flipperzero firmware wPlugins
该固件是所有Flipper零社区项目的叉子!我们没有付费。我将保持RM自定义固件的最前沿,并从所有项目中进行积极开发和更新,这些项目对社区有用。尽管该固件具有独有的功能,但Flipper零社区的其余部分也有许多更新。在整个社区的帮助下,我们获得了最好的固件!有关大多数项目的列表,请参见RM游戏和插件。 DISCORD-构建 - 安装说明 - 更多链接以及如何 - 从OFW-支持RM自定义固件 - Patreon | 该软件仅用于实验目的,不适合任何非法活动/目的。我们不容忍非法活动,并强烈鼓励将传输传输到法律允许的法律/有效用途。 |
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
2024-11-19 22:42 EST
2024-11-19 22:42 EST
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins.git
$ cd flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/
$ ./fbt updater_package
# FAPS placed at assets/resources/apps on BUILD
# Install this folder on your flipper dist/f7-C/f7-update-RM420FAP
# If building animation assets:
$ ./fbt dolphin_ext
文件夹应由您管理!复制此文件夹(RM SELECT)或此文件夹(RM Minimal),如果您不想完成工作,但需要更多动画。Load from Library File
并在SD上使用此文件。更新忽略标志为true以释放您的脚钳!Req: Video Game Module By Flipper Devices
Req: Video Game Module By Flipper Devices
Req: Video Game Module By Flipper Devices
Req: NRF24
(使用Azerty键盘 - 源未知)Uses: COM-port
Req: ESP32
Req: BMI160
Req: ESP32-CAM
Req: CAN Commander Board
Req: CANBUS By ElectronicCats
Req: ESP8266
原始Req: Parallax (3 wires) SKU 28015
Req: HC-SR04
Req: ESP8266
Req: E220-900T22S(JP)
Req: ESP8266 or ESP32
Req: ESP32
Req: ESP32
和ESP32 FWReq: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: ESP32-CAM (Mayhem)
Req: W5500
Req: ESP32S2
Req: ESP32S2
带有FliperHTTP固件Req: ESP32S2
带有FliperHTTP固件Req: ESP32S2
带有FliperHTTP固件Req: ESP32S2
Req: ESP32S2
Req: Flippy Sensor Board
Req: BME680 / SGP30
Req: GB Link Cable / Malveke
Req: ESP32
与幽灵ESP固件Req: NMEA 0183
Req: HC-11
Req: ESP8266 w/ IFTTT FW Flashed
Req: BH1750/MAX44009
Req: SX1262 By ElectronicCats
Req: SX1262 By ElectronicCats
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Malveke
Req: Modbus By ElectronicCats
Req: NRF24
Req: NRF24
Req: NRF24
Req: NRF24
Req: Plantower PMS5003/PMS7003/PMS9003
Req: ESP32S2
Req: RCWL-0516
Req: RadSens
Req: External SD Board
Req: SI4713
Req: M6e Nano UHF RFID Reader & Raspberry Pi Zero
Req: RCWL-0516
Req: ESP32
带ESP32 Spotify RemoteReq: BMP180/BMP280/BME280/BME680/DHT11/DHT22(AM2302)/AM2301/AM2320/HTU2XD/HTU21x/HDC1080/MAX31855/MAX6675/SCD30
Req: M100 or QM100
Req: ICM42688, or Video Game Module By Flipper Devices
Req: ESP32S2
with FliperHTTP FirmwareWIP Req: ESP32
Req: ESP8266
Req: ESP32
with ESP32 MARAUDER FirmwareReq: ESP32
Bluetooth Audio
APP to allow flipper to pair to external speaker or headphones for wav/mp3 playback ($200 USD in ETH or BTC) (Don't think this is possible)