curlcpp 3.1
cURL 工具的面向对象 C++ 包装器
如果你想了解更多关于 cURL 和 libcurl 的信息,你应该访问官方网站
cd build
cmake ..
cd build
注意: cURL >= 7.34.0 是必需的。
g++ -std=c++11 example.cpp -I/usr/local/include/curlcpp/ -lcurlcpp -lcurl
使用 git 子模块和 CMake-buildsystem 时,将以下行添加到CMakeLists.txt
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(ext/curlcpp) # Change `ext/curlcpp` to a directory according to your setup
brew install curlcpp
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
/* *
* This example shows how to make a simple request with curl.
int main () {
// Easy object to handle the connection.
curl_easy easy;
// Add some options.
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
return 0 ;
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::ostringstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
using curl::curl_ios;
/* *
* This example shows how to use the easy interface and obtain
* information about the current session.
int main ( int argc, const char **argv) {
// Let's declare a stream
ostringstream stream;
// We are going to put the request's output in the previously declared stream
curl_ios<ostringstream> ios (stream);
// Declaration of an easy object
curl_easy easy (ios);
// Add some option to the curl_easy object.
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
// Retrieve information about curl current session.
auto x = easy. get_info <CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE>();
/* *
* get_info returns a curl_easy_info object. With the get method we retrieve
* the std::pair object associated with it: the first item is the return code of the
* request. The second is the element requested by the specified libcurl macro.
std::cout<<x. get ()<<std::endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
相反,创建一个 HTTPS POST 登录表单:
# include < string >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_pair.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::string;
using curl::curl_form;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_pair;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
curl_form form;
curl_easy easy;
// Forms creation
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> name_form (CURLFORM_COPYNAME, " user " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> name_cont (CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, " you username here " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> pass_form (CURLFORM_COPYNAME, " passw " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> pass_cont (CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, " your password here " );
try {
// Form adding
form. add (name_form,name_cont);
form. add (pass_form,pass_cont);
// Add some options to our request
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
easy. add <CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER>( false );
easy. add <CURLOPT_HTTPPOST>(form. get ());
// Execute the request.
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to get the entire error stack we can do:
curlcpp_traceback errors = error. get_traceback ();
// Otherwise we could print the stack like this:
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include < fstream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::ofstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// Create a file
ofstream myfile;
myfile. open ( " /path/to/your/file " );
// Create a curl_ios object to handle the stream
curl_ios<ostream> writer (myfile);
// Pass it to the easy constructor and watch the content returned in that file!
curl_easy easy (writer);
// Add some option to the easy handle
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
// Execute the request
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
myfile. close ();
return 0 ;
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main () {
// Create a stringstream object
ostringstream str;
// Create a curl_ios object, passing the stream object.
curl_ios<ostringstream> writer (str);
// Pass the writer to the easy constructor and watch the content returned in that variable!
curl_easy easy (writer);
// Add some option to the easy handle
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
// Let's print the stream content
cout<<str. str ()<<endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
# include < iostream >
# include < string >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_pair.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_receiver.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_sender.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using curl::curl_form;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_sender;
using curl::curl_receiver;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// Simple request
string request = " GET / HTTP/1.0 rn Host: rnrn " ;
// Creation of easy object.
curl_easy easy;
try {
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
// Just connect
easy. add <CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY>( true );
// Execute the request.
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to get the entire error stack we can do:
curlcpp_traceback errors = error. get_traceback ();
// Otherwise we could print the stack like this:
error. print_traceback ();
// Creation of a sender. You should wait here using select to check if socket is ready to send.
curl_sender<string> sender (easy);
sender. send (request);
// Prints che sent bytes number.
cout<< " Sent bytes: " <<sender. get_sent_bytes ()<<endl;
for (;;) {
// You should wait here to check if socket is ready to receive
try {
// Create a receiver
curl_receiver< char , 1024 > receiver;
// Receive the content on the easy handler
receiver. receive (easy);
// Prints the received bytes number.
cout<< " Receiver bytes: " <<receiver. get_received_bytes ()<<endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If any errors occur, exit from the loop
break ;
return 0 ;
以下示例展示了如何使用curl MULTI接口。
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_multi.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_multi;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
/* *
* This example shows how to make multiple requests
* using curl_multi interface.
int main () {
std::vector<std::string> urls;
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
// Create a vector of curl easy handlers.
std::vector<curl_easy> handlers;
// Create a vector of curl streams.
std::vector<curl_ios<std::ostringstream>> streams;
// Create the curl easy handler and associated the streams with it.
for ( const auto & url : urls) {
auto *output_stream = new std::ostringstream;
curl_ios<std::ostringstream> curl_stream (*output_stream);
curl_easy easy (curl_stream);
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>(url. c_str ());
streams. emplace_back (curl_stream);
handlers. emplace_back (easy);
// Create a map of curl pointers to output streams.
std::unordered_map<CURL*, curl_ios<std::ostringstream>*> easy_streams;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < handlers. size (); ++i) {
easy_streams[handlers. at (i). get_curl ()] = (curl_ios<std::ostringstream>*)&streams. at (i);
// Add all the handlers to the curl multi object.
curl_multi multi;
multi. add (handlers);
try {
// Start the transfers.
multi. perform ();
// Until there are active transfers, call the perform() API.
while (multi. get_active_transfers ()) {
multi. perform ();
// Extracts the first finished request.
std::unique_ptr<curl_multi::curl_message> message = multi. get_next_finished ();
if (message != nullptr ) {
const curl_easy *handler = message-> get_handler ();
// Get the stream associated with the curl easy handler.
curl_ios<std::ostringstream> stream_handler = *easy_streams[handler-> get_curl ()];
auto content = stream_handler. get_stream ()-> str ();
auto url = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL>();
auto response_code = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE>();
auto content_type = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE>();
auto http_code = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE>();
std::cout << " CODE: " << response_code. get ()
<< " , TYPE: " << content_type. get ()
<< " , HTTP_CODE: " << http_code. get ()
<< " , URL: " << url. get ()
<< " , CONTENT: " << content. substr ( 0 , 10 ) + " ... "
<< std::endl;
// Free the memory allocated for easy streams.
for ( auto stream : streams) {
delete stream. get_stream ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
return 0 ;