hi → hey you
how are you ? → i ' m fine , what about you ?
how old are you ? → i ' m 16 , how old are you ?
are you a leader or a follower ? → i ' m a man who is a politician .
my name is david . what is my name ? → i love your name .
is the sky blue or black ? → the sky is blue
you love anime . → i ' m not a weeb
Hi → Hi.
What is your name ? → Laura.
What does that mean ? → I dunno.
How old are you ? → thirty-five.
Who is Laura ? → My brother.
Say 'goodbye' → Alright.
Two plus two → manny...
hello baby → hello
how old are you ? → twenty .
i am lonely → i am not
nice → you ' re not going to be okay .
so rude → i ' m sorry .
are you a robot or human? → no .
are you better than siri? → yes .
Jiwei Li 撰写的一系列超级好文章的源代码 - 这是我在神经会话系统领域最喜欢的研究之一。值得一看。
tell me ... how long have you had this falling sickness ? → a few months, I guess .
so i had the doctors test sammy ’s response to conditioning . → so he took the pills .
what are you going to do ? → i ’m going to get you a new car .
they fear your power your intellect . → i ’m not afraid of your power .
Hello? → Hi.
How are you? → I'm fine.
What's your name? → It's hard to describe.
How so? → I'm not sure.
What color is the sky? → It's blue.
What is your job? → It's not that i'm a fucking werewolf!
GitHub 上最流行的 Seq2seq 架构实现。然而,仍然没有证据表明此存储库取得了良好的结果。
用于运行实验的 farizrahman4u/seq2seq 的包装器。到目前为止还没有取得好的结果。
user: Hello! How are you?
computer: i am fine , ok , well , thank you . (with probability of 0.540239)
user: What's your name?
computer: janet . (with probability of 0.319482)
user: What do you like to do now?
computer: let me think a minute . (with probability of 0.286760)
user: I want to chat about computer science.
computer: i am glad to hear there . (with probability of 0.293063)
user: Are you a real girl or a computer program?
computer: i am self employed . i would love to be well . (with probability of 0.026870)
user: Why don't you look for a job?
computer: i do not know . i am the bank . (with probability of 0.053494)
user: So, you don't need a job!
computer: no . i have to make a lot of money . (with probability of 0.001279)
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请参阅 Richard Krisztian Csaky 的这篇精彩评论:聊天机器人和相关研究论文笔记及图像
以及他的 pdf 报告论文:基于深度学习的聊天机器人模型