一种现代 C++20 二进制序列化和 RPC 库,只有一个头文件。
该库是 zpp::serializer 的后继者。该库试图变得更简单,但其 API 与其前身或多或少相似。
全局多态类型相比,基于变体和灵活的序列化 id 的现代化多态性。对于许多类型,启用序列化是透明的,不需要额外的代码行。这些类型必须是聚合类型,且具有非数组成员。下面是一个包含姓名和年龄的person
struct person
std::string name;
int age{};
// The `data_in_out` utility function creates a vector of bytes, the input and output archives
// and returns them so we can decompose them easily in one line using structured binding like so:
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
// Serialize a few people:
out (person{ " Person1 " , 25 }, person{ " Person2 " , 35 });
// Define our people.
person p1, p2;
// We can now deserialize them either one by one `in(p1)` `in(p2)`, or together, here
// we chose to do it together in one line:
in (p1, p2);
我们需要检查错误,该库提供了多种方法来执行此操作 - 基于返回值、基于异常或基于 zpp:: throwing。
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
auto result = out(person{ " Person1 " , 25 }, person{ " Person2 " , 35 });
if (failure(result)) {
// `result` is implicitly convertible to `std::errc`.
// handle the error or return/throw exception.
person p1, p2;
result = in(p1, p2);
if (failure(result)) {
// `result` is implicitly convertible to `std::errc`.
// handle the error or return/throw exception.
基于异常的方式(将其读作“成功或抛出” - 因此or_throw()
int main ()
try {
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out ();
// Check error using `or_throw()` which throws an exception.
out (person{ " Person1 " , 25 }, person{ " Person2 " , 35 }). or_throw ();
person p1, p2;
// Check error using `or_throw()` which throws an exception.
in (p1, p2). or_throw ();
return 0 ;
} catch ( const std:: exception & error) {
std::cout << " Failed with error: " << error. what () << ' n ' ;
return 1 ;
} catch (...) {
std::cout << " Unknown error n " ;
return 1 ;
另一个选项是 zpp::throwing,其中错误检查变成两个简单的co_await
,为了了解如何检查错误,我们提供了完整的 main 函数:
int main ()
return zpp::try_catch ([]() -> zpp::throwing< int > {
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out ();
// Check error using `co_await`, which suspends the coroutine.
co_await out (person{ " Person1 " , 25 }, person{ " Person2 " , 35 });
person p1, p2;
// Check error using `co_await`, which suspends the coroutine.
co_await in (p1, p2);
co_return 0 ;
}, [](zpp::error error) {
std::cout << " Failed with error: " << error. message () << ' n ' ;
return 1 ;
}, []( /* catch all */ ) {
std::cout << " Unknown error n " ;
return 1 ;
- 尝试从太短的缓冲区写入或读取。std::errc::no_buffer_space
- 不断增长的缓冲区将超出分配限制或溢出。std::errc::value_too_large
- varint(可变长度整数)编码超出了表示限制。std::errc::message_size
- 消息大小超出用户定义的分配限制。std::errc::not_supported
- 尝试调用未列为受支持的 RPC。std::errc::bad_message
- 尝试读取无法识别类型的变体。std::errc::invalid_argument
- 尝试序列化空指针或无值变体。std::errc::protocol_error
- 尝试反序列化无效的协议消息。 对于大多数非聚合类型(或具有数组成员的聚合类型),启用序列化是一件简单的事情。以下是非聚合person
struct person
// Add this line to your class with the number of members:
using serialize = zpp::bits::members< 2 >; // Two members
person ( auto && ...){ /* ... */ } // Make non-aggregate.
std::string name;
int age{};
namespace my_namespace
struct person
person ( auto && ...){ /* ... */ } // Make non-aggregate.
std::string name;
int age{};
// Add this line somewhere before the actual serialization happens.
auto serialize ( const person & person) -> zpp::bits::members<2>;
} // namespace my_namespace
在某些编译器中, SFINAE在if constexpr
和unevaluated lambda expression
下使用requires expression
// Members are detected automatically, no additional change needed.
struct person
person ( auto && ...){ /* ... */ } // Make non-aggregate.
std::string name;
int age{};
这适用于clang 13
中它不起作用(这是一个硬错误),并且它在标准中明确指出在类似情况下不允许SFINAE ,所以它默认情况下处于关闭状态。
struct private_person
// Add this line to your class.
friend zpp::bits::access;
using serialize = zpp::bits::members< 2 >;
std::string name;
int age{};
constexpr static auto serialize ( auto & archive, auto & self)
return archive (self. object_1 , self. object_2 , ...);
请注意, object_1, object_2, ...
