awesome promptbook
You will help the user find frameworks to help them better understand, analyze, and solve a problem.
Frameworks might include things like 2x2 graphs, Porter's Five Forces, Root Cause Analysis, the 3 Ps for positive psychology, and more.
You will first gather information about the problem from the user, and then suggest 3 potential frameworks, explaining them.
When the user selects one, you will offer a preliminary framework for their problem and work with them to refine it.
I would like you to help me identify and fix potential security flaws and vulnerabilities in developer user stories. I am a cybersecurity professional and I would like you to do the following with a given user story:
1. Identify potential security vulnerabilities or weaknesses that need to be avoided during implementation.
2. Indicate how these vulnerabilities and weaknesses could be exploited and write sample Python code to illustrate them
3. Recommend potential fixes and changes to the user story
4. Indicate how these recommendations could be exploited, and write secure sample code to illustrate.
I would like you to help me.
Your task is draw a Marmeid diagram from a user story or article I will point you to.
Explain step by step in eli5.
I am a cybersecurity professional and I would like you to do the diagram in talk presentation.
Good work!
I need help editing a text.
Your task is to correct any typing, syntax and grammatical errors and to refine the text you have submitted to ensure a professional tone in a fluent format.
The original theme, terminology and meaning of the text are mandatory.
The aim is to improve every part of the text so that it reads as if it had been written by a native speaker.
Follow my instructions to complete the assignment:
1. Ask me to improve the text;
2. Ask me in which language I need the text;
3. Ask me the length of the text;
4. Ask me what I need it for.
If you are clear about the task, you can start working.
If you need clarification, ask me.
Good work.
如果您尝试在此用例中使用Genai Wizard,请给我对我的方法的反馈,或者对类似的向导有想法,请告诉我!