gamejolt api
Release 2.1.0: PHP 8.3 Support
该库提供了 Game Jolt API 的完整(批处理除外)覆盖(奖杯、分数、会话等...) 目前该库是针对 Game Jolt API v1.2 编写和测试的。
$ composer require " harrk/gamejolt-api "
创建 GamejoltApi 的实例并提供 GamejoltConfig 以开始对 Game Jolt 进行 API 调用。
$ gameId = 0 ; // Your game's ID
$ gamePrivaykey = " Your game's private key " ;
$ api = new GamejoltApi ( new GamejoltConfig (
$ gameId ,
$ gamePrivaykey
有关更多选项,请参阅 Game Jolt API 文档或源代码。
数据存储 API 可用于在云中存储/检索数据。
// Fetch the value for my-key
$ api -> dataStore ()-> fetch ( ' my-key ' );
// Set the value for my-key to my-value
$ api -> dataStore ()-> set ( ' my-key ' , ' my-value ' );
// Update player-logins by 1
$ api -> dataStore ()-> update ( ' player-logins ' , DataStore:: OPERATION_ADD , 1 );
// Remove my-key
$ api -> dataStore ()-> remove ( ' my-key ' );
// Fetch all keys
$ api -> dataStore ()-> getKeys ();
Friends API目前只能用于查找用户的好友ID。
// Fetch all friend ids for the user
$ api -> friends ()-> fetch ( ' username ' , ' user-token ' );
//Fetch scores
$ api -> scores ()-> fetch ();
//Fetch all score tables
$ api -> scores ()-> tables ();
//Add a gamejolt user's score to the table
$ api -> scores ()-> addUserScore ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' , ' 100 Jumps ' , 100 );
//Add a guest's score to the table
$ api -> scores ()-> addGuestScore ( ' Mr Guest ' , ' 50 jumps ' , 50 );
//Get score rank
$ api -> scores ()-> getRank ( 60 );
//Open a session for the given user
$ api -> sessions ()-> open ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
//Let GJ know the user session is still active
$ api -> sessions ()-> ping ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' , Sessions:: STATUS_ACTIVE );
//Check if the session is still open for user
$ api -> sessions ()-> check ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
//Close the session for user
$ api -> sessions ()-> close ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
//Get GJ's server time
$ api -> time ()-> fetch ();
//Get all trophies
$ api -> trophies ()-> fetch ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
//User has achieved a trophy with ID 1
$ api -> trophies ()-> addAchieved ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' , 1 );
//User unachieved trophy with ID 1
$ api -> trophies ()-> removeAchieved ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' , 1 );
//Fetch data on user
$ api -> users ()-> fetch ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
//Verify if the user's credentials are correct
$ api -> users ()-> auth ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
try {
$ auth = $ api -> users ()-> auth ( ' username ' , ' user_token ' );
} catch ( TimeOutException $ e ) {
return redirect ()-> route ( ' home ' )-> with ( ' error ' , $ e -> getMessage ());
$ composer test
$ composer analyse