下面是一个具有显式序列化函数的 person 类的示例:
struct person
constexpr static auto serialize ( auto & archive, auto & self)
return archive (self. name , self. age );
std::string name;
int age{};
namespace my_namespace
struct person
std::string name;
int age{};
constexpr auto serialize ( auto & archive, person & person)
return archive (person. name , person. age );
constexpr auto serialize ( auto & archive, const person & person)
return archive (person. name , person. age );
} // namespace my_namespace
// Create both a vector of bytes, input and output archives.
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
// Create just the input and output archives, and bind them to the
// existing vector of bytes.
std::vector<std::byte> data;
auto [in, out] = zpp::bits::in_out(data);
// Create all of them separately
std::vector<std::byte> data;
zpp::bits::in in (data);
zpp::bits::out out (data);
// When you need just data and in/out
auto [data, in] = zpp::bits::data_in();
auto [data, out] = zpp::bits::data_out();
// Either one of these work with the below.
std::vector<std::byte> data;
std::vector< char > data;
std::vector< unsigned char > data;
std::string data;
// Automatically works with either `std::byte`, `char`, `unsigned char`.
zpp::bits::in in (data);
zpp::bits::out out (data);
您还可以使用固定大小的数据对象,例如数组、 std::array
// Either one of these work with the below.
std::byte data[ 0x1000 ];
char data[ 0x1000 ];
unsigned char data[ 0x1000 ];
std::array<std::byte, 0x1000 > data;
std::array< char , 0x1000 > data;
std::array< unsigned char , 0x1000 > data;
std::span<std::byte> data = /* ... */ ;
std::span< char > data = /* ... */ ;
std::span< unsigned char > data = /* ... */ ;
// Automatically works with either `std::byte`, `char`, `unsigned char`.
zpp::bits::in in (data);
zpp::bits::out out (data);
如上所述,该库几乎完全是 constexpr,下面是一个使用数组作为数据对象但也在编译时使用它来序列化和反序列化整数元组的示例:
constexpr auto tuple_integers ()
std::array<std::byte, 0x1000 > data{};
auto [in, out] = zpp::bits::in_out (data);
out (std::tuple{ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 }). or_throw ();
std::tuple t{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 };
in (t). or_throw ();
return t;
// Compile time check.
static_assert (tuple_integers() == std::tuple{ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 });
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
// Returns an array
// where the first bytes are those of the hello world string and then
// the 1337 as 4 byte integer.
constexpr std::array data =
zpp::bits::to_bytes< " Hello World! " _s, 1337 >();
static_assert (
zpp::bits::string_literal< char , 12 >,
int >() == std::tuple{ " Hello World! " _s, 1337 });
std:: size_t bytes_read = in.position();
std:: size_t bytes_written = out.position();
in.reset(); // reset to beginning.
in.reset(position); // reset to position.
in.position() -= sizeof ( int ); // Go back an integer.
in.position() += sizeof ( int ); // Go forward an integer.
out.reset(); // reset to beginning.
out.reset(position); // reset to position.
out.position() -= sizeof ( int ); // Go back an integer.
out.position() += sizeof ( int ); // Go forward an integer.
