带有 Flutter 的全栈 Amazon 克隆应用程序!
全栈工作亚马逊克隆应用程序与管理仪表板使用Flutter和后端与NodeJs和MongoDB + Atlas。
该项目是一个用于 Amazon 克隆的全栈应用程序,带有管理面板和服务器端 Flutter 和 Nodejs 应用程序。
lib -> features -> admin -> services -> admin_services.dart
project -> server -> index.js -> const DB = "mongodb+srv://***" // Please Enter your MongoDB URL
lib -> constants -> global_variables.dart file
,替换为您的 IP 地址。要运行服务器,请运行以下命令:
npm install
npm run dev (for continuous development)
npm start (to run script 1 time)
在开始之前,您需要安装 Flutter。
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/RathaKrishna/flutter_amazon_clone.git
# Access
$ cd amazon_clone
# Pull dependencies
$ flutter pub get
# Run the project (emulator or physical device needs to be connected first)
$ flutter run
# Build an apk
$ flutter build apk --split-per-abi