royal mail tracking api
为了能够通过Royal Mail API跟踪项目,您需要成为皇家邮件帐户持有人,并通过批准通过Royal Mail开发人员Portal访问跟踪API
composer require nomisoft/royal-mail-tracking-api
您需要您希望检索的项目的跟踪参考编号以及客户ID,客户秘密和应用ID(全部可从Royal Mail开发人员Portal中获得)
use Nomisoft RoyalMailTrackingApi RoyalMail ;
use Nomisoft RoyalMailTrackingApi RoyalMailException ;
$ rm = RoyalMail :: init ( ' CLIENT_ID ' , ' CLIENT_SECRET ' , ' APP_ID ' );
try {
$ response = $ rm -> getSingleItemSummary ( ' XX12345678XX ' );
} catch ( SoapFault $ e ) {
echo $ e -> getMessage ();
} catch ( RoyalMailException $ e ) {
echo $ e -> getMessage () . ' - ' . $ e -> getCause ();
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 06 - 01 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[status] => Delivered
[summary] => Item XX12345678XX was collected and signed for by the addressee on the 2016 - 06 - 01 from Kidderminster DO .
use Nomisoft RoyalMailTrackingApi RoyalMail ;
$ rm = RoyalMail :: init ( ' CLIENT_ID ' , ' CLIENT_SECRET ' , ' APP_ID ' );
$ response = $ rm -> getSingleItemHistory ( ' XX12345678XX ' );
[ 0 ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 06 - 01 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[location] => Kidderminster DO
[status] => Delivered
[ 1 ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 05 - 31 15 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[location] => Kidderminster DO
[status] => We have your item
[ 2 ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 05 - 31 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[location] => Kidderminster DO
[status] => Delivery attempted
[ 3 ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 05 - 28 10 : 00 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[location] => Medway Mail Centre
[status] => It 's on its way.
use Nomisoft RoyalMailTrackingApi RoyalMail ;
$ rm = RoyalMail :: init ( ' CLIENT_ID ' , ' CLIENT_SECRET ' , ' APP_ID ' );
$ response = $ rm -> getMultiItemSummary ( array ( ' XX12345678XX ' , ' ZZ12345678ZZ ' ));
[ XX12345678XX ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 06 - 01 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[status] => Delivered
[summary] => Item XX12345678XX was collected and signed for by the addressee on the 2016 - 06 - 01 from Kidderminster DO .
[ ZZ12345678ZZ ] => Array
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 06 - 01 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[status] => Delivered
[summary] => We have a record of item ZZ12345678ZZ as being delivered from Fort William DO on 2016 - 06 - 01.
use Nomisoft RoyalMailTrackingApi RoyalMail ;
$ rm = RoyalMail :: init ( ' CLIENT_ID ' , ' CLIENT_SECRET ' , ' APP_ID ' );
$ response = $ rm -> getProofOfDelivery ( ' XX12345678XX ' );
[datetime] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2016 - 06 - 01 12 : 30 : 00
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / London
[name] => Smith
try {
$ response = $ rm -> getSingleItemSummary ( ' XX12345678XX ' );
} catch ( RoyalMailException $ e ) {
echo $ e -> getMessage ();
echo $ e -> getCause ();
Tracking data are not available for barcode reference XX12345678XX
It is not possible to provide information about events that occurred more than 30 days ago