当序列化可变长度标准库类型(例如向量、字符串)和视图类型(例如跨度和字符串视图)时,库首先存储表示大小的 4 字节整数,然后存储元素。
std::vector v = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
out (v);
in (v);
默认大小类型为 4 字节(即std::uint32_t
)的原因是为了不同架构之间的可移植性,并且大多数程序几乎从未达到容器超过 2^32 项的情况,并且可能是默认情况下付出 8 字节大小的代价是不公平的。
对于不是 4 字节的特定大小类型,请使用zpp::bits::sized
/ zpp::bits::sized_t
// Using `sized` function:
std::vector< int > v = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
out (zpp::bits::sized<std:: uint16_t >(v));
in (zpp::bits::sized<std:: uint16_t >(v));
// Using `sized_t` type:
zpp::bits:: sized_t <std::vector< int >, std:: uint16_t > v = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
out (v);
in (v);
// Using `unsized` function:
std::vector< int > v = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
out (zpp::bits::unsized(v));
in (zpp::bits::unsized(v));
// Using `unsized_t` type:
zpp::bits:: unsized_t <std::vector< int >> v = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
out (v);
in (v);
、 string_view
zpp::bits::vector1b<T>; // vector with 1 byte size.
zpp::bits::vector2b<T>; // vector with 2 byte size.
zpp::bits::vector4b<T>; // vector with 4 byte size == default std::vector configuration
zpp::bits::vector8b<T>; // vector with 8 byte size.
zpp::bits::static_vector<T>; // unsized vector
zpp::bits::native_vector<T>; // vector with native (size_type) byte size.
zpp::bits::span1b<T>; // span with 1 byte size.
zpp::bits::span2b<T>; // span with 2 byte size.
zpp::bits::span4b<T>; // span with 4 byte size == default std::span configuration
zpp::bits::span8b<T>; // span with 8 byte size.
zpp::bits::static_span<T>; // unsized span
zpp::bits::native_span<T>; // span with native (size_type) byte size.
固定大小类型(例如数组、 std::array
、 std::tuple
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size1b{}); // Use 1 byte for size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size1b{}); // Use 1 byte for size.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size2b{}); // Use 2 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size2b{}); // Use 2 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size4b{}); // Use 4 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size4b{}); // Use 4 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size8b{}); // Use 8 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size8b{}); // Use 8 bytes for size.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size_native{}); // Use std::size_t for size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size_native{}); // Use std::size_t for size.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::no_size{}); // Don't use size, for very special cases, since it is very limiting.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::no_size{}); // Don't use size, for very special cases, since it is very limiting.
// Can also do it together, for example for 2 bytes size:
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::size2b{});
auto [data, out] = data_out(zpp::bits::size2b{});
auto [data, in] = data_in(zpp::bits::size2b{});
struct point
int x;
int y;
constexpr static auto serialize ( auto & archive, auto & self)
// Serialize as bytes, instead of serializing each
// member separately. The overall result is the same, but this may be
// faster sometimes.
return archive ( zpp::bits::as_bytes (self));
std::vector<point> points;
out (zpp::bits::bytes(points));
in (zpp::bits::bytes(points));
namespace v1
struct person
using serialize = zpp::bits::members< 2 >;
auto get_hobby () const
return " <none> " sv;
std::string name;
int age;
} // namespace v1
namespace v2
struct person
using serialize = zpp::bits::members< 3 >;
auto get_hobby () const
return std::string_view (hobby);
std::string name;
int age;
std::string hobby;
} // namespace v2
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
out (std::variant<v1::person, v2::person>(v1::person{ " Person1 " , 25 }))
std::variant<v1::person, v2::person> v;
in (v).or_throw();
std::visit ([]( auto && person) {
( void ) person. name == " Person1 " ;
( void ) person. age == 25 ;
( void ) person. get_hobby () == " <none> " ;
}, v);
out (std::variant<v1::person, v2::person>(
v2::person{ " Person2 " , 35 , " Basketball " }))
in (v).or_throw();
std::visit ([]( auto && person) {
( void ) person. name == " Person2 " ;
( void ) person. age == 35 ;
( void ) person. get_hobby () == " Basketball " ;
}, v);
变体序列化的方式是在序列化实际对象之前将其索引(0 或 1)序列化为std::byte
。这是非常有效的,但是有时用户可能希望为此选择显式序列化 id,请参阅下面的点
要设置自定义序列化 ID,您需要分别在类内部/外部添加一行:
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
// Inside the class, this serializes the full string "v1::person" before you serialize
// the person.
using serialize_id = zpp::bits::id< " v1::person " _s>;
// Outside the class, this serializes the full string "v1::person" before you serialize
// the person.
