goben 0.6
goben 是一个 golang 工具,用于测量主机之间的 TCP/UDP 传输层吞吐量。
创建者: gh-md-toc
git clone https://github.com/udhos/goben ;# clone outside GOPATH
cd goben
go test -v ./...
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install ./cmd/goben
go run ./cmd/goben
确保 ~/go/bin 在你的 shell 路径中并且 goben 已经安装。
server$ goben
client$ goben -hosts ;# is server's address
通过运行“goben -h”查找多个受支持的命令行开关:
$ goben -h
2021/02/28 00:43:28 goben version 0.6 runtime go1.16 GOMAXPROCS=12 OS=linux arch=amd64
Usage of goben:
plot ascii chart (default true)
-ca string
TLS CA file (if server: CA to validate the client cert, if client: CA to validate the server cert) (default "ca.pem")
-cert string
TLS cert file (default "cert.pem")
-chart string
output filename for rendering chart on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -chart chart-%d-%s.png
-connections int
number of parallel connections (default 1)
-csv string
output filename for CSV exporting test results on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -csv export-%d-%s.csv
-defaultPort string
default port (default ":8080")
-export string
output filename for YAML exporting test results on client
'%d' is parallel connection index to host
'%s' is hostname:port
example: -export export-%d-%s.yaml
-hosts value
comma-separated list of hosts
you may append an optional port to every host: host[:port]
-key string
TLS key file (default "key.pem")
-listeners value
comma-separated list of listen addresses
you may prepend an optional host to every port: [host]:port
-localAddr string
bind specific local address:port
example: -localAddr
-maxSpeed float
bandwidth limit in mbps (0 means unlimited)
suppress client writes
suppress server writes
-reportInterval string
periodic report interval
unspecified time unit defaults to second (default "2s")
set to false to disable TCP (this can be used to test TLS only or UDP only) (default true)
-tcpReadSize int
TCP read buffer size in bytes (default 1000000)
-tcpWriteSize int
TCP write buffer size in bytes (default 1000000)
set to false to disable TLS (default true)
set to true to enable client certificate authentication (check against CA) (default true)
set to true to enable server certificate authentication (check against CA) (default true)
-totalDuration string
test total duration
unspecified time unit defaults to second (default "10s")
run client in UDP mode
-udpReadSize int
UDP read buffer size in bytes (default 64000)
-udpWriteSize int
UDP write buffer size in bytes (default 64000)
$ goben
2018/06/28 15:04:26 goben version 0.3 runtime go1.11beta1 GOMAXPROCS=1
2018/06/28 15:04:26 connections=1 defaultPort=:8080 listeners=[":8080"] hosts=[]
2018/06/28 15:04:26 reportInterval=2s totalDuration=10s
2018/06/28 15:04:26 server mode (use -hosts to switch to client mode)
2018/06/28 15:04:26 serve: spawning TCP listener: :8080
2018/06/28 15:04:26 serve: spawning UDP listener: :8080
$ goben -hosts localhost
2018/06/28 15:04:28 goben version 0.3 runtime go1.11beta1 GOMAXPROCS=1
2018/06/28 15:04:28 connections=1 defaultPort=:8080 listeners=[":8080"] hosts=["localhost"]
2018/06/28 15:04:28 reportInterval=2s totalDuration=10s
2018/06/28 15:04:28 client mode, tcp protocol
2018/06/28 15:04:28 open: opening tcp 0/1: localhost:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 handleConnectionClient: starting 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 handleConnectionClient: options sent: {2s 10s 50000 50000 false 0}
2018/06/28 15:04:28 clientReader: starting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:28 clientWriter: starting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:30 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13917 Mbps 34793 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:30 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13468 Mbps 33670 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:32 0/1 report clientReader rate: 14044 Mbps 35111 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:32 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13591 Mbps 33978 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:34 0/1 report clientReader rate: 12934 Mbps 32337 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:34 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 12517 Mbps 31294 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:36 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13307 Mbps 33269 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:36 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 12878 Mbps 32196 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 report clientWriter rate: 13330 Mbps 33325 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 report clientReader rate: 13774 Mbps 34436 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 handleConnectionClient: 10s timer
2018/06/28 15:04:38 workLoop: 0/1 clientWriter: write tcp [::1]:42130->[::1]:8080: use of closed network connection
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 average clientWriter rate: 13157 Mbps 32892 snd/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 clientWriter: exiting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:38 workLoop: 0/1 clientReader: read tcp [::1]:42130->[::1]:8080: use of closed network connection
2018/06/28 15:04:38 0/1 average clientReader rate: 13595 Mbps 33989 rcv/s
2018/06/28 15:04:38 clientReader: exiting: 0/1 [::1]:8080
2018/06/28 15:04:38 input:
14038 ┤ ╭────╮
13939 ┤──────────╯ ╰╮
13840 ┼ ╰─╮
13741 ┤ ╰╮ ╭──
13641 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13542 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭──╯
13443 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13344 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
13245 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13146 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
13047 ┤ ╰────╯
12948 ┤
2018/06/28 15:04:38 output:
13585 ┤ ╭────╮
13489 ┤──────────╯ ╰╮
13393 ┼ ╰─╮
13297 ┤ ╰╮ ╭──
13201 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
13105 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭──╯
13009 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
12914 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
12818 ┤ ╰╮ ╭───╯
12722 ┤ ╰─╮ ╭───╯
12626 ┤ ╰────╯
12530 ┤
2018/06/28 15:04:38 handleConnectionClient: closing: 0/1 [::1]:8080
对于完整的 TLS 设置,请生成(全部为 PEM 格式):
您可以在“certs”make 目标中使用最小设置,或者查看文件夹 test/certs 以获取可能适用于各种用例的简单本地测试设置。