pip install thumb
import os
import thumb
# Set your API key: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
os . environ [ "OPENAI_API_KEY" ] = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
prompt_a = "tell me a joke"
prompt_b = "tell me a family friendly joke"
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ])
預設情況下,每個提示非同步運行 10 次,這比順序運行快大約 9 倍。在 Jupyter Notebooks 中,會顯示一個簡單的使用者介面,用於盲評回應(您看不到哪個提示產生了回應)。
:平均運行提示成本的估計筆記本中會顯示一個簡單的報告,完整的資料將保存到 CSV 檔案thumb/ThumbTest-{TestID}.csv
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
prompt_a = "tell me a joke in the style of {comedian}"
prompt_b = "tell me a family friendly joke in the style of {comedian}"
# set test cases with different input variables
cases = [
{ "comedian" : "chris rock" },
{ "comedian" : "ricky gervais" },
{ "comedian" : "robin williams" }
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ], cases )
每個測試案例都將針對每個提示模板運行,因此在本範例中,您將獲得6 個組合(3 個測試案例x 2 個提示模板),每個組合將運行10 次(總共60 次對OpenAI的調用)。每個測試案例必須包含提示範本中每個變數的值。
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
prompt_a = "tell me a joke about {subject} in the style of {comedian}"
prompt_b = "tell me a family friendly joke about {subject} in the style of {comedian}"
# set test cases with different input variables
cases = [
{ "subject" : "joe biden" , "comedian" : "chris rock" },
{ "subject" : "joe biden" , "comedian" : "ricky gervais" },
{ "subject" : "donald trump" , "comedian" : "chris rock" },
{ "subject" : "donald trump" , "comedian" : "ricky gervais" },
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ], cases )
每個案例都會針對每個提示進行測試,以便在給定相同輸入資料的情況下對每個提示的效能進行公平比較。透過 4 個測試案例和 2 個提示,您將獲得 8 種組合(4 個測試案例 x 2 個提示模板),每個組合將運行 10 次(總共 80 次對 OpenAI 的呼叫)。
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
prompt_a = "tell me a joke"
prompt_b = "tell me a family friendly joke"
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ], models = [ "gpt-4" , "gpt-3.5-turbo" ])
這將針對每個模型運行每個提示,以便在給定相同輸入資料的情況下對每個提示的效能進行公平比較。透過 2 個提示和 2 個模型,您將獲得 4 種組合(2 個提示 x 2 個模型),每個組合將運行 10 次(總共 40 次呼叫 OpenAI)。
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
system_message = "You are the comedian {comedian}"
prompt_a = [ system_message , "tell me a funny joke about {subject}" ]
prompt_b = [ system_message , "tell me a hillarious joke {subject}" ]
cases = [{ "subject" : "joe biden" , "comedian" : "chris rock" },
{ "subject" : "donald trump" , "comedian" : "chris rock" }]
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ], cases )
提示可以是字串或字串陣列。如果提示是數組,則第一個字串用作系統訊息,其餘提示在人類訊息和助理訊息之間交替( [system, human, ai, human, ai, ...]
)。這對於測試包含系統訊息或使用預熱的提示(將先前的訊息插入聊天中以引導 AI 實現所需的行為)非常有用。
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
system_message = "You are the comedian {comedian}"
prompt_a = [ system_message , # system
"tell me a funny joke about {subject}" , # human
"Sorry, as an AI language model, I am not capable of humor" , # assistant
"That's fine just try your best" ] # human
prompt_b = [ system_message , # system
"tell me a hillarious joke about {subject}" , # human
"Sorry, as an AI language model, I am not capable of humor" , # assistant
"That's fine just try your best" ] # human
cases = [{ "subject" : "joe biden" , "comedian" : "chris rock" },
{ "subject" : "donald trump" , "comedian" : "chris rock" }]
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ], cases )
測試完成後,您將獲得一份完整的評估報告,按 PID、CID 和型號細分,以及按所有組合細分的總體報告。如果您只測試一種模型或一種情況,這些故障將被丟棄。報告底部顯示一個按鍵,可查看哪個 ID 對應於哪個提示或案例。
)如果您使用 2 個提示範本和 3 個測試案例執行 10 次測試,則需要10 x 2 x 3 = 60
呼叫 OpenAI。請注意:特別是使用 GPT-4 時,成本會迅速增加!
設定為環境變數(可選),則會自動啟用對 LangSmith 的 Langchain 追蹤。
# set up a prompt templates for the a/b test
prompt_a = "tell me a joke"
prompt_b = "tell me a family friendly joke"
# generate the responses
test = thumb . test ([ prompt_a , prompt_b ])
# add more prompts
test . add_prompts ([ "tell me a knock knock joke" , "tell me a knock knock joke about {subject}" ])
# add more cases
test . add_cases ([{ "subject" : "joe biden" }, { "subject" : "donald trump" }])
# run each prompt and case 5 more times
test . add_runs ( 5 )
# generate the responses
test . generate ()
# rate the responses
test . evaluate ()
# export the test data for analysis
test . export_to_csv ()
每個提示模板從每個測試案例獲取相同的輸入數據,但提示不需要使用測試案例中的所有變數。如上例所示, tell me a knock knock joke
在為提示和大小寫組合產生每組運行後,測試資料緩存在本機 JSON 檔案thumb/.cache/{TestID}.json
# load a previous test
test_id = "abcd1234" # replace with your test id
test = thumb . load ( f"thumb/.cache/ { test_id } .json" )
# run each prompt and case 2 more times
test . add_runs ( 2 )
# generate the responses
test . generate ()
# rate the responses
test . evaluate ()
# export the test data for analysis
test . export_to_csv ()
僅使用 ChatGPT 的人和在生產中使用 AI 的人之間的差異在於評估。法學碩士的反應是不確定的,因此測試在各種場景中擴展時的結果非常重要。如果沒有評估框架,您將只能盲目地猜測提示中的內容有效(或無效)。
是為了好玩。 ?
錘子山 |