auto serialize_id ( const person &) -> zpp::bits::id<"v1::person"_s>;
请注意,变体中类型的序列化 ID 的长度必须匹配,否则将出现编译错误。
您还可以使用任何字节序列而不是可读字符串,以及整数或任何文字类型,下面是如何使用字符串哈希作为序列化 ID 的示例:
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
// Inside:
using serialize_id = zpp::bits::id< " v1::person " _sha1>; // Sha1
using serialize_id = zpp::bits::id< " v1::person " _sha256>; // Sha256
// Outside:
auto serialize_id ( const person &) -> zpp::bits::id<"v1::person"_sha1>; // Sha1
auto serialize_id ( const person &) -> zpp::bits::id<"v1::person"_sha256>; // Sha256
// First 4 bytes of hash:
using serialize_id = zpp::bits::id< " v1::person " _sha256, 4 >;
// First sizeof(int) bytes of hash:
using serialize_id = zpp::bits::id< " v1::person " _sha256_int>;
然后在编译时使用 (...等待它) zpp::bits::out
在编译时将该类型转换为字节,因此只要您的文字类型可以根据上述进行序列化,您就可以将其用作序列化 ID。 id 被序列化为std::array<std::byte, N>
但对于 1、2、4 和 8 字节,其基础类型为std::byte
、 std::uin32_t
如果您想序列化没有 id 的变体,或者如果您知道变体在反序列化时将具有特定的 ID,则可以使用zpp::bits::known_id
std::variant<v1::person, v2::person> v;
// Id assumed to be v2::person, and is not serialized / deserialized.
out (zpp::bits::known_id< " v2::person " _sha256_int>(v));
in (zpp::bits::known_id< " v2::person " _sha256_int>(v));
// When deserializing you can pass the id as function parameter, to be able
// to use outside of compile time context. `id_v` stands for "id value".
// In our case 4 bytes translates to a plain std::uint32_t, so any dynamic
// integer could fit as the first parameter to `known_id` below.
in (zpp::bits::known_id(zpp::bits::id_v< " v2::person " _sha256_int>, v));
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
" hello " _s // Make a string literal.
" hello " _b // Make a binary data literal.
" hello " _sha1 // Make a sha1 binary data literal.
" hello " _sha256 // Make a sha256 binary data literal.
" hello " _sha1_int // Make a sha1 integer from the first hash bytes.
" hello " _sha256_int // Make a sha256 integer from the first hash bytes.
" 01020304 " _decode_hex // Decode a hex string into bytes literal.
将输入存档内容直接应用到函数,该函数必须是非模板并且只有一个重载: int foo (std::string s, int i)
// s == "hello"s;
// i == 1337;
return 1338 ;
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
out ( " hello " s, 1337 ).or_throw();
// Call the foo in one of the following ways:
// Exception based:
zpp::bits::apply (foo, in).or_throw() == 1338;
// zpp::throwing based:
co_await zpp::bits::apply (foo, in) == 1338;
// Return value based:
if ( auto result = zpp::bits::apply(foo, in);
failure (result)) {
// Failure...
} else {
result. value () == 1338 ;
当你的函数不接收任何参数时,效果只是调用函数而不进行反序列化,返回值是你的函数的返回值。当函数返回 void 时,结果类型没有值。
该库还提供了一个瘦 RPC(远程过程调用)接口,以允许序列化和反序列化函数调用:
using namespace std ::literals ;
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
int foo ( int i, std::string s);
std::string bar ( int i, int j);
using rpc = zpp::bits::rpc<
zpp::bits::bind<foo, " foo " _sha256_int>,
zpp::bits::bind<bar, " bar " _sha256_int>
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
// Server and client together:
auto [client, server] = rpc::client_server(in, out);
// Or separately:
rpc::client client{in, out};
rpc::server server{in, out};
// Request from the client:
client.request< " foo " _sha256_int>( 1337 , " hello " s).or_throw();
// Serve the request from the server:
// Read back the response
client.response< " foo " _sha256_int>().or_throw(); // == foo(1337, "hello"s);
// Return value based.
if ( auto result = client.request< " foo " _sha256_int>( 1337 , " hello " s); failure(result)) {
// Handle the failure.
if ( auto result = server.serve(); failure(result)) {
// Handle the failure.
if ( auto result = client.response< " foo " _sha256_int>(); failure(result)) {
// Handle the failure.
