old man yells at
這是改進 Slack 表情符號遊戲的完美工具包。
查看存儲庫以獲取一些預先烘焙的大喊大叫!有超過 500 種叫喊可供選擇!
造訪 oncilla.github.io/old-man-yells-at/,讓 Abe 在瀏覽器中舒適地大喊大叫!所有程式碼都在您的瀏覽器中本地執行,並且圖像不會離開您的電腦。
我們在 GitHub 版本上提供靜態建置的 CLI 二進位。從資產下載適合您的平台的捆綁包並在本地運行。
如果您安裝了 Go 工具鏈,您也可以透過執行以下命令來安裝 CLI:
go install github.com/oncilla/old-man-yells-at/cmd/old-man-yells-at@latest
Enjoy Abe yelling at stuff!
Provide an target image and Abe Simpson will yell at.
By default, the resulting image is created in the current working directory
as 'old-man-yells-at-<target-basename>.png'. If Abe should redirect his yelling,
you have the following options:
- <filename>.png: Create image at the specified filename.
- png: Create image at 'old-man-yells-at-<target-basename>.png'.
- hex: Write image hex-encoded to stdout.
- b64: Write image b64-encoded to stdout.
old-man-yells-at <target-file> [flags]
old-man-yells-at [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generates shell completion scripts
help Help about any command
version Show the version information
-h, --help help for old-man-yells-at
-o, --output string [png, b64, hex, <filename>.png] (default "png")
Use "old-man-yells-at [command] --help" for more information about a command.
若要重新產生 WebAssembly 套件,請執行下列命令:
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o ./docs/yell-at.wasm ./cmd/wasm/