# Clone this repository.
git clone
cd install_aspera_connect
# Install latest version of Aspera Connect (linux 64-bit).
现在可以使用Aspera Connect:
确保TCP和UDP端口33001可以从您运行Aspera Connect的机器上的Internet打开和访问,否则您会看到这样的错误:
Session Stop (Error: Client unable to connect to server (check UDP port and firewall))
Aspera Connect文档
# Download SRA file directly with ascp:
~ /.aspera/connect/bin/ascp
-i ~ /.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
-l 1000m
[email protected]:data/sracloud/traces/sra46/SRR/005227/SRR5353377
# Convert SRA file to gzipped FASTQ files with fastq-dump (SRA toolkit).
fastq-dump --gzip --split-files SRR5353377.sra
# Convert SRA file to FASTQ with fasterq-dump (SRA toolkit) and compress FASTQ files with gzip.
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR5353377.sra
gzip SRR5353377_1.fastq
gzip SRR5353377_2.fastq
使用Prefetch下载SRA文件(使用ASCP( -t fasp
# Use prefetch (SRA toolkit) to download SRA file:
# - SRA files will be written to: $HOME/ncbi/public/sra/
# - If your HOME dir is constrained in space, make a symlink:
# ln -s /dir_with_lots_of_free_space/ncbi ${HOME}/ncbi
prefetch -v -t fasp SRR5353377
# Convert SRA file to gzipped FASTQ files with fastq-dump (SRA toolkit).
fastq-dump --gzip --split-files SRR5353377
# Convert SRA file to FASTQ with fasterq-dump (SRA toolkit) and compress FASTQ files with gzip.
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR5353377
gzip SRR5353377_1.fastq
gzip SRR5353377_2.fastq
~ /.aspera/connect/bin/ascp
-i ~ /.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
-l 100M
[email protected]:vol1/ftp/release/20100804/ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes.vcf.gz ./
ascp -QT -l 300m -P33001 -i /etc/aperaweb_id_dsa.openssh [email protected]:/vol1/ERA012/ERA012008/sff/library08_GJ6U61T06.sff .
~ /.aspera/connect/bin/ascp
-i ~ /.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
-l 300m
[email protected]:vol1/ftp/release/20100804/ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes.vcf.gz ./