automata的灵感来自于这样的理论:代码本质上是一种记忆形式,当配备正确的工具时,人工智能可以进化出实时能力,这有可能导致通用人工智能的诞生。 automata一词源自希腊语αὐτόματος,表示“自我行动、自我意志、自我移动”, automata理论是对抽象机器和automata以及可以使用它们解决的计算问题的研究。
# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:emrgnt-cmplxty/ automata .git && cd automata /
# Initialize git submodules
git submodule update --init
# Install poetry and the project
pip3 install poetry && poetry install
# Configure the environment and setup files
poetry run automata configure
拉取 Docker 镜像:
$ docker pull automata :latest
运行 Docker 镜像:
$ docker run --name automata _container -it --rm -e OPENAI_API_KEY= < your_openai_key > -e GITHUB_API_KEY= < your_github_key > automata :latest
这将启动一个安装了automata Docker 容器,并打开一个交互式 shell 供您使用。
Windows 用户可能需要通过 Visual Studio 的“使用 C++ 进行桌面开发”来安装 C++ 支持以获取某些依赖项。
此外,可能需要更新到 gcc-11 和 g++-11。这可以通过运行以下命令来完成:
# Adds the test toolchain repository, which contains newer versions of software
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
# Updates the list of packages on your system
sudo apt update
# Installs gcc-11 and g++-11 packages
sudo apt install gcc-11 g++-11
# Sets gcc-11 and g++-11 as the default gcc and g++ versions for your system
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-11 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-11
运行automata搜索需要 SCIP 索引。这些索引用于创建代码图,该代码图通过代码库中的依赖关系来关联符号。 automata代码库会定期生成和上传新索引,但如果本地开发需要,程序员必须手动生成它们。如果您遇到问题,我们建议您参考此处的说明。
# Install dependencies and run indexing on the local codebase
poetry run automata install-indexing
# Refresh the code embeddings (after making local changes)
poetry run automata run-code-embedding
# Refresh the documentation + embeddings
poetry run automata run-doc-embedding --embedding-level=2
# Run a single agent w/ trivial instruction
poetry run automata run-agent --instructions= " Return true " --model=gpt-3.5-turbo-0613
# Run a single agent w/ a non-trivial instruction
poetry run automata run-agent --instructions= " Explain what automata Agent is and how it works, include an example to initialize an instance of automata Agent. "
automata工作原理是将大型语言模型(例如 GPT-4)与向量数据库相结合,形成一个能够记录、搜索和编写代码的集成系统。该过程从生成全面的文档和代码实例开始。这与搜索功能相结合,构成了automata自编码潜力的基础。
from automata . config . base import AgentConfigName , OpenAI automata AgentConfigBuilder
from automata . agent import OpenAI automata Agent
from automata . singletons . dependency_factory import dependency_factory
from automata . singletons . py_module_loader import py_module_loader
from automata . tools . factory import AgentToolFactory
# Initialize the module loader to the local directory
py_module_loader . initialize ()
# Construct the set of all dependencies that will be used to build the tools
toolkit_list = [ "context-oracle" ]
tool_dependencies = dependency_factory . build_dependencies_for_tools ( toolkit_list )
# Build the tools
tools = AgentToolFactory . build_tools ( toolkit_list , ** tool_dependencies )
# Build the agent config
agent_config = (
OpenAI automata AgentConfigBuilder . from_name ( " automata -main" )
. with_tools ( tools )
. with_model ( "gpt-4" )
. build ()
# Initialize and run the agent
instructions = "Explain how embeddings are used by the codebase"
agent = OpenAI automata Agent ( instructions , config = agent_config )
result = agent . run ()
这些类的示例有: SymbolCodeEmbedding
用于存储与符号代码相关的嵌入的类。 SymbolDocEmbedding
import numpy as np
from automata . symbol_embedding . base import SymbolCodeEmbedding
from automata . symbol . parser import parse_symbol
symbol_str = 'scip-python python automata 75482692a6fe30c72db516201a6f47d9fb4af065 ` automata .agent.agent_enums`/ActionIndicator#'
symbol = parse_symbol ( symbol_str )
source_code = 'symbol_source'
vector = np . array ([ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ])
embedding = SymbolCodeEmbedding ( symbol = symbol , source_code = source_code , vector = vector )
from automata . symbol_embedding . base import SymbolDocEmbedding
from automata . symbol . parser import parse_symbol
import numpy as np
symbol = parse_symbol ( 'your_symbol_here' )
document = 'A document string containing information about the symbol.'
vector = np . random . rand ( 10 )
symbol_doc_embedding = SymbolDocEmbedding ( symbol , document , vector )
我们使用 GitHub issues 来跟踪请求和错误,请参阅automata讨论以了解一般问题和讨论,并请直接提出具体问题。
automata根据 Apache License 2.0 获得许可。
该项目是 emrgnt-cmplxty 和 maks-ivanov 之间从该存储库开始的初始工作的扩展。