一個最合理的 JavaScript 方法
注意:本指南假設您使用 Babel,並要求您使用 babel-preset-airbnb 或同等產品。它還假設您正在應用程式中安裝 shims/polyfills,使用 airbnb-browser-shims 或類似工具。
const foo = 1 ;
let bar = foo ;
bar = 9 ;
console . log ( foo , bar ) ; // => 1, 9
const foo = [ 1 , 2 ] ;
const bar = foo ;
bar [ 0 ] = 9 ;
console . log ( foo [ 0 ] , bar [ 0 ] ) ; // => 9, 9
⬆ 回到頂部
2.1 對所有引用使用const
。 eslint: prefer-const
, no-const-assign
// bad
var a = 1 ;
var b = 2 ;
// good
const a = 1 ;
const b = 2 ;
2.2 如果必須重新分配引用,請使用let
。 eslint: no-var
// bad
var count = 1 ;
if ( true ) {
count += 1 ;
// good, use the let.
let count = 1 ;
if ( true ) {
count += 1 ;
2.3 請注意, let
// const and let only exist in the blocks they are defined in.
let a = 1 ;
const b = 1 ;
var c = 1 ;
console . log ( a ) ; // ReferenceError
console . log ( b ) ; // ReferenceError
console . log ( c ) ; // Prints 1
會產生 ReferenceError,而c
⬆ 回到頂部
3.1 使用文字語法建立物件。 eslint: no-new-object
// bad
const item = new Object ( ) ;
// good
const item = { } ;
3.2 建立具有動態屬性名稱的物件時,使用計算屬性名稱。
function getKey ( k ) {
return `a key named ${ k } ` ;
// bad
const obj = {
id : 5 ,
name : 'San Francisco' ,
} ;
obj [ getKey ( 'enabled' ) ] = true ;
// good
const obj = {
id : 5 ,
name : 'San Francisco' ,
[ getKey ( 'enabled' ) ] : true ,
} ;
3.3 使用物件方法簡寫。 eslint: object-shorthand
// bad
const atom = {
value : 1 ,
addValue : function ( value ) {
return atom . value + value ;
} ,
} ;
// good
const atom = {
value : 1 ,
addValue ( value ) {
return atom . value + value ;
} ,
} ;
3.4 使用屬性值簡寫。 eslint: object-shorthand
const lukeSkywalker = 'Luke Skywalker' ;
// bad
const obj = {
lukeSkywalker : lukeSkywalker ,
} ;
// good
const obj = {
lukeSkywalker ,
} ;
3.5 在物件聲明的開頭對速記屬性進行分組。
const anakinSkywalker = 'Anakin Skywalker' ;
const lukeSkywalker = 'Luke Skywalker' ;
// bad
const obj = {
episodeOne : 1 ,
twoJediWalkIntoACantina : 2 ,
lukeSkywalker ,
episodeThree : 3 ,
mayTheFourth : 4 ,
anakinSkywalker ,
} ;
// good
const obj = {
lukeSkywalker ,
anakinSkywalker ,
episodeOne : 1 ,
twoJediWalkIntoACantina : 2 ,
episodeThree : 3 ,
mayTheFourth : 4 ,
} ;
3.6 僅引用無效標識符的屬性。 eslint: quote-props
為什麼?一般來說,我們主觀上認為它更容易閱讀。它改進了語法高亮,也更容易被許多 JS 引擎優化。
// bad
const bad = {
'foo' : 3 ,
'bar' : 4 ,
'data-blah' : 5 ,
} ;
// good
const good = {
foo : 3 ,
bar : 4 ,
'data-blah' : 5 ,
} ;
3.7 不要直接呼叫Object.prototype
、 propertyIsEnumerable
。 eslint: no-prototype-builtins
為什麼?這些方法可能會受到相關物件的屬性的影響 - 考慮
{ hasOwnProperty: false }
- 或者,該物件可能是空物件 (Object.create(null)
)。在支援 ES2022 或使用諸如 https://npmjs.com/object.hasown 之類的 polyfill 的現代瀏覽器中,Object.hasOwn
// bad
console . log ( object . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) ;
// good
console . log ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( object , key ) ) ;
// better
const has = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; // cache the lookup once, in module scope.
console . log ( has . call ( object , key ) ) ;
// best
console . log ( Object . hasOwn ( object , key ) ) ; // only supported in browsers that support ES2022
/* or */
import has from 'has' ; // https://www.npmjs.com/package/has
console . log ( has ( object , key ) ) ;
/* or */
console . log ( Object . hasOwn ( object , key ) ) ; // https://www.npmjs.com/package/object.hasown
3.8 對於淺複製對象,偏好使用對象擴展語法而不是Object.assign
。使用物件剩餘參數語法來取得省略某些屬性的新物件。 eslint: prefer-object-spread
// very bad
const original = { a : 1 , b : 2 } ;
const copy = Object . assign ( original , { c : 3 } ) ; // this mutates `original` ಠ_ಠ
delete copy . a ; // so does this
// bad
const original = { a : 1 , b : 2 } ;
const copy = Object . assign ( { } , original , { c : 3 } ) ; // copy => { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
// good
const original = { a : 1 , b : 2 } ;
const copy = { ... original , c : 3 } ; // copy => { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
const { a , ... noA } = copy ; // noA => { b: 2, c: 3 }
⬆ 回到頂部
4.1 使用文字語法建立陣列。 eslint: no-array-constructor
// bad
const items = new Array ( ) ;
// good
const items = [ ] ;
4.2 使用Array#push而不是直接賦值來將項目加入陣列。
const someStack = [ ] ;
// bad
someStack [ someStack . length ] = 'abracadabra' ;
// good
someStack . push ( 'abracadabra' ) ;
4.3 使用陣列擴充...