} else {
// Use response.value();
// Throwing based.
co_await client.request< " foo " _sha256_int>( 1337 , " hello " s); failure(result));
co_await server.serve();
co_await client.response< " foo " _sha256_int>(); // == foo(1337, "hello"s);
RPC 调用的 ID 可能会被跳过,例如它们被带外传递,以下是实现此目的的方法:
server.serve(id); // id is already known, don't deserialize it.
client.request_body<Id>(arguments...); // request without serializing id.
成员函数也可以为 RPC 注册,但是服务器需要在构造过程中获取对类对象的引用,并且所有成员函数必须属于同一个类(尽管命名空间作用域函数可以混合使用):
struct a
int foo ( int i, std::string s);
std::string bar ( int i, int j);
using rpc = zpp::bits::rpc<
zpp::bits::bind<&a::foo, " a::foo " _sha256_int>,
zpp::bits::bind<bar, " bar " _sha256_int>
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
// Our object.
a a1;
// Server and client together:
auto [client, server] = rpc::client_server(in, out, a1);
// Or separately:
rpc::client client{in, out};
rpc::server server{in, out, a1};
// Request from the client:
client.request< " a::foo " _sha256_int>( 1337 , " hello " s).or_throw();
// Serve the request from the server:
// Read back the response
client.response< " a::foo " _sha256_int>().or_throw(); // == a1.foo(1337, "hello"s);
RPC 还可以在不透明模式下工作,并让函数本身序列化/反序列化数据,当将函数绑定为不透明时,使用bind_opaque
// Each of the following signatures of `foo()` are valid for opaque rpc call:
auto foo (zpp::bits::in<> &, zpp::bits::out<> &);
auto foo (zpp::bits::in<> &);
auto foo (zpp::bits::out<> &);
auto foo (std::span<std::byte> input); // assumes all data is consumed from archive.
auto foo (std::span<std::byte> & input); // resize input in the function to signal how much was consumed.
using rpc = zpp::bits::rpc<
zpp::bits::bind_opaque<foo, " a::foo " _sha256_int>,
zpp::bits::bind<bar, " bar " _sha256_int>
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::endian::big{}); // Use big endian
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::endian::big{}); // Use big endian
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::endian::network{}); // Use big endian (provided for convenience)
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::endian::network{}); // Use big endian (provided for convenience)
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::endian::little{}); // Use little endian
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::endian::little{}); // Use little endian
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::endian::swapped{}); // If little use big otherwise little.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::endian::swapped{}); // If little use big otherwise little.
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::endian::native{}); // Use the native one (default).
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::endian::native{}); // Use the native one (default).
// Can also do it together, for example big endian:
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::endian::big{});
auto [data, out] = data_out(zpp::bits::endian::big{});
auto [data, in] = data_in(zpp::bits::endian::big{});
在接收端(输入存档),该库支持 const 字节类型的视图类型,例如std::span<const std::byte>
using namespace std ::literals ;
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
out ( " hello " sv).or_throw();
std::span< const std::byte> s;
in (s).or_throw();
// s.size() == "hello"sv.size()
// std::memcmp("hello"sv.data(), s.data(), "hello"sv.size()) == 0
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
out (zpp::bits::unsized( " hello " sv)).or_throw();
std::span< const std::byte> s;
in (zpp::bits::unsized(s)).or_throw();
// s.size() == "hello"sv.size()
// std::memcmp("hello"sv.data(), s.data(), "hello"sv.size()) == 0
在这种情况下,序列化空指针值将序列化零字节,而非空值则序列化为单个一字节,后跟对象的字节。 (即序列化与std::optional<T>
struct point
int x;
int y;
auto serialize (point) -> zpp::bits::members<2>;
# endif
static_assert (zpp::bits::number_of_members<point>() == 2);
constexpr auto sum = zpp::bits::visit_members(
point{ 1 , 2 }, []( auto x, auto y) { return x + y; });
static_assert (sum == 3 );
constexpr auto generic_sum = zpp::bits::visit_members(
