOps 扩展提供支持。要了解有关 Azure CLI 的 Azure DevOps 扩展的更多信息,请访问 Microsoft/azure-devops-cli-extension 存储库。
pip install azure-devops
要使用 API,请使用个人访问令牌和 Azure DevOps 组织的 URL 建立连接。然后从连接中获取客户端并进行 API 调用。
from azure . devops . connection import Connection
from msrest . authentication import BasicAuthentication
import pprint
# Fill in with your personal access token and org URL
personal_access_token = 'YOURPAT'
organization_url = ''
# Create a connection to the org
credentials = BasicAuthentication ( '' , personal_access_token )
connection = Connection ( base_url = organization_url , creds = credentials )
# Get a client (the "core" client provides access to projects, teams, etc)
core_client = connection . clients . get_core_client ()
# Get the first page of projects
get_projects_response = core_client . get_projects ()
index = 0
while get_projects_response is not None :
for project in get_projects_response . value :
pprint . pprint ( "[" + str ( index ) + "] " + project . name )
index += 1
if get_projects_response . continuation_token is not None and get_projects_response . continuation_token != "" :
# Get the next page of projects
get_projects_response = core_client . get_projects ( continuation_token = get_projects_response . continuation_token )
else :
# All projects have been retrieved
get_projects_response = None
此 Python 库为 Azure DevOps REST API 提供了一个瘦包装器。有关调用不同 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Azure DevOps REST API 参考。
通过查看 Microsoft/azure-devops-python-samples 存储库中的示例,了解如何调用不同的 API。
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