是用來處理音訊的 Python 函式庫:讀取、寫入、渲染、新增效果等。它支援最受歡迎的音訊檔案格式和許多開箱即用的常見音訊效果,還允許使用 VST3® 和 Audio Unit 格式載入第三方軟體樂器和效果。
由 Spotify 的音訊智慧實驗室構建,可在 Python 和 TensorFlow 中使用工作室品質的音訊效果。在 Spotify 內部, pedalboard
用於資料增強,以改進機器學習模型並幫助支援 Spotify 的 AI DJ 和 AI 語音翻譯等功能。 pedalboard
、 Distortion
、 Phaser
、 Clipping
、 Gain
、 Limiter
、 LadderFilter
、 LowpassFilter
、 Delay
、 Reverb
、 MP3Compressor
、 Bitcrush
管道中使用! pedalboard
可透過 PyPI 使用(透過 Platform Wheels):
pip install pedalboard # That's it! No other dependencies required.
如果您是 Python 新手,請按照 取得可靠指南。
使用 Python 3.8、3.9、3.10、3.11、3.12 和 3.13 進行了全面測試。
(Intel/AMD) 和aarch64
(ARM/Apple Silicon) 建造的平台manylinux
(x86-64、Intel/AMD)的平台輪注意:如果您更願意觀看影片而不是閱讀範例或文檔,請觀看 YouTube 上的使用 Python 中的音訊 (feat. Pedalboard) 。
from pedalboard import Pedalboard , Chorus , Reverb
from pedalboard . io import AudioFile
# Make a Pedalboard object, containing multiple audio plugins:
board = Pedalboard ([ Chorus (), Reverb ( room_size = 0.25 )])
# Open an audio file for reading, just like a regular file:
with AudioFile ( 'some-file.wav' ) as f :
# Open an audio file to write to:
with AudioFile ( 'output.wav' , 'w' , f . samplerate , f . num_channels ) as o :
# Read one second of audio at a time, until the file is empty:
while f . tell () < f . frames :
chunk = f . read ( f . samplerate )
# Run the audio through our pedalboard:
effected = board ( chunk , f . samplerate , reset = False )
# Write the output to our output file:
o . write ( effected )
注意:有關如何透過 Pedalboard 插件處理音訊的更多信息,包括
# Don't do import *! (It just makes this example smaller)
from pedalboard import *
from pedalboard . io import AudioFile
# Read in a whole file, resampling to our desired sample rate:
samplerate = 44100.0
with AudioFile ( 'guitar-input.wav' ). resampled_to ( samplerate ) as f :
audio = f . read ( f . frames )
# Make a pretty interesting sounding guitar pedalboard:
board = Pedalboard ([
Compressor ( threshold_db = - 50 , ratio = 25 ),
Gain ( gain_db = 30 ),
Chorus (),
LadderFilter ( mode = LadderFilter . Mode . HPF12 , cutoff_hz = 900 ),
Phaser (),
Convolution ( "./guitar_amp.wav" , 1.0 ),
Reverb ( room_size = 0.25 ),
# Pedalboard objects behave like lists, so you can add plugins:
board . append ( Compressor ( threshold_db = - 25 , ratio = 10 ))
board . append ( Gain ( gain_db = 10 ))
board . append ( Limiter ())
# ... or change parameters easily:
board [ 0 ]. threshold_db = - 40
# Run the audio through this pedalboard!
effected = board ( audio , samplerate )
# Write the audio back as a wav file:
with AudioFile ( 'processed-output.wav' , 'w' , samplerate , effected . shape [ 0 ]) as f :
f . write ( effected )
from pedalboard import Pedalboard , Reverb , load_plugin
from pedalboard . io import AudioFile
from mido import Message # not part of Pedalboard, but convenient!