// bad
const len = items . length ;
const itemsCopy = [ ] ;
let i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i += 1 ) {
itemsCopy [ i ] = items [ i ] ;
// good
const itemsCopy = [ ... items ] ;
4.4 若要將可迭代物件轉換為數組,請使用 spread ...
const foo = document . querySelectorAll ( '.foo' ) ;
// good
const nodes = Array . from ( foo ) ;
// best
const nodes = [ ... foo ] ;
4.5 使用Array.from
const arrLike = { 0 : 'foo' , 1 : 'bar' , 2 : 'baz' , length : 3 } ;
// bad
const arr = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arrLike ) ;
// good
const arr = Array . from ( arrLike ) ;
4.6 使用Array.from
而不是 spread ...
// bad
const baz = [ ... foo ] . map ( bar ) ;
// good
const baz = Array . from ( foo , bar ) ;
4.7 在陣列方法回呼中使用 return 語句。如果函數體由傳回一個沒有副作用的表達式的單一語句組成,則可以省略 return,如下 8.2 所示。 eslint: array-callback-return
// good
[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . map ( ( x ) => {
const y = x + 1 ;
return x * y ;
} ) ;
// good
[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . map ( ( x ) => x + 1 ) ;
// bad - no returned value means `acc` becomes undefined after the first iteration
[ [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 ] ] . reduce ( ( acc , item , index ) => {
const flatten = acc . concat ( item ) ;
} ) ;
// good
[ [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 ] ] . reduce ( ( acc , item , index ) => {
const flatten = acc . concat ( item ) ;
return flatten ;
} ) ;
// bad
inbox . filter ( ( msg ) => {
const { subject , author } = msg ;
if ( subject === 'Mockingbird' ) {
return author === 'Harper Lee' ;
} else {
return false ;
} ) ;
// good
inbox . filter ( ( msg ) => {
const { subject , author } = msg ;
if ( subject === 'Mockingbird' ) {
return author === 'Harper Lee' ;
return false ;
} ) ;
4.8 如果陣列有多行,則在左數組括號之後和右數組括號之前使用換行符
// bad
const arr = [
[ 0 , 1 ] , [ 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 ] ,
] ;
const objectInArray = [ {
id : 1 ,
} , {
id : 2 ,
} ] ;
const numberInArray = [
1 , 2 ,
] ;
// good
const arr = [ [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 ] ] ;
const objectInArray = [
id : 1 ,
} ,
id : 2 ,
} ,
] ;
const numberInArray = [
1 ,
2 ,
] ;
⬆ 回到頂部
5.1 存取和使用物件的多個屬性時使用物件解構。 eslint: prefer-destructuring
// bad
function getFullName ( user ) {
const firstName = user . firstName ;
const lastName = user . lastName ;
return ` ${ firstName } ${ lastName } ` ;
// good
function getFullName ( user ) {
const { firstName , lastName } = user ;
return ` ${ firstName } ${ lastName } ` ;
// best
function getFullName ( { firstName , lastName } ) {
return ` ${ firstName } ${ lastName } ` ;
5.2 使用數組解構。 eslint: prefer-destructuring
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ;
// bad
const first = arr [ 0 ] ;
const second = arr [ 1 ] ;
// good
const [ first , second ] = arr ;
5.3 對多個回傳值使用物件解構,而非陣列解構。
// bad
function processInput ( input ) {
// then a miracle occurs
return [ left , right , top , bottom ] ;
// the caller needs to think about the order of return data
const [ left , __ , top ] = processInput ( input ) ;
// good
function processInput ( input ) {
// then a miracle occurs
return { left , right , top , bottom } ;
// the caller selects only the data they need
const { left , top } = processInput ( input ) ;
⬆ 回到頂部
6.1 對字串使用單引號''
。 eslint: quotes
// bad
const name = "Capt. Janeway" ;
// bad - template literals should contain interpolation or newlines
const name = `Capt. Janeway` ;
// good
const name = 'Capt. Janeway' ;
6.2 導致行超過 100 個字元的字串不應使用字串連接跨多行寫入。
// bad
const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because
of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do
with this, you would get nowhere
fast.' ;
// bad
const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because ' +
'of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do ' +
'with this, you would get nowhere fast.' ;
// good
const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast.' ;
6.3 以程式設計方式建構字串時,使用模板字串而不是串聯。 eslint: prefer-template
// bad
function sayHi ( name ) {
return 'How are you, ' + name + '?' ;
// bad
function sayHi ( name ) {
return [ 'How are you, ' , name , '?' ] . join ( ) ;
// bad
function sayHi ( name ) {
return `How are you, ${ name } ?` ;
// good
function sayHi ( name ) {
return `How are you, ${ name } ?` ;
;它打開了太多的漏洞。 eslint: no-eval
6.5 不要對字串中不必要的字元進行轉義。 eslint: no-useless-escape