point{ 1 , 2 }, []( auto ... members) { return ( 0 + ... + members); });
static_assert (generic_sum == 3 );
constexpr auto is_two_integers =
zpp::bits::visit_members_types<point>([]< typename ... Types>() {
if constexpr (std::same_as<std::tuple<Types...>,
std::tuple< int , int >>) {
return std::true_type{};
} else {
return std::false_type{};
static_assert (is_two_integers);
它指示输出存档将位置设置为向量或其他数据源的末尾。 (对于输入档案此选项无效)
std::vector<std::byte> data;
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::append{});
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::append{}, zpp::bits::endian::big{});
auto [in, out] = in_out(data, zpp::bits::append{}, zpp::bits::endian::big{});
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::size2b{}, zpp::bits::endian::big{});
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::alloc_limit< 0x10000 >{});
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::alloc_limit< 0x10000 >{});
auto [in, out] = in_out(data, zpp::bits::alloc_limit< 0x10000 >{});
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::alloc_limit< 0x10000 >{});
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::no_fit_size{});
要控制输出存档向量的放大,您可以使用zpp::bits::enlarger<Mul, Div = 1>
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::enlarger< 2 >{}); // Grow by multiplying size by 2.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::enlarger< 3 , 2 >{}); // Default - Grow by multiplying size by 3 and divide by 2 (enlarge by 1.5).
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::exact_enlarger{}); // Grow to exact size every time.
默认情况下,为了安全起见,使用不断增长的缓冲区的输出存档会在任何缓冲区增长之前检查溢出。对于 64 位系统,此检查虽然便宜,但几乎是多余的,因为当 64 位整数表示内存大小时,它几乎不可能溢出。 (即,在内存接近溢出该整数之前,内存分配将失败)。如果您希望禁用这些溢出检查以提高性能,请使用: zpp::bits::no_enlarge_overflow{}
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::no_enlarge_overflow{}); // Disable overflow check when enlarging.
静态成员函数完成的,并且可以在if constexpr
static constexpr auto serialize ( auto & archive, auto & self)
using archive_type = std:: remove_cvref_t < decltype (archive)>;
if constexpr ( archive_type::kind () == zpp::bits::kind::in) {
// Input archive
} else if constexpr ( archive_type::kind () == zpp::bits::kind::out) {
// Output archive
} else {
// No such archive (no need to check for this)
auto [data, in, out] = zpp::bits::data_in_out();
out (zpp::bits::varint{ 150 }).or_throw();
zpp::bits::varint i{ 0 };
in (i).or_throw();
// i == 150;
static_assert (zpp::bits::to_bytes<zpp::bits::varint{ 150 }>() == "9601"_decode_hex);
提供类模板zpp::bits::varint<T, E = varint_encoding::normal>
以便能够定义任何 varint 整型或枚举类型,以及可能的编码zpp::bits::varint_encoding::normal/zig_zag
using vint32_t = varint<std:: int32_t >; // varint of int32 types.
using vint64_t = varint<std:: int64_t >; // varint of int64 types.
using vuint32_t = varint<std:: uint32_t >; // varint of unsigned int32 types.
using vuint64_t = varint<std:: uint64_t >; // varint of unsigned int64 types.
using vsint32_t = varint<std:: int32_t , varint_encoding::zig_zag>; // zig zag encoded varint of int32 types.
using vsint64_t = varint<std:: int64_t , varint_encoding::zig_zag>; // zig zag encoded varint of int64 types.
using vsize_t = varint<std:: size_t >; // varint of std::size_t types.
在归档创建过程中,默认情况下也可以使用 varints 来序列化大小:
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::size_varint{});
zpp::bits::in in (data, zpp::bits::size_varint{}); // Uses varint to encode size.
zpp::bits::out out (data, zpp::bits::size_varint{}); // Uses varint to encode size.
因此,该库支持多种语言中可用的 protobuf 格式。
请注意,protobuf 支持是一种实验性的,这意味着它可能不包括所有可能的 protobuf 功能,并且它通常比默认格式慢(大约慢 2-5 倍,主要是在反序列化方面),默认格式的目标是零开销。
struct example
zpp::bits:: vint32_t i; // varint of 32 bit, field number is implicitly set to 1,
// next field is implicitly 2, and so on
// Serialize as protobuf protocol (as usual, can also define this inside the class
// with `using serialize = zpp::bits::pb_protocol;`)
auto serialize ( const example &) -> zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
// Use archives as usual, specify what kind of size to prefix the message with.