# Load a VST3 or Audio Unit plugin from a known path on disk:
instrument = load_plugin ( "./VSTs/Magical8BitPlug2.vst3" )
effect = load_plugin ( "./VSTs/RoughRider3.vst3" )
print ( effect . parameters . keys ())
# dict_keys([
# 'sc_hpf_hz', 'input_lvl_db', 'sensitivity_db',
# 'ratio', 'attack_ms', 'release_ms', 'makeup_db',
# 'mix', 'output_lvl_db', 'sc_active',
# 'full_bandwidth', 'bypass', 'program',
# ])
# Set the "ratio" parameter to 15
effect . ratio = 15
# Render some audio by passing MIDI to an instrument:
sample_rate = 44100
audio = instrument (
[ Message ( "note_on" , note = 60 ), Message ( "note_off" , note = 60 , time = 5 )],
duration = 5 , # seconds
sample_rate = sample_rate ,
# Apply effects to this audio:
effected = effect ( audio , sample_rate )
# ...or put the effect into a chain with other plugins:
board = Pedalboard ([ effect , Reverb ()])
# ...and run that pedalboard with the same VST instance!
effected = board ( audio , sample_rate )
此範例透過在相同音訊上並行運行多個踏板來建立延遲變調效果。 Pedalboard
from pedalboard import Pedalboard , Compressor , Delay , Distortion , Gain , PitchShift , Reverb , Mix
passthrough = Gain ( gain_db = 0 )
delay_and_pitch_shift = Pedalboard ([
Delay ( delay_seconds = 0.25 , mix = 1.0 ),
PitchShift ( semitones = 7 ),
Gain ( gain_db = - 3 ),
delay_longer_and_more_pitch_shift = Pedalboard ([
Delay ( delay_seconds = 0.5 , mix = 1.0 ),
PitchShift ( semitones = 12 ),
Gain ( gain_db = - 6 ),
board = Pedalboard ([
# Put a compressor at the front of the chain:
Compressor (),
# Run all of these pedalboards simultaneously with the Mix plugin:
Mix ([
passthrough ,
delay_and_pitch_shift ,
delay_longer_and_more_pitch_shift ,
# Add a reverb on the final mix:
Reverb ()
物件串流即時音頻,允許透過在 Python 中添加效果來即時操作音頻。
from pedalboard import Pedalboard , Chorus , Compressor , Delay , Gain , Reverb , Phaser
from pedalboard . io import AudioStream
# Open up an audio stream:
with AudioStream (
input_device_name = "Apogee Jam+" , # Guitar interface
output_device_name = "MacBook Pro Speakers"
) as stream :
# Audio is now streaming through this pedalboard and out of your speakers!
stream . plugins = Pedalboard ([
Compressor ( threshold_db = - 50 , ratio = 25 ),
Gain ( gain_db = 30 ),
Chorus (),
Phaser (),
Convolution ( "./guitar_amp.wav" , 1.0 ),
Reverb ( room_size = 0.25 ),
input ( "Press enter to stop streaming..." )
# The live AudioStream is now closed, and audio has stopped.
管道中使用 Pedalboard import tensorflow as tf
sr = 48000
# Put whatever plugins you like in here:
plugins = pedalboard . Pedalboard ([ pedalboard . Gain (), pedalboard . Reverb ()])
# Make a dataset containing random noise:
# NOTE: for real training, here's where you'd want to load your audio somehow:
ds = tf . data . Dataset . from_tensor_slices ([ np . random . rand ( sr )])
# Apply our Pedalboard instance to the Pipeline:
ds = ds . map ( lambda audio : tf . numpy_function ( plugins . process , [ audio , sr ], tf . float32 ))
# Create and train a (dummy) ML model on this audio:
model = tf . keras . models . Sequential ([ tf . keras . layers . InputLayer ( input_shape = ( sr ,)), tf . keras . layers . Dense ( 1 )])
model . compile ( loss = "mse" )
model . fit ( ds . map ( lambda effected : ( effected , 1 )). batch ( 1 ), epochs = 10 )
,請使用 Zenodo 上的條目:
透過 BibTeX 引用:
author = {Sobot, Peter},
title = {Pedalboard},
month = jul,
year = 2021,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7817838},
url = {}
版權所有 2021-2024 Spotify AB。
根據 GNU 通用公共授權 v3 獲得許可。 pedalboard
函數使用 Rubber Band Library,該函式庫在商業許可證和 GPLv2(或更新版本)下獲得雙重許可。 FFTW 也用於加速 Rubber Band,並根據 GPLv2(或更新版本)獲得許可。MP3Compressor
外掛程式使用 LAME 專案中的 libmp3lame,該專案在 LGPLv2 下獲得許可,並升級到 GPLv3 以包含在該專案中(經 LGPLv2 允許)。GSMFullRateCompressor
外掛程式使用 libgsm,它在 ISC 授權下獲得許可並與 GPLv3 相容。VST 是 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH 的註冊商標。