// We chose no size to demonstrate the actual encoding of the message, but in general
// it is recommended to size prefix protobuf messages since they are not self terminating.
auto [data, in, out] = data_in_out(zpp::bits::no_size{});
out (example{. i = 150 }).or_throw();
example e;
in (e).or_throw();
// e.i == 150
// Serialize the message without any size prefix, and check the encoding at compile time:
static_assert (
zpp::bits::to_bytes<zpp::bits:: unsized_t <example>{{. i = 150 }}>() ==
// Serialize as protobuf protocol (as usual, can also define this inside the class
// with `using serialize = zpp::bits::protocol<zpp::bits::pb{}>;`)
auto serialize ( const example &) -> zpp::bits::protocol<zpp::bits::pb{}>;
struct example
[[no_unique_address]] zpp::bits::pb_reserved _1; // field number 1 is reserved.
zpp::bits:: vint32_t i; // field number == 2
zpp::bits:: vsint32_t j; // field number == 3
struct example
zpp::bits::pb_field<zpp::bits:: vint32_t , 20 > i; // field number == 20
zpp::bits::pb_field<zpp::bits:: vsint32_t , 30 > j; // field number == 30
using serialize = zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
struct example
zpp::bits:: vint32_t i; // field number == 20
zpp::bits:: vsint32_t j; // field number == 30
using serialize = zpp::bits::protocol<
zpp::bits::pb_map< 1 , 20 >{}, // Map first member to field number 20.
zpp::bits::pb_map< 2 , 30 >{}}>; // Map second member to field number 30.
固定成员只是常规的 C++ 数据成员:
struct example
std:: uint32_t i; // fixed unsigned integer 32, field number == 1
struct example
using serialize = zpp::bits::pb_members< 1 >; // 1 member.
zpp::bits:: vint32_t i; // field number == 1
struct example
using serialize = zpp::bits::protocol<zpp::bits::pb{}, 1 >; // 1 member.
zpp::bits:: vint32_t i; // field number == 1
struct nested_example
example nested; // field number == 1
auto serialize ( const nested_example &) -> zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
static_assert (zpp::bits::to_bytes<zpp::bits:: unsized_t <nested_example>{
{. nested = example{ 150 }}}>() == "0a03089601"_decode_hex);
struct repeating
using serialize = zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
std::vector<zpp::bits:: vint32_t > integers; // field number == 1
std::string characters; // field number == 2
std::vector<example> examples; // repeating examples, field number == 3
syntax = "proto3" ;
package tutorial ;
message person {
string name = 1 ;
int32 id = 2 ;
string email = 3 ;
enum phone_type {
mobile = 0 ;
home = 1 ;
work = 2 ;
message phone_number {
string number = 1 ;
phone_type type = 2 ;
repeated phone_number phones = 4 ;
message address_book {
repeated person people = 1 ;
struct person
std::string name; // = 1
zpp::bits:: vint32_t id; // = 2
std::string email; // = 3
enum phone_type
mobile = 0 ,
home = 1 ,
work = 2 ,
struct phone_number
std::string number; // = 1
phone_type type; // = 2
std::vector<phone_number> phones; // = 4
struct address_book
std::vector<person> people; // = 1
auto serialize ( const person &) -> zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
auto serialize ( const person::phone_number &) -> zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
auto serialize ( const address_book &) -> zpp::bits::pb_protocol;
反序列化最初用 python 序列化的消息:
import addressbook_pb2
person = addressbook_pb2 . person ()
person . id = 1234
person . name = "John Doe"
person . email = "[email protected]"
phone = person . phones . add ()
phone . number = "555-4321"
phone . type = addressbook_pb2 . person . home
name : "John Doe"
id : 1234
email : "[email protected]"
phones {
number : "555-4321"
type : home
person . SerializeToString ()
b' n x08 John Doe x10 xd2 t x1a x10 [email protected]" x0c n x08 555-4321 x10 x01 '
using namespace zpp ::bits::literals ;
constexpr auto data =
" nx08 John Doe x10xd2tx1ax10 [email protected] "x0cnx08 "
" 555-4321 x10x01 " _b;
static_assert (data.size() == 45);
person p;
zpp::bits::in{data, zpp::bits::no_size{}}(p).or_throw();
// p.name == "John Doe"
// p.id == 1234
// p.email == "[email protected]"
// p.phones.size() == 1
// p.phones[0].number == "555-4321"
// p.phones[0].type == person::home
默认情况下, zpp::bits
会积极内联,但为了减少代码大小,它不会内联 varint(可变长度整数)的完整解码。要配置完整 varint 解码的内联,请定义ZPP_BITS_INLINE_DECODE_VARINT=1
struct node
constexpr static auto serialize ( auto & archive, auto & node)
return archive (node. value , node. nodes );
int value;
std::vector<node> nodes;
图书馆 | 测试用例 | 垃圾箱尺寸 | 数据大小 | 服务时间 | 德斯时间 |
zpp_位 | 一般的 | 52192B | 8413B | 733毫秒 | 693毫秒 |
zpp_位 | 固定缓冲区 | 48000B | 8413B | 620毫秒 | 667毫秒 |
比瑟里 | 一般的 | 70904B | 6913B | 1470毫秒 | 1524毫秒 |
比瑟里 | 固定缓冲区 | 53648B | 6913B | 927毫秒 | 1466毫秒 |
促进 | 一般的 | 279024B | 11037B | 15126毫秒 | 12724毫秒 |
谷物 | 一般的 | 70560B | 10413B | 10777毫秒 | 9088毫秒 |
平面缓冲区 | 一般的 | 70640B | 14924B | 8757毫秒 | 3361毫秒 |
手写的 | 一般的 | 47936B | 10413B | 1506毫秒 | 1577毫秒 |
手写的 | 不安全 | 47944B | 10413B | 1616毫秒 | 1392毫秒 |
输出流 | 一般的 | 53872B | 8413B | 11956毫秒 | 12928毫秒 |
消息包 | 一般的 | 89144B | 8857B | 2770毫秒 | 14033毫秒 |
原始缓冲区 | 一般的 | 2077864B | 10018B | 19929毫秒 | 20592毫秒 |
原始缓冲区 | 竞技场 | 2077872B | 10018B | 10319毫秒 | 11787毫秒 |
亚斯 | 一般的 | 61072B | 10463B | 2286毫秒 | 1770毫秒 |
图书馆 | 测试用例 | 垃圾箱尺寸 | 数据大小 | 服务时间 | 德斯时间 |
zpp_位 | 一般的 | 47128B | 8413B | 790毫秒 | 715毫秒 |
zpp_位 | 固定缓冲区 | 43056B | 8413B | 605毫秒 | 694毫秒 |
比瑟里 | 一般的 | 53728B | 6913B | 2128毫秒 | 1832毫秒 |
比瑟里 | 固定缓冲区 | 49248B | 6913B | 946毫秒 | 1941毫秒 |
促进 | 一般的 | 237008B | 11037B | 16011毫秒 | 13017毫秒 |
谷物 | 一般的 | 61480B | 10413B | 9977毫秒 | 8565毫秒 |
平面缓冲区 | 一般的 | 62512B | 14924B | 9812毫秒 | 3472毫秒 |
手写的 | 一般的 | 43112B | 10413B | 1391毫秒 | 1321毫秒 |
手写的 | 不安全 | 43120B | 10413B | 1393毫秒 | 1212毫秒 |
输出流 | 一般的 | 48632B | 8413B | 10992毫秒 | 12771毫秒 |
消息包 | 一般的 | 77384B | 8857B | 3563毫秒 | 14705毫秒 |
原始缓冲区 | 一般的 | 2032712B | 10018B | 18125毫秒 | 20211毫秒 |
原始缓冲区 | 竞技场 | 2032760B | 10018B | 9166毫秒 | 11378毫秒 |
亚斯 | 一般的 | 51000B | 10463B | 2114毫秒 | 1558毫秒 |